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Shabbat Balak 5779

07/17/2019 05:16:49 PM





634 Alulike St.
Kihei, Maui, HI 96753

Ph: (808) 874-5397

Hours of Operation*:
Mon - Fri 10am to 2pm

*Please call first if you are going to stop by. 



To all the wonderful people who support our efforts for the community, we thank you. Without continued volunteer work and funding there would be no gathering place for Jewish residents and visitors. We thank those who recognize this and continue to support the JCM.

Hours of Operation*:
Mon. - Fri. 10am - 2pm
Items available for purchase.

*Please call first if you are going to stop by.

Dedicate and honor your loved ones in many ways while supporting the Jewish Community. You can honor a birth, birthday, anniversary, or memorialize a death with a written tribute:
~ In the new Siddur Sim Shalom for Shabbat & Festivals Tribute $25
~ In the Machzor Lev Shalom Tribute $50
~ In the new JPS Tanach $75

Call the office to make your dedication.
Limited supply of books available.

THE 1800 CLUB   
"Many hands make
light work"

Join The 1800 Club
by subscribing for a
monthly contribution of $18.00 or more; your gift will help us with Beit  Shalom's monthly expenses.

Call the office
808-874-5397 or sign up online to join.


Marie-Laure Ankaoua
Jacquie Bayley
Dr. Eve Berman
Allen Cohen
Jenni Ezekiel
Joanne Foxxe
Rabbi David Glickman
               Saul Larner             
Sheri Levin McNertheny
Cecil Morton
Janet Pauli
Jacques Perwin
Rabinowitz Family
Sandra Rogers
Carla Sage
Alan Sandler
Sarah J Shaines
Barbara D. Singer
Vojdani Family
Danna Weissberger

Mahalo for your dedication to sustaining our community

Know Your Genealogy!

Click here for details

Judith Elam is looking forward to helping you trace your ancestory!


We are having a blast... join us!!!

We are looking for players for a regular game and for occasional pick- up games. We want to create a list of those who play- no commitment needed.

send us an email and let us know you want to join or learn how to play!

Consider sponsoring an Oneg  to celebrate an occasion or honor a loved one or in memory of someone.
Please call for more information.


Calling all Business Owners


We're in the process of creating a

Maui Jewish Business Directory

on our website, If you want your business included, please send us a jpg of your business card, a photo of you, a brief description of your business, and a link to your website.  

Email these to with "Business Directory" in the subject line.”

Music, learning, and Fun! 

Do you want to learn some Jewish (Hebrew/Yiddish/Contemporary) songs? 

Join Bonnie Newman (who has led songs for the Congregation on Erev Rosh Hashanah & Chanted Kol Nidre for 32 years)  in singing, learning, and having fun with music.

1st and 3rd Mondays of each month from 6:00 to 7:30 pm at Beit Shalom. 


Please RSVP Bonnie  

Chevra Kadisha

If you are interested in serving in the Chevra Kadisha (Holy Society),  please sign up HERE

Are there errors in this newsletter?

Please let us know at    We will make corrections as needed. 

 Shabbat Balak 5779


Thursday, July 18

7:00 am  Men's Minyan 


Friday, July 19

Candle Lighting 6:53 pm

6:30 pm  Kabbalat Shabbat Service at JCM


Saturday, July 20
9:30 am  Shabbat Morning Service

Kiddush Sponsored by Ellyn Mortimer

In honor of the yahrzeit of her grandparents, Martin & Esther Capp


In honor of Gail Schell's birthday


Rabbi Bochner Shabbaton Weekend

August 15-18

Click here for details

A Message from The President:

Will JCM survive past this coming Sukkot? It’s up to each of us.

The JCM culture of depending on a handful of angel donors for survival is poisonous. Our entire community must have ownership in JCM - “skin in the game” - in order for JCM to thrive. My top priority right now is membership. We are having a membership call-a-thon Tuesday evening with the goal of 100% renewal for current members. I want to follow this up with a membership campaign targeting everyone who has ever been a member of JCM. If you are reading these words, and you have not yet renewed your membership for our new fiscal year of July 1, 2019-June 30, 2020 then I am asking you to renew or re-join now. It’s easy. Surf on over to and simply click on Join.

