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Shabbat Yitro 5780...updated!

02/13/2020 10:15:19 PM


Please note the updated information on the address for services this weekend and clarification on the style of service. A reminder post for the Noam Sienna book reading is also attached.

Shabbat Shalom!

Friday, February 14

6:00pm:  Shabbat  Service, led by Kobi Gil and Sam Shnider

Orthodox service with a mechitza

At the Gil Family home, 1088 South Kihei Road, Kihei 96753 

Please park on the street, and just walk on in!

Saturday, February 15

9:30am:  Shabbat Morning service, led by Kobi Gil and Sam Shnider

             Orthodox service with a mechitza. Torah study and discussion; no Torah reading

           At the Gil Family home, 1088 South Kihei Road, Kihei


Sunday, February 16


Sat, February 15 2025 17 Shevat 5785