Thurs., August 1
Men's Minyon
Friday, August 2
Kabbalat Shabbat Service
Saturday, August 3
Shabbat Morning Service

We give a large Todah Rabah to
Karl Frisch
and our JCM Donors
A few months ago, Karl initiated a matching challenge for our community to raise $10,000- and he would match those donations...well, we did it!
So your $10,000 in donations, becomes a $20,000 gift! Mahalo!
As we work to keep our doors open, provide the vibrant and welcoming shul we all want, and attract a new Rabbi, it is more important than ever to join and donate. Without you, we will not make it to Hanukkah...join, donate- or do both!
Mark Your Calendar!
"We Salute Israel"
An Interactive Lecture with
Rabbi Liat Yardeni
Sunday, August 4 @ 5:30pm
Click here for details and to register

Mark Your Calendar:
Shabbaton Weekend with Rabbi Shalom Bochner (Click here for his bio)
August 15-18
A weekend for Maui's Jewish community to come together in prayer and celebration!
Click here for details and registration

Tu B'Av is the holiday of love...
We are holding a special Shabbaton weekend with visiting Rabbi, Shalom Bochner. As we embark on the search for our next leader, this is a great opportunity to see the possibilities- maybe Rabbi Bochner is our next Rabbi? Come meet him and his family and see how he fits in Judaism on Maui. If you don't come, you'll never know. After his visit we'll want to know your thoughts...
Be part of of any one event, or the whole weekend. We're confident if you come Friday night, you'll be back on Saturday- so block the whole weekend to be safe!
Mark Your Calendar!
Tuesday, August 6 @ 11am @ JCM
We have a game set up that day, and we
would love to teach you how to play. We will
also hold another class later in August or
September on a Sunday or in the evening for
people who can't make a day class...
*NEW* Class on Jewish Ethics

Tuesdays, August 6, 13, 20 @ 6:30 p.m. - 7:30pm
Available by zoom and at JCM
Text 808-868-7444 for Zoom invite
(you can watch it on your computer or mobile device)
If not now - when?
Timeless Jewish Wisdom from Pirkei Avot - Teachings of the Ancestors
Readings in The Mishnah from the classic chapters of riddles nod sayings on how to live create and flourish

An exploration of basic questions on self-transformation towards a life of inspired holiness
*NEW* Deepening Your Jewish Identity; Working Through Jewish Trauma
Sep 1, 8, 15, 22 @ 4:00pm - 5:30pm
Registration will be ready for the next newsletter, so mark your calendar now
Mitch Berman is facilitating a 4 week, 1.5 hour series online group via Zoom for Maui Jews for the month of Elul, beginning on Rosh Chodesh Elul. Mitch will be beginning each group with an approximately 20 minute discussion of the topic and then opening up the group dynamic by facilitating an informational and experiential group process around Jewish Identity, The Trauma & The Glory, & The Social Unconscious of Collective Memory.
Anticipated topics to be explored include post-holocaust responses and impact on us today, Jewish trauma as it lives in and through us, and sharing of formative experiences related to these topics.
*Job Listing*

The Jewish Community of Maui has openings for teachers in their Sunday morning religious school, serving children 3-12 years old. We are looking for teachers who are invested in, and enthusiastic about Jewish education. Teaching experience with this age group preferred.
Please send resumes to admin@mauijews.org
A Message from The President:
I invite you to come help us create the future of the Jewish Congregation of Maui.
On August 15-18 we are hosting a visiting Rabbi for a series of events centered around Tu B’Av: the Jewish holiday of Love. Rabbi Shalom Bochner will be visiting us from Congregation Beit Shalom of Modesto, CA. You can read more about Rabbi Shalom here
This is the first of a series of visiting Rabbi events organized by the Rabbi Search Committee. Visiting Rabbi events are an opportunity to experience different leadership styles in our “home”, to see what inspires us and engages us in different ways. The goal is to create a discussion about who will ultimately be a good fit to lead our diverse community into the future.
Join us for one or all of these Tu B’Av Shabbaton events. You can see a full description :
Thursday August 15: An informal vegetarian potluck at the home of Janine Holstein. Meet Rabbi Shalom, sing soulful songs together, learn about Tu B’Av - the Jewish Holiday of Love.
Friday August 16: An Evening of Nourishment for the Body and Soul . Musical Kabbalat Shabbat followed by Shabbat Dinner and Tisch. (“tisch” is a traditional Hasidic festive Friday evening gathering to share song, words of wisdom, stories, and food)
Saturday August 17: 9:30 Shabbat Morning services. Come experience a Shabbat morning service that will touch your soul. Followed by Kiddush light lunch and Torah study that will engage your mind and your heart.
6:00 Family-friendly Shabbat Third Meal and Havdalah. Stories and songs, food and fun for all ages.
If you want a voice in the future of JCM, please plan on joining us for at least one of these events. If you want to experience what the future of JCM could look like, plan on joining us for all of them!
Sam Shnider's Words of Wisdom

Click Here for Sam's Words of Wisdom

August 2 - August 8 |
Nahan Chess |
Robert Kaplove |
Opal Tolliver Fout |
Reggi Marder |
Kathryn Solomon |
Joseph Greenberg |
Raymond Leibman |
Solomon Dutka |
Gloria Dan |
Arnold Miller |
Frank Dan |
Col. Laurence H. Goldberg |
Sasha Licht |
Charles Rosoff |
Harry Edwards |
August 9 - August 15 |
Arnold Heiman |
Arthur Mehl |
Carl Balfour |
Daniel Bloom |
Ernestine Brandes |
Esther Lieberman |
Eva Wolk |
Goldie Smilove |
Hannah Rosenberg Flam |
Herman Holstein |
Irving Levin |
Louis Rosenberg |
Martin Schwab |
Melvin Deichman |
Mildred Kroog |
Raye Stevens Pointzman |
Sam Greenman |
Shirley Gordon |
Simon David |
Susan Schwab |