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Shabbat Acharei Mot 5779

04/30/2019 09:32:23 PM





634 Alulike St.
Kihei, Maui, HI 96753

Ph: (808) 874-5397

Hours of Operation*:
Mon - Fri 10am to 2pm

*Please call first if you are going to stop by. 



To all the wonderful people who support our efforts for the community, we thank you. Without continued volunteer work and funding there would be no gathering place for Jewish residents and visitors. We thank those who recognize this and continue to support the JCM.

Hours of Operations:
Mon. - Fri. 10am - 2pm
Items available for purchase

Dedicate and honor your loved ones in many ways while supporting the Jewish Community. You can honor a birth, birthday, anniversary, or memorialize a death with a written tribute:
~ In the new Siddur Sim Shalom for Shabbat & Festivals Tribute $25
~ In the Machzor Lev Shalom Tribute $50
~ In the new JPS Tanach $75

Call the office to make your dedication.
Limited supply of books available.

THE 1800 CLUB   
"Many hands make
light work"

Join The 1800 Club
by subscribing for a
monthly contribution of $18.00 or more; your gift will help us with Beit  Shalom's 
monthly expenses.

Call the office
808-874-5397 or sign up online to join.


Marie-Laure Ankaoua
Jacquie Bayley
Dr. Eve Berman
Allen Cohen
Jenni Ezekiel
Joanne Foxxe
Rabbi David Glickman
               Saul Larner             
Sheri Levin McNertheny
Cecil Morton
Janet Pauli
Jacques Perwin
Rabinowitz Family
Sandra Rogers
Carla Sage
Alan Sandler
Sarah J Shaines
Barbara D. Singer
Vojdani Family
Danna Weissberger

Mahalo for your dedication to sustaining our community

Consider sponsoring an Oneg  to celebrate an occasion or honor a loved one or in memory of someone.
Please call for more information.


JCM has frozen kosher chicken for sale $15 each.

Email us or call 874-5397 to schedule a pick up.

Delicious Kosher Meals

Now available by order from Beit Shalom. 

Click Here  for more info, or select Kosher Food from the About menu on the website homepage.

Chevra Kadisha

If you are interested in serving in the Chevra Kadisha (Holy Society),  please sign up HERE

Class on our website


Are there errors in this newsletter?
Please let us know at, and we will make corrections as needed. 

 Shabbat Acharei Mot 5779


Candle Lighting 6:33pm

Wednesday, May 1

6:30 pm Yom Hashoah Click for details

Thursday, May 2

7:00 am  Men's Minyan  

Friday, May 3  

6:30 pm  Kabbalat Shabbat Service


Saturday, May 4
9:30 am  Shabbat Morning Service led by Shayna Naveh  Click here if you'd like an aliyah or want to read torah this week!


Sunday, May 5

12:00pm Meet The Candidates for the 2019 election

1:30pm Board Meeting 

Words of Wisdom

This week we read Parshat Acharei Mot, Leviticus 16:1 to 18:30. The Parshah opens with a description of the service of the high priest in purifying the sanctuary and atoning for the people of Israel on the holiest of days - The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur).

The preface to the description of this sacred service does not designate it at all as connected with a holiday or particular time of year. Rather it is connected to the death of Aaron’s two sons (see Leviticus 10) - two young men at the peak of their lives, who were struck down for unclear reasons at the moment of the dedication of the temple. 

Read More Here

Mahalo to Sam and Shayna for putting together a Memorial service in memory of Lori Gilbert who was killed in Poway, California on Saturday morning and in memory of those who were killed in Pittsburgh sox months ago. 

May there memories always be for a blessing.


Message From the President

Happy Tuesday...Today I am thinking about Rabbi Glickman. Today is his last day as official Rabbi of Beit Shalom and the Jewish Congregation of Maui, it is truly the end of an era at Beit Shalom. I moved to Maui in 1994 and sat under a pergola in Kihei while lay-leaders led services, and it was lovely. My grandfather would have demanded a swift return to MN if he knew I wasn't in a shul with a proper ark and a Rabbi, so I didn't tell him. And then Rabbi Glickman saved the day. With so much dedication, he chose to become our leader and look how far he brought us. He did not do it alone, but he was our leader. 

