Shabbat Sukkot 5780
10/17/2019 01:43:50 PM
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Friday, October 18: 5:30pm: Tot Shabbat with dinner in the Sukkah (click here for details) 6:30pm: Kabbalat Shabbat Led by Sam Shnider (Following Tot Shabbat)
Saturday, October 19: 6:30pm: Shabbat Service 9:30am Shabbat Service Led by Sam Shnider
Sunday, October 20: 10:00am: Talmud Torah 6:00pm: Shemini Atzeret Evening Service
Monday, October 21: 9:30am: Shemini Atzeret Morning Service 11:30am: Yiskor 6:00pm: Simchat Torah Celebration (see below for details)
Click here for the Sukkot schedule
Tuesday, October 22: 9:00am: Morning Service
Save The Date- Details to come: November 8: An Evening with Hazzan Bryce Megdal November 10 @ 4pm-6pm: Reception in honor of our veterans at JCM
Come join us for the celebration of Simchat Torah! Monday, October 21 @ 6pm
Songs and dancing Feasting and merriment Circle and rejoice with the Torah scrolls Everyone from age 1 -100 is welcome to participate
The holiday of Simchat Torah is in honor of the completion of the cycle of the Torah. We read the final verses of the Book of Books, reaffirm the eternal spirit of the Jewish people, and begin anew at the beginning of Genesis with the very first verses of creation. Everyone has a chance to take part in whatever capacity they wish to participate.
JCM has received a generous challenge gift of $30,000 from a lead donor. We must raise $60,000 by Dec. 15...and our donor will add $30,000!
For more information, contact Ellyn Mortimer at
WE HAVE RAISED $41,000!!! YOU ARE AMAZING...YOU ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE We asked and you responded. We are so humbled by the generosity of our community. We are well on our way to reaching the $60,000! The amount we raised will all be tabulated and reported next week. MAHALO AND TODA RABA
Book Club starting soon! Our first Book selection is... Just an Ordinary Girl by Heather Samuels
Heather is a long-time JCM member, and we are proud to kick-off our Book Club with her new novel... She will be signing books at Barnes & Noble on Saturday, October 19 @ 1pm so stop by get her book and get reading. We will let you know as soon as we have a date for our first meeting.
Air Conditioning reminder!
Yes, it's hot at the shul. Our AC system is outdated and not functioning at full efficiency due to leaks and lack of suction so the hot air gets mixed with the cool air. Our system runs on a cooling element that will be discontinued as of Jan 1, 2020, so the decision was made to not sink any more money into the system.
We use portables mixed with our central system which works ok for smaller groups in the shul, and when we have many people, our system can't keep up with the heat
When (not if) we raise the $60,000 from the above challenge, the Bonus Gift of $30,000 we receive will allow us to get a new, energy efficient system for the shul. The system won't cost us that much, so we'll have other uses for that gift as well...
AND...if you have anyone you would like to come give us a bid on our new system, please email with their contact information, and we will give them a call.
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Jewish Congregation of Maui
Beit Shalom Synagogue
634 Alulike Street
Kihei, HI 96753
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