Shabbat Vayikra 5780
03/24/2020 09:29:51 PM
This has been a tough few weeks for so many of us, filled with uncertainty; a time when we would come to our Jewish community for comfort and support. It was not easy to close our shul and cancel our community seder; we want to be here for you when you need us. Our online services were a great success this past week - see what else have planned on our new virtual site here.
It is important during these downturns that we have sustainable income so that we can be here for years to come for you, our children, and any Jew who lives on or visits Maui.
Your gift of $18 each month gives us a boost in our sustainability, for times just like this!
You can make sure inclusive Judaism continues on Maui.
(For Type select 1800 club, for Pay this amount select indefinitely)
We know many people in our community are affected by these economic times, and we know that many nonprofits are reaching out looking for support. We hope that your synagogue is high in your list of important organizations to support now and always. Please join the $18/month program, and if you can make a greater gift to JCM to help us through these hard times, Toda Raba.
Fun Fact: If everyone who received this email signs up for this program we would raise $9000 per month!
JCM Virtual Jewish Life Center
JCM has a Facebook Group to serve as a virtual Jewish community for us during the COVID-19 crisis. JCM Virtual Jewish Life Center includes resources, classes, and discussions focused on topics of Jewish life.
Live This Week in the Maui Virtual Jewish Life Center:
Wednesday, March 25 6:30pm Social Meetup and Kibbitz. Grab a lemonade or iced tea (or whatever) and let's all "meet" and check-in to see how we're each doing. For all of us huggers out there, this is the next best thing!
Thursday, March 26, 5:30pm Virtual Town Hall Meeting to discuss the needs of our community and how JCM can help support you during this lockdown and beyond.
Friday, March 27, 5:45pm Kabbalat Shabbat
Sunday, March 29, 5:45pm MinchaService with Kaddish
Bake Challah with Foodies Dania and Lily Katz.
Whether you bake every week or want to learn, join us on Friday for some baking fun. We are still working out all the details, a separate email will be sent with more details.
Play Mahj with MauiEllyn online here.
You need your own card to play...and Ellyn is looking forward to some cross-country games.
Plus ongoing discussion and Jewish life resources.
To participate, be sure to "Like" our Facebook page today!
Do you have an activity (yoga, art), class (Hebrew, how to win at the stock market), anything you'd like to lead online while we are all on island lock-down? Such a fun way for all of us to learn, pray, and play together from wherever we are! Contact Ellyn at to talk about how to stay engaged.
This brings us to a new information structure! The weekly newsletter feels like an outdated way to give information, sometimes we have information to share at different times... Now that we are so hip and current (I think that makes me outdated), we want our information to reflect this. Rather than a Tuesday newsletter, we'll start sending information as needed. If this doesn't work, we'll go back to a once a week newsletter, but this is all so new to us, let's just try this a new way as well!
JCM Elections 2020
JCM Board of Directors elections are coming up in June. Nominations are now open! Please email your nominations (you can nominate yourself) for people you want to see shape our community going forward.
We are looking for people with a sincere desire to actively help build Jewish life on Maui. We particularly encourage people with strong business and/or finance experience to consider serving.
Click here to email us your nominations.
Everyday shopping brings money to JCM. Every time you start your sale (I just bookmark, Amazon will automatically give JCM a percentage of your sale. Every little bit adds up...thank you for designating JCM as your Amazon smiles charity.