Wednesday, May 8
5:00 pm Yom HaAztmaut Party in Kula Click here for details
Thursday, May 9
7:00 am Men's Minyan
Friday, May 10
Candle Lighting 6:33pm
6:30 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service
7:30 pm Shabbat dinner at the shul Click here for details
Saturday, May 11
9:30 am Shabbat Morning Service
Sunday, May 12
Happy Mother's Day... Need a last minute gift?
Message From the President
I feel most connected to my grandfather when I'm at temple. When I was young, I asked him why every Friday night he held his little white prater book while we sang the kiddush over the wine. I mean, we all knew it by heart! He said that our eyes should read the words, that we should commit them to our brains each wek, and that he wanted to read the words that his father had read. This has stuck with me.
The High Holidays are the other time I feel connected to him. Playing with his talllis when I was young, thumb wars during those long services, candies from his tallis bag... and then when I left home and didn't have him next to me anymore, I had the words in the siddur, the words he read just hours before at shul in Minnesota to keep me feeling close to him and my family. We were Jews together no matter where in the world we lived. We were connected in our prayer, in our Jewish intention, and in the words we read, even when we knew them by heart.
My grandfather passed away just 4 years ago at 99 years old, and now I have his little white prayer book, and I read the kiddush every Friday night, even though I know it by heart. This is part of my connection to Papa.
I also think of him when I eat apple pie or buy a box of Sees candy nuts and chews or a million other things...but my connection to him, when I really feel him, is strongest when I'm reading the prayers.
This is why I need this shul... and I will do everything I can to keep this congregation and this building for me, for you, for my children, for your grandchildren, for our Jewish community.
The responsibility to keep Beit Shalom is up to all of us...
With much aloha,
P.S...call your mom. And if you can't, tell another mom in your life that she is doing a wonderful job. Your mom would be proud.
Yom HaAtzmaut; Israel Independence Day!
Wednesday, May 8
2460 Omaopio Rd., Kula

A fun party with music, falafel, fun...
The national day of Israel, commemorating the Israeli Declaration of Independence in 1948. Join the celebration!
Register here
Tickets can also be purchased at the door