I can only reflect on what David  has meant to me and my family...He tutored my oldest son for his Bar Mitzvah, even though it wasn't held on Maui and he didn't get to be part of the celebration. He helped me truly understand the meaning and significance of what a bat/bar mitzvah really meant.  He held my daughter in our home and blessed her at her baby naming ceremony. Rabbi's children and mine went to Hebrew and Sunday School together and later formed a teen group that met upcountry. Rabbi Glickman called when I was getting divorced to see if I was okay and needed help. He was my rabbi, and he was my children's rabbi. His services were my connection to my grandparents and family who lived far away. Did I agree with everything? no... and that's ok, I don't have to agree with everything, and that does not take away the gifts he has given me as my rabbi. He was my rabbi, and no matter who comes as our next leader, Rabbi Glickman holds a place in Jewish life on Maui and in my heart forever.

In recent months others have also shared with me their stories of what Rabbi Glickman has meant to them. I am so glad that he has been so loved and revered in our community, and I hope that he will continue to be part of our Jewish life on Maui.

Thank you Rabbi for the Jewish community and congregation you helped create and nurture on Maui. I am grateful for you.

With love and aloha,


p.s. I wish Rabbi Glickman good health as he recovers from his recent surgery, and I am sure you all will join me in adding him to your good thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.


Yom HaZikaron

Israel's Memorial Day Eve

Tuesday, May 7


Click here to register

To celebrate Yom Hazikaron, a special opportunity to meet renowned expert on Israel and Arab culture, Mordechai Kedar.  Dr. Kedar's lectures present a reasoned analysis of the Middle East, Israel’s existence within the Middle Eastern environment, the struggle over Jerusalem, and Anti-Semitism in the Islamic world and Iran. This is Mordechai Kedar's only Hawaii appearance on his current US speaking tour.  

Thank you to all who attended the lecture and discussion

with Michael Harris!

Dr. Michael Harris was one of the founders of San Francisco Voice for Israel, which is now the Bay Area chapter of StandWithUs, an international Israel education organization based in Los Angeles. He has spoken about Israel at synagogues, churches, political groups and senior citizen centers, as well as standing up for Israel against anti-Israel demonstrators on the streets of the Bay Area. He has appeared on radio and television news reports as a local spokesperson for StandWithUs and SF Voice for Israel. In his spare time, he is a pediatrician in Marin County California. The second edition of his book, ‘Winning a Debate with an Israel Hater’, was published in November 2018.

Shabbat Dinner at Beit Shalom 

May 10, 2019

7:30 pm following services

$36 adult $18 child

Register Here


The future of JCM...starts with elections!

Have you read about the new elections?

Who are you nominating?

Have you checked to see if you're a member?

Are you paid in full so you are eligible to vote?

Is the Annual Meeting in your calendar?

Jews around town

Fun night of sisterhood as these familiar faces all had a great time together watching Soul Kitchen perform.



Image result for yahrzeit


May 3-- May 9

Minna Bromberg
Pauline Weisfeld
Jeffrey Robert Cherner
Saul Leavitt
Max Jedlicki
Carl Weiss
Mae Pitkoff
Sylvia Kogel
Harry Poller
Mike Guinan
Irene Higer Jacobs
Louis Harry Silver
Mike Guinan
Jay Martin Cohen
Mariln Kaufman


May 10 -- May 16
Jacob Tenny
Phyllis Ellman
Sheila Needham
Ruth W. Gordon
Gussie Pearl Freund
Sheila Needham
George Bush
Millicent Tatiner
Sarah Silvia Adler
Eliyahu Ovadiah Amram
Sherwood B. Fein
Richard Sexton
Izzy Gordon


Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785