Thursday, July 11
7:00 am Men's Minyan
Friday, July 12
Candle Lighting 6:53 pm
6:30 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service at JCM
Saturday, July 13
9:30 am Shabbat Morning Service
Rabbi Bochner Shabbaton Weekend
August 15-18
A Message from The President:
First of all, thank you. I am honored to be entrusted by you to serve as our community as President at this critical time of transition. Our primary task is clear: rebuilding relationships. Our previous Board, under the tireless leadership of Ellyn Mortimer, guided our community on the first steps of this transition. We now have the opportunity to build on this foundation to guide our community to greatness.
It starts and ends with relationships; rebuilding broken relationships and building new ones. Everything we do must be focused through the lens of building relationships. Many in our community regard JCM membership as a transactional proposition: I pay you x dollars, you provide me with services and programming (a Bar mitzvah, High Holiday services, etc). I want us to guide our community away from this fee-for-service view and toward a relational view: my membership of x dollars supports Jewish life on Maui, creates a place where I can connect with my tribe.
We have tremendous potential. We CAN create the vibrant, egalitarian and inclusive Jewish community that we all want. We can create a true Kehilah - a sacred community - which infuses each of our individual lives with purpose and deep connection. Our job as Jews is and has always been to carry the torch of morality, of right living in the world, of serving something greater than ourselves. We Jews call that nameless something “Hashem” - “The Name”.
Join me in building Jewish community on Maui. Join or renew your membership today. And please consider giving an extra Gift From the Heart. The need is critical. The time is now.
All the best,
Sheri Levin McNerthney
Words of Wisdom
by Sam Shnider
Click Here to watch Sam's Words of Wisdom
Traveling JCM Shabbat !

"The Schechinah traveled ten journeys...from the wall to the city; and from the city to the mountain close and from the mountain to the wilderness..."
To get more people involved in Friday night services, JCM is looking to host Shabbat services once a month in people's homes and other venues throughout the community.
Get a chance to host your own Friday night service - have input on the prayers, songs, and set up. Lead sections of the prayers, and invite all those close to you, and all those who will be inspired to come.
Thinking of hosting? Contact admin@mauijews.org or Sam at samshnider@gmail.com.
JCM Afternoon at the Theater

Come have fun and enjoy an afternoon of fun at the Iao Theater.
Sunday, July 28 @ pm
Must book your tickets by Friday, 7/12 to sit with the group. Don't miss this fun and entertaining production with music we'll all be singing for weeks!
Click here for details and tickets
Music, learning, and Fun!

Do you want to learn some Jewish (Hebrew/Yiddish/Contemporary) songs?
Join Bonnie Newman (who has led songs for the Congregation on Erev Rosh Hashanah & Chanted Kol Nidre for 32 years) in singing, learning, and having fun with music.
1st and 3rd Mondays of each month from 6:00 to 7:30 pm at Beit Shalom.
Please RSVP Bonnie BonnieNewman10@gmail.com
Calling all Business Owners
We're in the process of creating a
Maui Jewish Business Directory
on our website, mauijews.org. If you want your business included, please send us a jpg of your business card, a photo of you, a brief description of your business, and a link to your website.
Email these to admin@mauijews.org with "Business Directory" in the subject line.”
We are having a blast... join us!!!

We are looking for players for a regular game and for occasional pick- up games. We want to create a list of those who play- no commitment needed.
send us an email and let us know you want to join or learn how to play!

July 12 - July 18 |
Ida Jaffe |
Sheldon Evan Berman |
Sophie Eisenberg |
William Rose |
Jack Isaac |
Anna Rosenberg |
Gloria Bittner |
Sylvia Kirey |
Gloria Bittner |
Sylvia Kirey |
Aaron Chinn |
Matilda Beranbaum |
Auntie Mona Pressner |
Phyllis Glantz Neustadter |
Allen Eric Urssing |
July 19 - July 25 |
Abraham Kahn |
Jerome David Sokolow |
Shirley Feinberg |
Steven Edelhertz |
Samuel Herman |
Avery Aaron Waldman |
Esther Capp |
Milton Climan |
David Leiter |
Edward M. Berol |