Mahalo and Toda to Sam Shnider, Rabbi Nechama, and Cantor Martin Neumann for leading inspirational and meaningful services. And, thank you to everyone who joined us live or on zoom and participated in our Rosh Hashanah services. Our new Zoom/live hybrid setup is fantastic!
Up next...
Any changes and additions will be posted on the website calendar.
Sunday, Sept. 12
Join JCM for the first annual REVERSE TASHLICH - all are welcome! In this new year, let's all commit to Tikkun Olam... bring your family and friends for a fun morning of beach clean up and fun!
8:30am: Meet at JCM to get your sifting screens and collection materials Remember your hats and sunscreen.
10:00am: Return screens and plastic to the JCM tent. We'll have cold drinks to pour into your reusable bottles and homemade honey cake.
Please join us for a reverse tashlich, along with 143 Jewish communities in 16 countries - organized by Tikkum Ha’yam (
Throw nothing in the water, take the crumbs of plastic out.
Sift sand to remove dangerous microplastics and pick up pieces of debris on Kalepolepo Beach Park, walking distance to/from the synagogue. We will have screens for sifting and containers for bringing the detritus back to JCM (This will be included in the data being collected by the Humpback Whale Sanctuary).
Questions and RSVP??? Call Marge Bonar 281-5701
Rosh Hashanah 5782
Another High Holiday season of social distancing, exactly when we most yearn to join together as a community. It’s hard making difficult decisions with imperfect information. Yet even under the fog of COVID, we are planting new seeds and finding new ways to nurture Jewish life on Maui.
We are excited to launch Kulanu, our reimagined family Jewish education program. “Kulanu” means “all of us”. Through song, dance, improv theater, crafts, and cooking families will have the opportunity to gather together in a COVID-safe shaded outdoor space and share Jewish life. We welcome Happy Lefton as Director. Happy is assembling a fabulous team of presenters share their skills with our families each week. Kulanu will launch with a family sukkah-building party on Sunday September 19.
We are thrilled that the first graduates of our innovative Bnei Mitzvah program, created by Sandra Razieli, will be celebrating Bat Mitzvahs this fall. Mazaltov to Hannah and Makaela Cooper, and to Zoe Dorkin!
Many are wondering when we are getting a Rabbi. Given the limitations of COVID, we have paused our formal Rabbi search. We have been speaking with Rabbi Hanniel Levenson, who hopes to be spending some time with us this winter teaching and getting to know the community. Once COVID cases calm down, Rabbi Daniel Lev of Oahu plans to do a monthly Shabbaton with us.
Now comes the fundraising pitch. Even during a time when meeting in person is limited, JCM still has bills to pay. And we all need to do our part to make sure JCM is still here post-COVID.
I urge you to give whatever you can to ensure a viable inclusive Jewish presence on Maui. Go to And, during September you can do a mitzvah for JCM by visiting any Foodland and tell the cashier at checkout that you want to Give Aloha. The code for JCM is 77216. A percentage of every contribution up to $249 will be matched by Foodland!
Ktiva v’chatima tova! May you be inscribed and sealed for a good New Year.
Kol tuv (all the best), Sheri Levin McNerthney President, Jewish Congregation of Maui
Is this on your calendar yet?
Kulanu means All of Us!
Kulanu is our new family program bringing camp-style fun to JCM.
Sunday, Sept. 19: Sukkah Building and decorating (all ages welome) Sunday, Sept. 26: Simchat Torah Creative Writing and Performance (ages K +)
Families- join us for a morning of fun - just being Jewish together!
We have a beautiful event tent over our black top to keep our kids out of the sun and cool.
All events with Kulanu are free. Donations welcome.
You have already donated $997 in the first week! Toda Raba!!!
***FUN FACT*** If you have 2 Maka'i numbers, you can give twice!
During September, make a donation to JCM at any Foodland or Sack N Save checkout, and Foodland and the Western Union Foundation will make a donation to our organization too! JCM's code is: 77216 How to Donate: 1) Shop at Foodland or Sack N Save! 2) Show your Maika'i card to the cashier at checkout. 3) Tell the cashier our code and the amount of your donation (up to $249).
Don't worry... I'll remind you again :)
You can make an impact while you shop everyday.
Simply shop at and AmazonSmile will donate to the Jewish Congregation of Maui Inc, at no cost to you.
Same amazon, same prices, same everything... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!!
The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
The mission of the Jewish Congregation of Maui is to support and inspire Jewish religious and cultural practices for Maui residents and visitors, provide and encourage Jewish education and life cycle services, and engage the Jewish community with religious services, classes, and events.