Shabbat Beshalach 5780
02/04/2020 07:03:24 PM
Kehilla is community. We are a congregation, and we are also a community. Our community needs help, and it feels exciting to be part of a community that is coming together in support of the building construction and the Rabbi Salary fund we need to raise.
Todah Rabah to the members of our community who stepped up this month to help with the building construction and fund a Rabbi Salary:
David & Kerry Wolpo: $1800 "This donation is to help renovate the JCM building so JCM remains a strong, vibrant Jewish community. We challenge others in the Rocky Mountain Region to match or exceed our donation!"
Martin & Esther Capp Family Foundation
Phyllis Redfern
Diane Steinberg
Sheri Levin & Pat McNerthney
Eve Berman, DO.
Arthur & Jody Dodek
Welcome to our New and renewing Members:
Judith Neustadter
Sherry Halstead
Jordanna and Noah Dodek
The fifteenth of Shvat, or Tu B’shvat is a holiday that focuses on trees, and for the Kabbalists the tree stood for the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden, and for the Tree of Sefirot (divine emanations, each one a different aspect of Hashem).
Kabbalists in the community of mystics in Safed began to observe a Tu B'Shevat seder in the sixteenth century. The Kabbalists taught that it is on the New Year of trees that The Tree of Life/ Sefirot renews the flow of the life and divine energy to the world. They felt that it was the responsibility of those who grasped the mystical knowledge to help this process, which they could do by eating different kinds of fruit and saying blessings and relevant verses over the fruit to free the divine sparks hidden within them.
Shayna Naveh will be leading a Tu B'shvat seder again this year. If you attended last year, you know how special this event is. Our Tu B'Shevat celebration is scheduled for 6:00pm-8:00pm on Sunday February 9, at Heritage Hall in Paia, 401 Baldwin Ave.
Please RSVP so we know how much food to prepare. Click here to RSVP
Weekly Shul Schedule:
Tuesday February 4
6:30pm: Class: Ethics with Sam Shnider.
Via Zoom, using the following link:
Thursday, February 6
6:30pm - 7:00pm: Online Torah 101 for Teens with Sam Shnider.
Via Zoom, using the following link:
7:30pm - 8:30pm: Weekly Parsha with Kobi Gil.
Streaming live on Facebook, jewsonmaui
Friday, February 7
6:00pm: Evening Kabalat Shabbat , led by Sam Shnider. At the Lebowitz Family home, 1865 Kalia Way, Haiku
Saturday, February 8
Sunday, February 9
6:00pm-8:00pm: Tu B'Shevat Seder , led by Shayna Naveh. Heritage Hall, Paia, 401 Baldwin Ave.
Purim is Coming!
Purim is coming up in March, and a fabulous community Purim play is under development! Michael Lebowitz is driving this project. He is currently looking for a few more male and female singers to participate. If you want to join this very fun project, please email Michael.
Save the date: JCM Purim celebration Monday March 9, 5:30-6:30 kids megillah reading. 7:30 full Hebrew megillah reading with dramatic interludes.
Buy your homemade hamentashen today!
$18 for a dozen assorted flavors.
They will be ready for pick up at JCM on March 4.
More on Gift Card Email Scam
Several members of our community have been hit by an email phishing scam which scraped familiar names from our JCM website. We sent out an alert about this scam soon after it surfaced yesterday. You can read more about the scam in this Forward magazine article.
Join the Chai Life (formerly 1800 Club)!
Your $18 sustaining gift helps us with our monthly operating expenses. Over the years, your credit card may have expired, it may not have transferred into our new system, or you may have just forgotten to join. Your gift helps our sustainability on Maui...Thank you!
Please show your support with this monthly gift...
Under type click "1800 club"
Under pmt. amount click "indefinitely"
Toda Raba for your support of JCM!
Fun Fact: If everyone who received this email signs up for this program we would raise $9000 per month!
Everyday shopping brings money to JCM. Every time you start your sale (I just bookmark, Amazon will automatically give JCM a percentage of your sale. Every little bit adds up...thank you for designating JCM as your Amazon smiles charity.