Candle Lighting 6:26pm
Wednesday, April 24
Sam Shnider's class is canceled this week.
Thursday, April 25
7:00 am Men's Minyan
6:30 pm Seventh Day of Passover Service
Friday, April 26
9:30 am Passover morning service: The Splitting of the Sea. Exodus 13:17 - 15:26
6:30 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service
Saturday, April 27
9:30 am Shabbat Morning Service
12:00 pm Yizkor
Welcome to our Interim Spiritual Director...
Sam Shnider!
The JCM Board of Directors is thrilled to announce that Sam Shnider will officially be our interim spiritual leader while we conduct a search for our next Rabbi. Sam has been volunteering his time to lead services and lifecycle events and conduct classes over the past seven months, and we appreciate his commitment to our shul. He has become well known for his scholarship on the Torah and his moving sermons and commentary each week. Stop in for a Shabbat service or a Wednesday night class and say shaloha!
We look forward to having this stability in our synagogue while we search for a permanent Rabbi.
Words of Wisdom
The seventh day of Passover (Shvi'i shel Pesach) is celebrated on Friday and Saturday, with Yizkor at the conclusion of services on Saturday.
The final days of the Passover holiday celebrate the completion of the festival of unleavened bread, (matzot), also known as Hag HaAviv (the festival of spring), see Leviticus 23:10-11:
Read More Here
Message From the President
Happy Tuesday,
The Beit Shalom community seder was magnificent. The shul smelled like matzoh balls and potato kugel all week thanks to the hard work of volunteers Gail and Joelle. I also found a new tradition of whipping our neighbor with green onions while we sing Dayenu (don't knock it til you try it). This was my first community seder, and the mix of local residents and Maui visitors was inspiring and a reminder of what being Jewish is all about...community. No matter where we are or where we go, we have a Jewish community. I was so proud to hear from our global guests how happy there were to be at our seder, how they felt welcome, and how much they love out little shul. When JCM does something right, we really do it right.
Join us on Sunday for a discussion with Michael Harris (his bio is below) on how to talk to our friends and greater community about Israel.
With Aloha,
Ellyn Mortimer
Guest Speaker: Author Michael Harris
"Israel: Cutting Through the Rhetoric"
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Beit Shalom- open to the public

To pre-purchase his book, send $15 to his paypal account: drmikeh49@gmail.com so he knows how many to bring.
Add a note on your order that you'll see him on Maui!
So much of what we hear about Israel, whether on the news or from social media, is confusing and contradictory. But you can learn--from an activist, author, and educator-- how to better interpret what you're reading, and place it in appropriate context.
Dr. Michael Harris was one of the founders of San Francisco Voice for Israel, which is now the Bay Area chapter of StandWithUs, an international Israel education organization based in Los Angeles. He has spoken about Israel at synagogues, churches, political groups and senior citizen centers, as well as standing up for Israel against anti-Israel demonstrators on the streets of the Bay Area. He has appeared on radio and television news reports as a local spokesperson for StandWithUs and SF Voice for Israel. In his spare time, he is a pediatrician in Marin County California. The second edition of his book, ‘Winning a Debate with an Israel Hater’, was published in November 2018.