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Shabbat Ki Tisa 5780

03/11/2020 07:39:52 AM



CORONAVIRUS: We are closely monitoring this virus. At this time, we are holding our Shabbat services and Pesach seder as usual since the risk in Hawaii is still low. If this changes, we will send a notice by email, and it will be posted on our website and on Facebook. We are aware that things can change quickly, and we will err on the side of caution if it is needed.

Our JCM Community Seder is on Wednesday, April 8 at 6:00pm

Click Here to Register today!

Welcome to this week's new and renewing members:

Andy Pells

Weekly Shul Schedule

Tuesday March 10

6:30pm: Class: Ethics with Sam Shnider.  

Via Zoom. Just before class time click the following link:

Thursday, March 12

6:30pm - 7:00pm: Online Torah 101 for Teens with Sam Shnider. 

Via Zoom, Just before class time click the following link:

7:30pm - 8:30pm:  Weekly Parsha with Kobi Gil.  

Streaming live on Facebook, jewsonmaui

Friday, March 13

6:00pm:  Kabbalat Shabbat, led by Sam Shnider at JCM

Saturday, March 14

9:30am:  Shabbat Morning service, led by Sam Shnider at JCM


Upcoming Events 

Wednesday March 25 @ 10:00am:  Book Club, at Beit Shalom.

This month we're reading We Were Strangers Once : A Novel by Betsy Carter. Friendship, love, and redemption in a circle of immigrants who flee Europe for 1930s-era New York City.  

March 25-29: Rabbi Shalom Bochner Interview visit. See the calendar at for schedule of events.

Wednesday, April 8 @ 6:00pm: JCM Community Seder. Click Here to Register today!!!

Monday, April 20: Hawaii Premier of "Big Sonia" by Maui filmmaker Leah Warshawski. A fundraising event for JCM...Details coming soon.

JCM Elections 2020

JCM Board of Directors elections are coming up in June.  Nominations are now open!  Please email your nominations (you can nominate yourself) for people you want to see shape our community going forward.

We are particularly looking for people with strong business and/or finance experience. If this is you, please consider serving your Maui Jewish community on the JCM Board of Directors.  

Click here to email us your nominations.

JCM Member Ellen Levinsky is Lahaina Arts Society's March featured artist.  FUN WITH FEATHERS is a colorful multi-media feast of  amazing parrot, peacock, pheasant, cockatiel feathers and hand-made paper she makes by recycling Maui junk mail.  The butterflies, dancers, turtles, and jewelry in this show will make you smile. This art show will be in the Banyan Tree Gallery from March 3 thru April 6.  Come visit when to talk story when  Ellen is demonstrating in the gallery every Tuesday from 11-4.  For more information call LAS 808-661-0111 or go to

Join the Chai Life (formerly 1800 Club)!

Your $18 sustaining gift helps us with our monthly operating expenses. Over the years, your credit card may have expired, it may not have transferred into our new system, or you may have just forgotten to join. Your gift helps our sustainability on Maui...Thank you!

Please show your support with this monthly gift...


Under type click "1800 club"

Under pmt. amount click "indefinitely"

Toda Raba for your support of JCM!


Fun Fact: If everyone who received this email signs up for this program we would raise $9000 per month!


Everyday shopping brings money to JCM. Every time you start your sale (I just bookmark, Amazon will automatically give JCM a percentage of your sale. Every little bit adds up...thank you for designating JCM as your Amazon smiles charity.


Sat, February 15 2025 17 Shevat 5785