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Shabbat Tazria 5779

04/03/2019 12:24:56 PM





634 Alulike St.
Kihei, Maui, HI 96753

Ph: (808) 874-5397
Fax: (808) 874-8088

Hours of Operation*:
Mon - Fri 10am to 2pm

*Please call first if you are going to stop by. 


Thank you to Sam Shnider for volunteering to lead  and ensure that we have services each Shabbat. 

To all the wonderful people who support our efforts for the community, we thank you. Without continued volunteer work and funding there would be no gathering place for Jewish residents and visitors. We thank those who recognize this and continue to support the JCM.

Hours of Operations:
Mon. - Fri. 10am - 2pm
Items available for purchase

Dedicate and honor your loved ones in many ways while supporting the Jewish Community. You can honor a birth, birthday, anniversary, or memorialize a death with a written tribute:
~ In the new Siddur Sim Shalom for Shabbat & Festivals Tribute $25
~ In the Machzor Lev Shalom Tribute $50
~ In the new JPS Tanach $75

Call the office to make your dedication.
Limited supply of books available.

THE 1800 CLUB   
"Many hands make
light work"

Join The 1800 Club
by subscribing for a
monthly contribution of $18.00 or more; your gift will help us with Beit  Shalom's 
monthly expenses.

Call the office
808-874-5397 or sign up online to join.


Marie-Laure Ankaoua
Jacquie Bayley
Dr. Eve Berman
Allen Cohen
Jenni Ezekiel
Joanne Foxxe
Rabbi David Glickman
Saul Larner

Sheri Levin McNertheny
Cecil Morton
Janet Pauli
Jacques Perwin
Rabinowitz Family
Sandra Rogers
Carla Sage
Alan Sandler
Sarah J Shaines
Barbara D. Singer
Vojdani Family
Danna Weissberger

Mahalo for your dedication to sustaining our community

Thank you to the Kiddush committee for last week's Oneg sponsorship. We appreciate you.

Consider sponsoring an Oneg  to celebrate an occasion or honor a loved one or in memory of someone.
Please call for more information.


Delicious Kosher Meals

Now available by order from Beit Shalom. 

Click Here  for more info, or select Kosher Food from the About menu on the website homepage.



 Shabbat Tazria 5779


Candle Lighting 6:26pm

Thursday April 4

Men's Minyan  

Friday, April 5

Family Service led by Josh Kalkstein & Cynthia Liebowitz


Kabbalat Shabbat led by Sam Shnider 

Saturday, April 6

Shabbat Morning led by Sam Shinder

From the President

Are you inspired? I feel inspired every day; I am in awe of all the amazing things happening around the shul. Since I've been volunteering in the office the past 6 weeks, I have been talking to, emailing with, and meeting new people. It's wonderful. Some are people who have been around forever and are just checking in...some are traveling here soon and want a hotel recommendation...some are looking a year in the future to celebrate a wedding or Bat Mitzvah with us...s ome are informing me of a yahrzeit that tearfully needs to be added. And JCM is here for all of you. We are here, we are active, we are responsive, we are busy, we are inspired...and we are here. Yes, I am inspired. Come to our events, and you'll feel it too. 

With much aloha,

Ellyn Mortimer

JCM Board President

Words of Wisdom

This week we have a special trifold occasion of Rosh Hodesh, the newmoon, the new year in biblical counting (which begins in the spring
month of Nissan), and the imminent approach of Passover, which we all prepare for in our own ways.

Read more here...



We will offer vegetarian soup and vegetarian potato kugel along with vegan carrots and roasted vegetables.

Can you volunteer to help set up and clean up on Friday the 19th? Please email us and let us know you can help. 


Who doesn't love a good party. 


Friday, April 13



Guest Speaker: Author Michael Harris

"Israel: Cutting Through the Rhetoric"

Sunday, April 28, 2019



Beit Shalom- open to the public

To pre-purchase his book, send $15 to his paypal account: so he knows how many to bring.

Add a note on your order that you'll see him on Maui!

So much of what we hear about Israel, whether on the news or from social media, is confusing and contradictory. But you can learn--from an activist, author, and educator-- how to better interpret what you're reading, and place it in appropriate context.

Dr. Michael Harris was one of the founders of San Francisco Voice for Israel, which is now the Bay Area chapter of StandWithUs, an international Israel education organization based in Los Angeles. He has spoken about Israel at synagogues, churches, political groups and senior citizen centers, as well as standing up for Israel against anti-Israel demonstrators on the streets of the Bay Area. He has appeared on radio and television news reports as a local spokesperson for StandWithUs and SF Voice for Israel. In his spare time, he is a pediatrician in Marin County California. The second edition of his book, ‘Winning a Debate with an Israel Hater’, was published in November 2018.

Jews Out & About

JCM members Sarah Shaines and Marge Bonar were happy to find each other at the 7th Annual Book Trust Extravaganza where Homer's Odyssey came to life at the Four Seasons on March 23. They helped raise $200,000 for our island's keiki. 

Chevra Kadisha

If you are interested in serving in the Chevra Kadisha (Holy Society),  please sign up HERE

Class on our website

Jewish Cycle of the Year 



Image result for yahrzeit

March 5- April 11

Helen Weil
Philip Solomon
Harry Survetnick
Adolph Mehl
Rose Greenstein
Aranka Mehl
Heather R. Saxe
Solomon Zenati
Ruth Green
Philip O. Shultz
Myrle Monson
Boris Smilove
Sherwood Berman
Alexander Estrella



Fri, March 14 2025 14 Adar 5785