***New class- this week only*** High Holiday Class: Emotional & Ritual Preparedness Led by Rabbi Shalom Click Here for Zoom Link
As we sound the shofar in anticipation of a new year, this short class will provide and overview of this season of spiritual return and an opportunity to have your questions about the High Holidays answered and explored.
Mystical insights on the Torah from a Hassidic perspective, by the renowned rebbe, storyteller and kabbalist of Uman, Rabbi Nachman of Bretzlav.
If you have ever wondered about Hassidic thought, or heard about the ecstatic intense spiritual worlds of the Baal Shem Tov and the Maggids, come participate in a discussion and reading of selections from the grandson of the founder of the Hassidic movement.
A Tish (Yiddish for "table") is a spiritual gathering in the Hassidic tradition. It usually involves teachings on the Torah and other holy texts, singing wordless melodies known as niggunim, and usually l'chaims and refreshments. Everyone is welcome - it's an informal event, bring your own drink and nosh!
For the next few weeks, this will be a shortened Tish and will be followed by our new High Holiday Prep Series...see below.
Holiday Prep Series with Rabbi Shalom Click Here for the link Theme: Everything you always wanted to know about Rosh HaShana but were afraid to ask!
It's less than 7 weeks to Rosh HaShana, and we have entered into an important sacred time of spiritual preparation and personal transformation. This new weekly event will touch on some of the main themes, melodies, and rituals of this season of renewal. The Yamim Nora'im (Days of Awe) are an annual opportunity for reconnecting with our souls and community; this series will support our personal and communal journeying. Rabbi Shalom, our "Zoom Rabbi", will facilitate and lead this series. It will start right after the Tish - feel free to participate in either or both!
Friday, August 28
Weekly Parasha - Torah Reading with Sam Shnider Click Here for the link via Zoom, posted for later viewing on Facebook
For generations upon generations, Jews have completed the cycle of Torah reading each and connected one section each week to their world, their lives, and their ethical perspective on life. Come join for a 20-30 minute modern look at the messages and realities these sacred Hebrew words can have on our life this week.
Ruach Shabbat with Toby Pechner Click Here for the link Join Toby Pechner for a fun and musical Shabbat live from Chicago! Toby was on Maui about a year ago, and we had a Zoom Shabbat with our commuity of all ages last month. Don't miss this fun way to welcome in Shabbat...with Ruach. More details here!
20 minutes before candlelighting - a spiritual way to welcome the Shabbat with Shalom Aleychem, Lecha Dodi, a word of Torah, and lighting the candles. Ends at Candlelighting.
As we are physically distancing, staying connected to each other and our spiritual community has never been more important. Through this new short weekly gathering, we'll have an opportunity to see each other, hear verses from the weekly Torah reading chanted from a scroll, pray for healing, and recite Mourner's Kaddish. Please join to ensure a minyan of 10 Jewish adults. We'll be experimenting with this abridged prayer and meditation moment and alternating meeting on Zoom in the morning and afternoon. Rabbi Shalom, our "Zoom Rabbi", will facilitate and lead the prayers, meditations, songs, and rituals.
Please email admin@mauijews.org with anyone you would like to be added to the mishabeircah (healing) list. English and/or Hebrew name is fine.
Coming up next week:
Tuesday, Sept. 1: Kashrut class (second in the series) with Shayna Naveh. All are welcome to attend with questions about the JCM Kashrut policy or Kashrut policies in general! Click Here for details
Welcome Sandra Razieli!
Sandra Razieli is excited to be taking on the role of the Director of the JCM Talmud Torah. She served as Bar/Bat Mitzvah Program Director, Educator and Spiritual Leader at Kehilla Community Synagogue in Piedmont, CA for 17 years. Sandra is also a cultural anthropologist and a movement educator. She has lived, studied and taught extensively in Minnesota, Israel, and California, and holds degrees from the University of Minnesota and Stanford University. She is grateful to have called Maui her home for the past three years and is looking forward to being more involved with JCM.
A separate email will come out when we are ready for Talmud Torah registration. ___________________
High Holidays:
We will continue to update you on the plans and be sure to attend Rabbi Shalom's classes to have some inspiration as we get closer to the High Holidays. Especially this year, when the holidays will look and feel different than other years, these classes are a great opportunity to find different meaning and traditions for the holidays. See you there! ____________________
Sheloshim: Teena Wallin David Silberman
Yahrzeit List August 24- August 31
Clara Goldhaber L. Sanford Sussman Fay Siegel Mark Harris Samuel Losk Dr. Peter Caprow Hyman Stolove Richard Lee Horwitz Dr. Joel Hartley Sonya Rupnow Lyle Rogers Albert Gerrick Lyle Rogers Oscar Weissberg
Please join us on Monday at 5:00pm for a communal opportunity to say Kaddish for your loved one, and if there is anything else JCM can do to support you, please contact us at admin@mauijews.org.
It came to our attention, that not everyone is receiving the yahrzeit reminders. While we get this worked out with our software program, we will post the yahrzeit lists in the weekly newsletter.
1. Go to smile.amazon.com 2. Login as normal 3. Select Jewish Congregation of Maui
Same Amazon, same prices, same everytthing... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
The mission of the Jewish Congregation of Maui is to support and inspire Jewish religious and cultural practices for Maui residents and visitors, provide and encourage Jewish education and life cycle services, and engage the Jewish community with religious services, classes, and events.