Maui Monday Minyan Moment: A Short Weekly Communal Kaddish Opportunity with Rabbi Shalom Click Here for the link
A 10 minute gathering so we can have an on-line minyan and recite Mourner's Kaddish. We'll have a few minutes of song and meditation, chant from a Torah scroll, ask for healing, and conclude with Kaddish. Please join us! Please join to ensure a minyan of 10 Jewish adults.
Please email with anyone you would like to be added to the mishabeircah (healing) list. English and/or Hebrew name is fine.
Have you read the JCM Kashrut Policies? If not, click here . Would you like to understand not only how we have chosen to keep Kosher at JCM but why we have chosen to uphold the standards that we have? Would you like to know what you can prepare at home or purchase at the grocery store to bring to onsite events once Beit Shalom opens up? Would you like to be a Kitchen Volunteer or a Kitchen Manager? If so, please join us.
Mystical insights on the Torah from a Hassidic perspective, by the renowned rebbe, storyteller and kabbalist of Uman, Rabbi Nachman of Bretzlav.
If you have ever wondered about Hassidic thought, or heard about the ecstatic intense spiritual worlds of the Baal Shem Tov and the Maggids, come participate in a discussion and reading of selections from the grandson of the founder of the Hassidic movement.
Wednesday, September 9
*only two classes left* Tish and High Holiday Prep with Rabbi Shalom Click Here for the link
A Tish (Yiddish for "table") is a spiritual gathering in the Hassidic tradition. Rabbi Shalom will lead a short Tish with music, conversation and teachings to help us prepare for the High Holidays. This is a combination of the Tish and High Holiday Prep class, and it will last about an hour. This week the focus is on the Rosh HaShana Services. Follow up discussion and Q&A on Friday (see below for details).
Friday, September 11
Weekly Parasha - Torah Reading with Sam Shnider Click Here for the link via Zoom, posted for later viewing on Facebook
For generations upon generations, Jews have completed the cycle of Torah reading each and connected one section each week to their world, their lives, and their ethical perspective on life. Come join for a 20-30 minute modern look at the messages and realities these sacred Hebrew words can have on our life this week.
Join with members of the Modesto, CA Jewish community as we all prepare for the Days of Awe and discuss the content from the Tish.
Musical Kabbalat Shabbat with Sam Shnider and Cynthia Lebowitz Click Here for Zoom Link Join Sam and Cynthia to bring in the Shabbat with candles, wine, challah, song, music, excellent drash, and prayer. New melodies, old melodies, new songs, old liturgy. Something for everyone. Shiru L'Adonai - Sing to God a New Song.
Monday, September 14
Maui Monday Minyan Moment: A Weekly Communal Kaddish Opportunity Click Here for the link A 10 minute gathering so we can have an on-line minyan and recite Mourner's Kaddish. We'll have a few minutes of song and meditation, chant from a Torah scroll, ask for healing, and conclude with Kaddish. Please join us! Please join to ensure a minyan of 10 Jewish adults.
Please email with anyone you would like to be added to the mishabeircah (healing) list. English and/or Hebrew name is fine.
UPDATE with Rabbi Shalom... we have been ejoying our time with our Zoom rabbi... Rabbi Shalom. His final Minyan and Tish will next week Monday and Wednesday. After Yom Kippur, we will take the time assess his future involvement with JCM. Please take these next ten days to Zoom into his short Monday service or his Wednesday Tish/Calass. We will want to know your thoughts and ideas on his future with JCM...
September is Give Aloha
This is an amazing opportunity to maximize your gifts to JCM. Please make sure to email a photo of your receipt to so we know you made the donation.
We are so grateful to Foodland and Western Union for matching a portion of your donations...making your donation worth more. We know times are financially hard for much of our community, and we are grateful that you continue to commit to eglaitarian and plurastics Judaism on Maui.
Sheloshim: Teena Wallin David Silberman ---------- Yahrzeit List September 7- September 13
Melvin Berman Isadore Sigel Anne Wolff Raymond J. Keller Wilfred Wilks Warren Gibson, Jr. Raymond J. Keller Grace Feinstein Morton Cooper Mindi Rimmerman Vivian "Frankie" Sussman Dorothy Gordon Alex Greenberg Robert Alan Bluh
Please join us on Monday at 5:00pm for a communal opportunity to say Kaddish for your loved one, and if there is anything else JCM can do to support you, please contact us at
It came to our attention, that not everyone is receiving the yahrzeit reminders. While we get this worked out with our software program, we will post the yahrzeit lists in the weekly newsletter.
1. Go to 2. Login as normal 3. Select Jewish Congregation of Maui
Same Amazon, same prices, same everytthing... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
The mission of the Jewish Congregation of Maui is to support and inspire Jewish religious and cultural practices for Maui residents and visitors, provide and encourage Jewish education and life cycle services, and engage the Jewish community with religious services, classes, and events.