Mazel Tov Jack Hershenfield! In a beautiful service in Kapalua, Jack was called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah. This family has been part of our JCM 'Ohana for many years, and we were happy to celebrate with them once again.
Give Aloha is almost here!
Foodland and Western Union will match a portion of every donation you make using your makai number and our number 77216 at checkout at any Foodland in September. I will send a separate email in September with all the details for those of you that are new to Give Aloha.
Look for our banner in the Kihei Foodland location!
Happy Giving!
On Chosenness and Repairing the World: Parshat Re'eh “Follow none but the Eternal your G!d, and revere none but Him; observe His commandments alone and heed only his orders; worship none but the Eternal, and hold fast to the Lord.” -Deuteronomy 13:5
The Creator is envisioned as a raging fire, so the commentators ask how can one hold fast to a fire? We are to cling to the Eternal by doing what the Eternal does, so to speak; this includes visiting the sick, sustaining the poor, freeing the enslaved, and comforting the grieving (Babylonian Talmud Sotah 14a). During our Thursday evening learning we talked about Tikkun Olam and why it is that we are expected to ‘repair the world.’ Our chosenness is one that obligates us to take part in making the world a better place.
The idea of chosenness has been deeply problematic for our people throughout the ages... READ MORE HERE
THE KITCHEN! The sliding doors (single pane and makes the room sooooo hot) are out. We insulated the wall and closed it up. That wall will soon have a cooktop with storage! Thanks for your patience while we work on this project. We'll have more kitchen mess a little later- after the holidays, and I will update you along the way!
Please don't feel bad if we ask you to not be in the kitchen too much right now...It's a construction site, and not as safe as we'd like it to be. More photos next week!
Save the Dates: Sept. 17 @ 10am: Family Shabbat Service October 9 @ 10am: Sukkah building and family fun day
Rabbi Raanan and the education committee have been hard at work creating meaningful and fun programming for the kids- both education and fun! Talmud Torah has been completely reimagined and we hope it will meet your wants and needs for your children.
Membership continues to come in...I appreciate everyone who is sharing this vision with us and who is supporting this hard work. Toda, mahalo, and thank you!!!
It’s membership renewal time! This is when we ask you to reflect on the value of having a pluralistic, inclusive, community-centered synagogue on our little, remote island.
What does that even mean?
Support of the Jewish life of your choosing- without judgment
We don’t talk about levels of observance
No one is “more Jewish” than anyone else
Girls, Boys, LBGTQ+ have equal access to the Torah and lifecycle events
Welcoming to all with a flexible dues plan
Preserving meaningful traditions and open to creating new ones
A voice in the direction your community is heading
Children of paternal lineage are equally Jewish
Contemporary and Traditional teachings
A progressive cemetery
Click Here to read Ellyn's whole letter...or simply click below to join today.
Click Hereif you or a loved one would like to be added for a prayer for healing each week. No names will be read aloud without permission...names can be said privately by the rabbi.
JCM is here to support you and your loved ones, please let us know how we can help.
Yahrzeits August 22 - August 29
David Forrest Chapman Sarah Hodes Leona Berman Clara Goldhaber Benjamin F. Mensh Fay Siegel L. Sanford Sussman Samuel Losk Mark Harris Justin Alan Nathan Dr. Joel Hartley
Join us for services on Friday and Saturday to recite Mourner's Kaddish
You can make an impact while you shop everyday.
Simply shop at and AmazonSmile will donate to the Jewish Congregation of Maui Inc, at no cost to you.
Same amazon, same prices, same everything... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!!
The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
The mission of the Jewish Congregation of Maui is to support and inspire Jewish religious and cultural practices for Maui residents and visitors, provide and encourage Jewish education and life cycle services, and engage the Jewish community with religious services, classes, and events.