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Shabbat Bo 5780

01/29/2020 05:49:50 PM


What's Happening With the Building?

The building project is coming along, but not without major issues (shocking, I know) both building and financial.

In order to dry out the water quickly, we needed to pull out the carpet, the baseboards, and a bottom section of the drywall that is against the floor. We noticed that our electric system was not only outdated (we can live with that) but also bare wires and electrical boxes simply dangling not attached to anything. These needed to be fixed up for the safety of our building. We also decided that the layers of paint and wallpaper should be stripped and the walls cleaned thoroughly before adding a new layer of paint. In the kitchen (where the leak started) the appliances are all fine, but the cabinets were ruined. Our wish is to have stainless tables and cabinets in there. 

It was found during the A/C installation that the ceiling is not to code, and for commercial use (we have a re-zoning issue coming up), we will need to be in compliance. This involved two things...1. Adding a new layer of sheetrock to the ceiling to give it the depth it needs (they went into the kitchen today, and when they made a small hole in  the ceiling, they noticed a huge rat nest, and the decision was made to pull the whole ceiling down instead of simply adding a layer). 2. That the structure of the ceiling is not reinforced properly and is not secure (if you noticed cracks in the ceiling, this is part of the reason for that). We are fixing both problems and adding insulation, and these are not covered by insurance.

Our building has no smoke detectors and we are adding them now along with improved and more efficient lighting. 

As in so many projects, when the walls open, all the problems. This is a public building, and this is beyond pretty floors and new paint. This is health and safety of all who come into this building. The insurance money we recoup on the leak will not help with anything happening with rodents in the ceiling and fixing electrical and adding smoke detectors, etc. 

We have a generous donor who will cover the cost of the upgrade to vinyl plank flooring... can you help also?

Please consider a donation to help us cover the costs of making this building safe. 


Weekly Shul Schedule:

Tuesday January 28

6:30pm: Class: Ethics with Sam Shnider.  

Via Zoom, using the following link:

Thursday, January 30

6:30pm - 7:00pm: Online Torah 101 for Teens with Sam Shnider. 

Via Zoom, using the following link:

7:30pm - 8:30pm:  Weekly Parsha with Kobi Gil.  

Streaming live on Facebook, jewsonmaui

Friday, January 31

6:00pm:  Evening Kabalat Shabbat , led by Sam Shnider. Maui Majesty, 2460 Omaopio Road, Kula.

Outdoor Sunset Service with communal singing and dance. Followed by a light Oneg.

Saturday, February 1

9:30am: Shabbat Morning Service, led by Sam Shnider. Maui Majesty, 2460 Omaopio Road, Kula.

Traditional Morning Service with Torah Reading.  Followed by Kiddush and Torah study.


Rabbi Search Update

The board voted to open contract negotiations with Rabbi Ryan.  As of today, we have not yet come to terms with him.  We plan to continue to talk with Rabbi Ryan, but we are also reconsidering other candidates.  We will keep the community informed as the search process continues.  We are working hard to find good leadership for our community at an affordable cost.

Purim is coming up in March, and a fabulous community Purim play is under development!  Michael Lebowitz is driving this project.  He is currently looking for a few more male singers to participate.  If you want to join this very fun project, please email Michael.  (We've heard some previews of the material, and it's going to be hilarious!)

Join the Chai Life (formerly 1800 Club)!

Your $18 sustaining gift helps us with our monthly operating expenses. Over the years, your credit card may have expired, it may not have transferred into our new system, or you may have just forgotten to join. Your gift helps our sustainability on Maui...Thank you!

Please show your support with this monthly gift...


Under type click "1800 club"

Under pmt. amount click "indefinitely"

Toda Raba for your support of JCM!


Everyday shopping brings money to JCM. Your amazon sales mean $$$ for JCM. Every time you start your sale (I just bookmark, Amazon will automatically give JCM a percentage of your sale. Every little bit adds up...thank you for designating JCM as your Amazon smiles charity.


Mon, March 10 2025 10 Adar 5785