Thursday, June 13
7:00 am Men's Minyan
Friday, June 14
Candle Lighting 6:39pm
6:30 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service
Saturday, June 15
9:30 am Shabbat Morning Service
Sunday, June 23...Annual Member Meeting
12 noon ...Beit Shalom
JCM mourns the loss of our friend
Miriam Katz
My mother Miriam Katz, passed on late Sunday afternoon. She is a member of JCOM.
It was a difficult day, but a beautiful ending to her long and wonderful life. Her breathing was different but she was not in pain. I knew the time was imminent. I am grateful that Noah and Lily were there.
Noah and Lily can look back on that day and be proud that they were there to send her off with love. My mother knew we were there. I was with her the whole afternoon. Sending her off was a sad but wonderful experience. I wish I could have had that with my father.
There is a lot to do as she will be going to Israel to be buried next to my father.
We will have an event on Maui at some point. Family and friends have been writing their experience in knowing her and I may create a memorial if you have something to add.
Here are photos of her at her best. ~Joel Katz
All About Elections

Thank you to everyone who came in to vote last week. It was wonderful to say hello to so many friends and finally meet some new friends face to face.
Off-island ballots have been sent. If you have not received yours and haven't let me know, please do, and I can get a new one out to you right away. Ballots are being counted during the Annual Meeting on June 23 at noon, so ballots must be received prior to that.
Also, please remember to vote both sides of the ballot. The proposed set of bylaws available here. You must be logged in as a member to view the election information. If you need a login reset, please email ellynmortimer@gmail.com.
From Ellyn Mortimer...
This week is all business:
Your membership is up June 30. We are changing our membership to partner with our fiscal year of July 1- June 30. Dues are not increasing, and as always, you will not need High Holiday tickets or ever pay to pray. Thank you to everyone who renewed memberships, donated to our congregation, and has shown support... we will be making membership renewal phone calls in the next week or so. If you don't like a phone call, You may want to renew now. click here :)
Rabbi Search:
Our rabbi job description will be ready soon. It will be posted locally for anyone who wants to forward it on, and it will be listed globally. We have received a few unsolicited resumes, and once we have a good selection, we will have the search committee meet and select the finalists. We plan on bringing out final candidates for a Shabbaton weekend. If we can afford this, we will do it... and that leads us to...
You are cordially invited to the kick-off meeting for the JCM Fundraising Committee 2.0. We're meeting at the synagogue on Friday June 14 from 12-1:47. We welcome your input, ideas, whatever you can do to help us move forward. Please rsvp or call/email with questions. Marc@improvmysales.com or 718 637-7890.
Two cameras have been added outside that are on a continued live feed. We now have motion sensors on all windows and doors, cameras inside that take clips as needed, and outside cameras that are always recording. Coupled with our new alarm system, we have made securing our shul a top priority.
Thank you everyone for your kind words, shows of support, voting, sending notes, attendance and participation, letting us know your priorities/wants/needs... THANK YOU!!!
Join, Renew, Donate, Participate... it matters.
Words of Wisdom
by Sam Shnider
The Parshah this week, Naso, ("Lift Up") contains one of the oldest of biblical texts that have still survived to this day - the priestly blessing, of Numbers 6:23-27. The Israel museum in Jerusalem has on display a tiny scroll, discovered by a thirteen year old Israeli schoolboy, who accidentally fell into a hidden cave in an excavation site headed by Gabriel Barkay at Ketef Hinnom in 1979. The tiny scroll took three years to unfurl with great care, and seven years to decipher. Once deciphered, the archaeologists found that it contained only the three verses of the priestly blessing - the same verses that we recognize. The scroll dates four centuries prior to the dead sea scrolls, to the times of Jeremiah.
Read More Here
JCM CHOIR forming now!

Do you want to learn some Jewish (Hebrew/Yiddish/Contemporary) songs?
Bonnie Newman (who has led songs for the Congregation on Erev Rosh Hashahah & Chanted Kol Nidre for 32 years) is open to beginning a Choir to meet together on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month from 6:00 to 7:30 pm at Beit Shalom.
FIRST MEETING Monday June 17th**
Please RSVP directly to Bonnie BonnieNewman10@gmail.com if you are interested in singing for education and FUN!
Calling all Business Owners
We're in the process of creating a Maui Jewish Business Directory on our website, mauijews.com. If you want your business included, please send us a jpg of your business card, a photo of you, a brief description of your business, and a link to your website.
Email these to admin@mauijews.com with "Business Directory" in the subject line.”
We are having a blast... join us!!!

We are looking for players for a regular game and for occasional pick- up games. We want to create a list of those who play- no commitment needed.
send us an email and let us know you want to join or learn how to play!

June 14 - June 20 |
Leslie L. Rappoport |
Michael Schweizer |
Warren Miller |
Irving Meyer Sachs |
Allen Howard Urssing |
Sarah Gerber |
Rose Lamm |
Helen Louise Pass |
Herman Sands |
Mary Blake |
Morris Zimmerman |
Anna Lipszyc Fischer |
Rachel Edelhertz |
Joseph Sussman |
Sam Glass |
Pauline Green |
June 21 - June 27 |
Jerry Botknecht |
Sophie Survetnick |
Mitchell Andrew Climan |
Charles Shafer |
Sheldon Joseph Miller |
Miriam Shafer |
Wilson P. Rappoport |
Pearl Harris |
Anne Barry |
Lawrence Boxer |
Sandra Kirsch |
Eugene Allen |
Sherry Ann Dern |
Anne Barry |
Sylvia Tuckman |
Viola Bellach |
Dr. Hannan Ezekiel |
Dr. Harold Berman |