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Shabbat Va'Eira 5780

01/21/2020 06:51:22 PM



Have Torah, Will Travel

Construction at Beit Shalom will take longer than originally anticipated. (is anyone surprised??)  Downtime will likely be another month.  We may be able to use the sanctuary sooner, but we are currently planning to be out of the building until mid-February.

Toda raba, many thanks, mahalo nui loa to Rabbi Ryan Newfield for leading ruach-filled services,  sharing his thoughtful Torah commentary, meeting with many community members, and being flexible with us in our "time of wandering".

Shabbat services for the next two weeks will be held at Maui Majesty in Kula, led by Sam Shnider.  Details are below.  We hope you can join us!  Have Torah, Will Travel!

Weekly Shul Schedule:

Tuesday January 21

6:30pm: Class: Ethics with Sam Shnider.  

Via Zoom, using the following link:

Thursday, January 23

6:30pm - 7:00pm: Online Torah 101 for Teens with Sam Shnider. 

Via Zoom, using the following link:

7:30pm - 8:30pm:  Weekly Parsha with Kobi Gil.  

Streaming live on Facebook, jewsonmaui

Friday, January 24

6:00pm:  Evening Kabalat Shabbat , led by Sam Shnider. Maui Majesty, 2460 Omaopio Road, Kula.

Outdoor Sunset Service with communal singing and dance. Followed by a light Oneg.

Saturday, January 25

9:30am: Shabbat Morning Service, led by Sam Shnider. Maui Majesty, 2460 Omaopio Road, Kula.

Traditional Morning Service with Torah Reading.  Followed by Kiddush featuring vegan cholent and Kosher pastrami platter, and Torah study.

Sunday, January 26

10:00am: Talmud Torah for Kids. Waipualani Park. (same location as last week)


Upcoming Events:

Wednesday, January 29

 NEW LOCATION  10:00AM Jewish Book Club meeting, home of Dorothy Tolliver, 705 Pio Drive, Wailuku.  
We will be discussing:

Wandering Stars: An Anthology of Jewish Fantasy & Science Fiction by Jack Dann

Wandering Stars is the landmark collection of Jewish science fiction and fantasy and it is a showpiece of Jewish wit,culture,lore,humor,sadness,cynicism,and faith.


For more information, contact Dorothy Tolliver



Join the Chai Life (formerly 1800 Club)!

Your $18 sustaining gift helps us with our monthly operating expenses. Over the years, your credit card may have expired, it may not have transferred into our new system, or you may have just forgotten to join. Your gift helps our sustainability on Maui...Thank you!

Please show your support with this monthly gift...


Under type click "1800 club"

Under pmt. amount click "indefinitely"

Toda Raba for your support of JCM!


Everyday shopping brings money to JCM. Your amazon sales mean $$$ for JCM. Every time you start your sale (I just bookmark, Amazon will automatically give JCM a percentage of your sale. Every little bit adds up...thank you for designating JCM as your Amazon smiles charity.


Sat, February 15 2025 17 Shevat 5785