7:00pm Aravit in Hebrew with Shayna Nechama Every Monday and Thursday. Details Here
Tuesday, April 20 7:00pm Class with Sam S. Mitzvot (Divine Commandments) What are the mitzvot? Where do they appear in the Torah? What is their interpretation? What is their purpose? How have they been a basis for a Jewish life throughout the generations? How can they apply in our lives, how they can inspire us, and what opportunities can they give us to feel a sense of connection? We will look together at some of the sources and think about their meaning and relevance. Sam plans to start with a general discussion of what mitzvot are and why they are important. Thursday, April 22 7:00pm Aravit in Hebrew with Shayna Nechama Every Monday and Thursday. Details Here
Friday, April 23 8:30am Parsha Class with Sam S. 5:00 pm It's Toby Pechner with Ruach Kabbalat Shabbat!
Sunday, April 25 10:30am Community Refuah Schleima and Mourner's Kaddish Community prayer for loved ones who are ill and Kaddish for those who have passed. Those who would like to stay on and support each other after may do so. Please join each week when you can to support those in our community who need us...your presence will bring comfort and peace to those who need it. ***special event*** 5:00 pm "Jews & Archery...What exactly is Lag B'Omer?" Class with Rabbi Shalom Bochner We're excited to have Rabbi Shalom zoom in a special two-part class on the upcoming celebrations and the Hebrew calendar! His classes are a favorite for all who have joined in the past...don't miss this special opportunity.
Save The Dates: Sunday, May 2 @ 5pm Rabbi Shalom Class
Wednesday, May 5 @10am Book Club Led by Dorothy Tolliver Details Here .
Want to say a prayer of gratitue and appreciation for getting your COVID vaccine?
Here are just two examples...for other prayers, please go to ritualwell.org or opensiddur.org. There are many prayers and intentions you can find on these sites that you can say while receiving or waiting for your vaccine.
From the Rabbinical Assembly:
בהודיה והוקרה לאל הרופא לשבורי לב ומחבש לעצמותם התודה וההוקרה שהשראת לרופאים ולמדענים את החכמה בינה ודעת להכין חיסון זה לפננו יהי רצון מלפניך שבחיסוני זה אזכה לשמור ולרפא נפשות כל חי ולזכות במצוות המציל נפש אחת ברוך הרופא כל חולים
With gratitude and thanksgiving to The Healer of broken hearts and restorer of broken bones, appreciation and thanks for inspiring the medical teams and scientists granting them the wisdom, knowledge and expertise to prepare this vaccine for all of us. May it be your will that with my vaccination I will be granted the ability to heal and keep safe humankind and be granted the privilege to fulfill the mitzvah of one who saves a life. Blessed are you Healer of all who are sick. _____
This blessing begins with words from the prayer Asher Yatzar, a morning blessing thanking God for the miracle of our bodies. This version notes that just as the pandemic is worldwide, so too are God’s human partners in creating, distributing, and administering these vaccines.
Edgar"Ted" Cary Max Jedlicki Minna Bromberg Ruth Tavera Benjamin Barbarosh Oren (Akiva) Wikle Bernard Satenstein Edith Wollen Walter Ray Williams, Sr. Betty Menevitch Sarah Silvia Adler Eliyahu Ovadiah Amram Sheralyn Rugman Morton Manuel Hatch Bernard Banks Harry Poller Donna Pokorny Schwartzer Mollie Sigel Florence Rudman George Bush Edythe Kaplan Bartlett
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The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
The mission of the Jewish Congregation of Maui is to support and inspire Jewish religious and cultural practices for Maui residents and visitors, provide and encourage Jewish education and life cycle services, and engage the Jewish community with religious services, classes, and events.