Friday, July 26
Candle Lighting 6:49 pm
Saturday, July 27
9:30 am Shabbat Morning Service
Shabbaton Weekend
with Rabbi Shalom Bochner
August 15-18
A weekend for Maui's Jewish community to come together in prayer and celebration!
Click here for details

Tu B'Av is the holiday of love...
We are holding a special Shabbaton weekend with visiting Rabbi, Shalom Bochner. As we embark on the search for our next leader, this is a great opportunity to see the possibilities- maybe Rabbi Bochner is our next Rabbi? Come meet him and his family and see how he fits in Judaism on Maui. If you don't come, you'll never know. After his visit we'll want to know your thoughts...
Be part of of any one event, or the whole weekend. We're confident if you come Friday night, you'll be back on Saturday- so block the whole weekend to be safe!
A Message from The President:
Because We’re Jews
To everyone who has renewed your membership to JCM during our current membership drive, thank you. Mahalo nui loa. Toda raba for supporting Jewish life on Maui.
To everyone else, what are you waiting for?
Why become a member of JCM right now? The answer is pure and simple: Because we’re Jews.
When my aunt and uncle (ob”m) from Israel visited me on Maui 15 years ago, they made a donation to JCM. Why? Because we’re Jews. We are an outpost of Am Yisrael - the people of Israel- in the most remote spot on earth.
Maybe you’re thinking you want to “wait and see what happens”. Maybe you’re thinking you’re “not the synagogue type”. Maybe you’re just plain by a past encounter with JCM, or by the present transition.
Membership in JCM is not like a gym membership. It is not a transaction for services. Membership in JCM is a statement of principle. When you become a member of JCM you are making a personal declaration of support for Am Yisrael. When you are a member of JCM you are saying “I care about being Jewish, and Jewish survival in the world is important to me”.
I’m asking you to renew your membership today. Because We’re Jews.
Kol Tov,
"We Salute Israel"
An Interactive Lecture with
Rabbi Liat Yardeni
Sunday, August 4 @ 5:30pm
Click here for details and to register

Traveling JCM Shabbat !

"The Schechinah traveled ten journeys...from the wall to the city; and from the city to the mountain close and from the mountain to the wilderness..."
To get more people involved in Friday night services, JCM is looking to host Shabbat services once a month in people's homes and other venues throughout the community.
Get a chance to host your own Friday night service - have input on the prayers, songs, and set up. Lead sections of the prayers, and invite all those close to you, and all those who will be inspired to come.
Thinking of hosting? Contact admin@mauijews.org or Sam at samshnider@gmail.com.
JCM Afternoon at the Theater

Come have fun and enjoy an afternoon of fun at the Iao Theater.
Sunday, July 28 @ pm
Two seats left!
Don't miss this fun and entertaining production with music we'll all be singing for weeks!
Click here for details and tickets
I saw the show last week, and the energy from the show is contagious! It will be a blast to see it together as a group. ~Ellyn
Mazel Tov to Pono Fried!
Open Eye Tours has been awarded
"Tailor Made Tour Company of the Year"

Travel and Hospitality Awards are a recognition of the hard work and accomplishments across the travel industry. Recognizing hotels, tour companies, travel buyers, and influencers across six continents, it is a stamp of recognition for long-standing customer satisfaction.

July 26 - August 1 |
Henry Wikle |
Shirley Siegel |
Murray Silverman |
Elizabeth Tennen |
Sophie Kettner |
Mary Shur Michaels |
Jack Scharff |
Sophie Dern |
Miriam Aniel |
Eli Louis Hirschhorn |
Harry Bienstock |
Michael Hodes |
August 2 - August 8 |
Nahan Chess |
Robert Kaplove |
Opal Tolliver Fout |
Reggi Marder |
Kathryn Solomon |
Joseph Greenberg |
Raymond Leibman |
Solomon Dutka |
Gloria Dan |
Arnold Miller |
Frank Dan |
Col. Laurence H. Goldberg |
Sasha Licht |
Charles Rosoff |
Harry Edwards |