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Shabbat Bamidbar 5779

06/05/2019 09:50:51 PM





634 Alulike St.
Kihei, Maui, HI 96753

Ph: (808) 874-5397

Hours of Operation*:
Mon - Fri 10am to 2pm

*Please call first if you are going to stop by. 



To all the wonderful people who support our efforts for the community, we thank you. Without continued volunteer work and funding there would be no gathering place for Jewish residents and visitors. We thank those who recognize this and continue to support the JCM.

Hours of Operation:
Mon. - Fri. 10am - 2pm
Items available for purchase

Dedicate and honor your loved ones in many ways while supporting the Jewish Community. You can honor a birth, birthday, anniversary, or memorialize a death with a written tribute:
~ In the new Siddur Sim Shalom for Shabbat & Festivals Tribute $25
~ In the Machzor Lev Shalom Tribute $50
~ In the new JPS Tanach $75

Call the office to make your dedication.
Limited supply of books available.

THE 1800 CLUB   
"Many hands make
light work"

Join The 1800 Club
by subscribing for a
monthly contribution of $18.00 or more; your gift will help us with Beit  Shalom's 
monthly expenses.

Call the office
808-874-5397 or sign up online to join.


Marie-Laure Ankaoua
Jacquie Bayley
Dr. Eve Berman
Allen Cohen
Jenni Ezekiel
Joanne Foxxe
Rabbi David Glickman
               Saul Larner             
Sheri Levin McNertheny
Cecil Morton
Janet Pauli
Jacques Perwin
Rabinowitz Family
Sandra Rogers
Carla Sage
Alan Sandler
Sarah J Shaines
Barbara D. Singer
Vojdani Family
Danna Weissberger

Mahalo for your dedication to sustaining our community

Consider sponsoring an Oneg  to celebrate an occasion or honor a loved one or in memory of someone.
Please call for more information.


JCM has frozen kosher chicken for sale $15 each.

Email us or call 874-5397 to schedule a pick up.

Delicious Kosher Meals

Now available by order from Beit Shalom. 

Click Here  for more info, or select Kosher Food from the About menu on the website homepage.

Chevra Kadisha

If you are interested in serving in the Chevra Kadisha (Holy Society),  please sign up HERE

Class on our website


Are there errors in this newsletter?
Please let us know at    We will make corrections as needed. 

 Shabbat Bamidbar 5779


Thursday, June 6

7:00 am  Men's Minyan 

10:00 am - 4:00 pm Walk-in Voting 


Friday, June 7

10:00 am - 3:00 pm Walk-in Voting 

Candle Lighting 6:39pm

6:30 pm  Kabbalat Shabbat Service


Saturday, June 8
9:30 am  Shabbat Morning Service

7:00 pm Shavuot 


Sunday , June 9
9:30 am Shavuot 


Monday, June 10
9:30 am Shavuot


Click here for full Shavuot Schedule

All About Elections!

  • Maui voting is done at the shul Thursday 10-4 and Friday 9-3 ... please bring your ID.
  • Come kibbitz and see what is happening at Beit Shalom 
  • Out of State ballots have been sent by mail
  • Check the links below if you haven't already. 
  • Let us know if you have any questions!

The future of JCM...starts with elections!

Have you read about the new elections?

Have you checked to see if you're a member?

Are you paid in full so you are eligible to vote?

Are you ready to vote on the updated bylaws?

Is the Annual Meeting in your calendar?

You must be logged in as a member to see this information. The login is at the top of the website...if you need help, send an email to, and we will send you a new login link.

From Ellyn Mortimer...

This is Election is taking up much of our time, I apologize for not writing and eloquent update on what has been happening this week.

Here are the quick details (well, as quick as a chatterbox like me can be).

I do want to let everyone know that people have responded, and membership renewals are coming in and we are on our way to the matching gift. Thank you to everyone who is excited with us for the future of JCM. I have loved seeing old friends nad meeting new ones this week when you come in to vote.

I also want to let you know we have installed two continual loop cameras at the entrances to JCM. While we do not want to live in fear, we do want to take great precautions for everyone's safety. 

See you at our Beit Shalom voting booth!

Words of Wisdom

by Sam Shnider

This week we read Parshat Bamidbar, count the 49th day in the cycle seven weeks, and continue immediately into the Festival of Shavuot, which begins on Saturday night June 8, and concludes on Monday evening. 


The Festival of Shavuot is referred to alternatively as “the festival of the harvest” (Exodus 23:14), “the festival of first fruits” (Numbers 28:26), since the offerings on that day where made from the first harvest of the wheat, and ”the festival of the giving of the Torah” since Rabbinic interpretation marks the day as the day when the Torah was given, by calculating the days from the exodus from Egypt. 

Read More Here


We are having a blast... join us!!!

We are looking for players for a regular game and for occasional pick- up games. We want to create a list of those who play- no commitment needed.

send us an email and let us know you want to join or learn how to play!


Image result for yahrzeit

June 7 - June 13
Nathan Richman
Naomi Leiter
Aida Ebbers
Nissan Richman
Herman Paul Greenman
Jean (Singer) Needle
Murray Lefton
Shirley Norsen
Murray I., M.D. Neustadter
Henry Kotkins
Nettie Wasserman
George Isaac
Morris David Frieder
Katrina Bellak
Morton Solondz
Etta Janis
Rose Lamm
Mildred Geller
Myron Schloss
Dr. Irving L. Fried
George Katz
Judge Robert Wahl


June 14 - June 20
Leslie L. Rappoport
Michael Schweizer
Warren Miller
Irving Meyer Sachs
Allen Howard Urssing
Sarah Gerber
Rose Lamm
Helen Louise Pass
Herman Sands
Mary Blake
Morris Zimmerman
Anna Lipszyc Fischer
Rachel Edelhertz
Joseph Sussman
Sam Glass
Pauline Green


Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785