Kabbalat Shabbat- Early start time of 6:00pm- a musical Friday night. Come and join us this Friday evening at 6pm at the Shul for a musically inspired Shabbat service as we prepare for Shavuot. Led by Laura Ahava and Rabbi Raanan
Shabbat morning- We need a minyan to welcome a new member who will be called to the Torah. Come show her all the friendship and love we have to offer. Service starts at 9:30, Torah service about 10.
Shavuot is up next on the holiday calendar... it's when we celebrate receiving the Torah and eat cheesecake! Sunday, June 5 @ 7:00pm
A Shabbat led by Laura Ahava and Rabbi Raanan
Sunday, June 5 7:00pm JCM and on Zoom
An entertaining evening of improv, Torah learning, and tasty cheesecake
7:00pm: Biblio-drama and evening prayers 8:00pm: Cheesecake and coffee 8:20pm: Blue Mountain & Rabbi Raanan lead learning sessions around the fire pit (See how I just snuck our new fire pit in there)
Official Call for the JCM Annual Members' Meeting Sunday, June 12 4:00pm State of the Shul address by Sheri Levin McNerthney, a message from Ellyn Mortimer, and a Rabbinic update by Rabbi Raanan...and snacks!
Details: Voting members are invited to attend If you donated at least $600 between July 1, 2021 - May 31, 2022 you are a voting member!
Ballots will be mailed this weekend!
Want to know if you're a member? A quick email to Ellyn admin@mauijews.org will let you know (or just reply to this newsletter).
Welcoming the Convert, Part Two On Purim this year, I wrote a sermon called, “Welcoming the Convert,” where I explained that Amalek directly resulted from our forefathers and foremothers denying Timna the ability to convert. In her desperation she became the concubine of Esau’s son and Amalek was born. I concluded with a suggestion that the true way to counter Amalek and confront assimilation is to ensure that all who wish to convert have a path to do so. Forging a path to Judaism is a deeply individual process and it is a blessing to be here on Maui to assist those who choose to climb Mount Sinai together with our people...Read More Here
Any changes and additions will be posted on the website calendar.
Musical Kabbalat Shabbat ***Note earlier time*** 6:00pm Led by Laura Ahava and Rabbi Raanan A musically inspired Shabbat service (with instruments) as we prepare for Shavuot. Followed by a delicious meal
Join Rabbi Raanan at JCM or on ZOOM.
Saturday, June 4
Shabbat Service 9:30am Prayers 10:00am Torah Service Light Kiddush to follow
At JCM or on Zoom
Sunday, June 5
Shavuot 7:00pm An evening of biblio-drama, prayers, learning, and cheesecake (including a vegan option)
Refuah Schleima- Prayer For Healing
Click Hereif you or a loved one would like to be added for a prayer for healing each week. No names will be read aloud without permission...names can be said privately by the rabbi.
JCM is here to support you and your loved ones, please let us know how we can help.
Yahrzeits May 30 - June 6
Lily Meyer Shepard Litt Edith Winograd Caroline Wurzweiler Milton Wurzweiler Max Tolin Harlan Saeks Dr. Leo Madow Ethel Heller Dr. Milton Yolles Mark Borison Mary Savitt Irving Peltz Karl Volkert Herman Paul Greenman Nathan Richman Naomi Leiter Sherwood B. Fein Shirley Norsen Miriam Katz Samuel Kirey Lillian Judd Hannah Isaac Morris David Frieder
Join us for services on Friday and Saturday for Mourner's Kaddish
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The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
The mission of the Jewish Congregation of Maui is to support and inspire Jewish religious and cultural practices for Maui residents and visitors, provide and encourage Jewish education and life cycle services, and engage the Jewish community with religious services, classes, and events.