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JCM Membership for 5785(July 2024-June 2025) 


JCM's Commitment to You:

JCM will continue to provide the physical and emotional space for everything Jewish: services, discussions, education, celebrations, and play. We are committed to holding the space for all things Jewish on Maui, for anyone who wants to join us!



Your Gift of Membership:

Please join our Summer Membership Drive


Dear JCM Members and Community,

Thank you so much for being a member, past member, or part of the general community of Jewish Congregation of Maui. I am writing to ask that you please renew your membership, or join as a new member, today. Our Summer Membership Drive ends August 18th and tickets to High Holidays are included with your membership. 

Join or renew here: You can also mail us a check or drop one by the synagogue.

At this time of year, as we renew our memberships, or perhaps join for the first time, we remember that it is you – our members and your contributions, both financial and service, on-island and off-island – that keep our doors open and our programs running, and allow us to be a light to our Maui community.

We have had a highly successful year transitioning to a lay-led community organization, with wonderful Shabbat services, Passover Seder, ongoing site improvements, and the excellent work of our Executive Director Kalo Yujuico and our engaged team of board members and volunteers. In the year ahead, we hope to share more moments, observances, and celebrations with you. Please join us for a pop-up social for members and new members Sunday, July 28 5-6pm, directly following our July board meeting. Come join us and let’s talk story. 

For any questions, please contact Kalo Yujuico at the number and contacts listed below.

Mahalo, Aloha, and Shalom,

Gabe Crane
Board President, Jewish Congregation of Maui



  • Membership tiers below. Please note that proof of residency (valid state id) is required
    Single membership $600+  Entitled for one vote. Priority seating for High Holidays
    Family membership*  $960+ Entitled for two votes. Family membership covers two adults and their children up to the age of 26 years old. Priority seating for High Holidays.
    Visitor (out of state/country) Single yearly membership $180+ Priority seating for High Holidays
    Visitor Family (out of state/country) yearly membership $360+ Priority seating for High Holidays
    Membership covers children up to the age of 26 years old. 
    Sustaining memberships -  $36/month or donations that amount up to  $600
    Appreciation membership  $18/month or donations that amount up to $300

    *If paying for full family membership and live out of state, you may be eligible for reciprocity during High Holidays and a letter can be sent to your home congregation. Please contact Kalo at for more details. 
    On the payment page...under "Pay This Amount" you will have the chance to pay this amount all at once or in monthly payments through June 30, 2025
    Thank you for your commitment to the Jewish Community on Maui!


Tue, March 4 2025 4 Adar 5785