I want to make it crystal clear to the community that we are indeed talking about survival here. If we want a full spectrum of Jewish life to survive on Maui for all the Jewish babies being born and raised here — if we want to preserve an example of Jewish life where girls can sing out loud and be counted equally — then each person needs to stretch their pocketbook and give, whatever that means for them.

If you have ever been a member of JCM during its over 20-year history, then I know you care. You care about about Jewish continuity. You care about the Jewish people. You care about Jewish survival. We the members of JCM are the stewards of our little corner of the Jewish people. If you are a Jew on Maui, if you are a Jew who has ever visited Maui and been amazed (“there are Jews on Maui???”), if you are a Jew who wants to visit Maui (isn’t that everyone???) then I’m inviting you to be part of our Maui Jewish ‘Ohana.

Part of the challenge here is that we want to know what we are giving for. To that end, I want to give each of us a clear picture of what JCM could look like. I am personally financing, along with Dr Eve Berman, a Shabbaton weekend in mid-August with a visiting rabbi I know from the mainland. His name is Rabbi Shalom Bochner. He is currently the Rabbi of a Conservative shul in Modesto, CA, where over the past six years he took a congregation in a crisis situation not unlike ours and rebuilt it into a thriving community.

Rabbi Shalom specializes in building “many pathways” into Jewish life. He is a community builder. He is solid and steady. He is a genuinely caring person. I personally think he is the ideal Rabbi model for JCM. I am bringing him here because I want our community to experience his approach. My goal is to present a clear vision of what is possible for our community, so that everyone is motivated to give generously to make that possibility a reality.

The Shabbaton is scheduled for the weekend of Tu B’Av - the “Jewish Valentine’s Day” - August 15-18. There are several different events planned: details are on our website, I ask you to plan on attending some or all parts of this very special Shabbaton. It’s going to be joyous, inspirational, uplifting, and a lot of fun!

Kol tuv,


Words of Wisdom

by Sam Shnider

Click Here to watch Sam's Words of Wisdom


"We Salute Israel"

An Interactive Lecture with

 Rabbi Liat Yardeni

Sunday, August 4 @ 5:30pm

Click here for details and to register

Learn to Read Hebrew- Adult Class

with Joe Narrowe

Wednesdays: July 24, - August 21 (5 weeks)

Beit Shalom

$25 members  (includes guide book)

$36 nonmembers (includes guide book)

Register Here

Traveling JCM Shabbat !

"The Schechinah traveled ten journeys...from the wall to the city; and from the city to the mountain close and from the mountain to the wilderness..." 

To get more people involved in Friday night services, JCM is looking to host Shabbat services once a month in people's homes and other venues throughout the community

Get a chance to host your own Friday night service - have input on the prayers, songs, and set up. Lead sections of the prayers, and invite all those close to you, and all those who will be inspired to come.

 Thinking of hosting? Contact or Sam at

JCM Afternoon at the Theater

Come have fun and enjoy an afternoon of fun at the Iao Theater.

Sunday, July 28 @ pm

Three seats left!

Don't miss this fun and entertaining production with music we'll all be singing for weeks!

Click here for details and tickets


Image result for yahrzeit

July 19 - July 25
Abraham Kahn
Jerome David Sokolow
Shirley Feinberg
Steven Edelhertz
Samuel Herman
Avery Aaron Waldman
Esther Capp
Milton Climan
David Leiter
Edward M. Berol


July 26 - August 1
Henry Wikle
Shirley Siegel
Murray Silverman
Elizabeth Tennen
Sophie Kettner
Mary Shur Michaels
Jack Scharff
Sophie Dern
Miriam Aniel
Eli Louis Hirschhorn
Harry Bienstock
Michael Hodes



Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785