Saturday, February 4 at 10am - Children's Shabbat Morning Service. We will also be celebrating Nicole (Leah) Lasko's recent conversion to Judaism. Mazal Tov to her and her wonderful family.
Sunday, February 5 at 12:30pm - Tu BiShvat JCM Holy Smokes BBQ & Garden Dedication Ceremony (Volunteers needed: please contact Rabbi Raanan if you can help)
Tuesday, February 7 at 6pm - Sam Glazer Concert at JCM - A joyful night of Jewish music. Tickets at the door.
Sunday, February 12 at 7pm - San Francisco Yiddish Combo - Klezmer Music at JCM - Tickets for $23 can be purchased on EventBrite by clicking here
Monday, March 6, 2023 - Purim Play - Come and see the JCM Talmud Torah students perform in the Purim Play being led by Rebecca Rhapsody, daughter of Joseph Narrowe. Practices for the play will take place during Talmud Torah on Wednesdays: Feb. 8, 15, 22 and March 8. Children that would like to be in the play but are not Talmud Torah students are welcome. Please contact Rabbi Raanan with your interest.
Wednesday, April 5 at 6pm - JCM Community Passover Seder - A family-friendly inclusive Seder. Pricing, tickets and further information will be available starting on March 1. Please disregard the price that came out last week. (Volunteers needed: please contact Rabbi Raanan if you can help)
Israeli Folk Dancing IS BACK! Sundays, Starting in February! 3:00pm - 5:00pm Led by Paula Wolk at JCM Ages 16+
We are starting to dance this Sunday, Feb.5, all are welcome to join us after the Tu B'Shevat activities. Come learn some Israeli Folk dances.
JCM Teen Program - For ages 12+ Wednesdays after Talmud Torah, starting this week, here at JCM. 6:00pm - 6:45pm We will start this week with a brief introduction
The JCM Teen Program will be run by Aryeh Glickman and Rabbi Raanan Mallek. We will decide on fun things to do like watching movies and making pizzas in our new kitchen.
If you don't give today, how can we be here tomorrow?
You may not need us every day, or even every week. But when you want us, you need us to be here.
Please give a gift to JCM. We rely solely on donations/memberships to pay our bills, our salaries, and programming. Your gift now will ensure that our dynamic leadership team has the resources we need to be here for you and your Maui Jewish community.
Give with joy, give with pride, give today.
P.S. We're not spending money and using resources to send out letters, this is this our ask and our reminder to you that we do not exist without you.
Talmud Torah - open enrollment Wednesdays 5:00pm - 6:00pm We have a dozen students from ages 6-13 in three different classes. It's not too late to join the learning and the fun!
Our Mission: Our school seeks to inspire children to develop a rich Jewish life through a love of pluralistic learning and developing friendships in a diverse community.
Introducing the JCM Teen Program Parents are welcome to ask questions 6:00pm - 6:45pm
Thursday, February 2
Kabbalah Class with Rabbi Raanan 7:00 - 8:00pm We study the weekly Torah portion on a mystical level
Friday, February 3
Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00pm Live at JCM and on ZOOM
Saturday, February 4
Childrens Shabbat Services and Kiddush in Honor of Nicole Lasko's Conversion 10:00am Live at JCM and on ZOOM
Sunday, February 5
Tu Bishvat!
Special Board Session with Bree 10:00am At JCM
Tu Bishvat Holy Smokes BBQ & Dedication of the JCM Garden 12:30pm At JCM - Donations appreciated
Refuah Schleima- Prayer For Healing
Click Hereif you or a loved one would like to be added for a prayer for healing each week. No names will be read aloud without permission... names can be said privately by the rabbi.
JCM is here to support you and your loved ones, please let us know how we can help.
Yahrzeits January 29 - February 4
Archie Halparin Clara Halparin Elizabeth Cohn Hilde Teltscher Isadore Tinkleman Jack Ungerman Jerome Weiner Kevin Pearlman Kurt Schweizer Lily Wosk Margo Landesman May Robbins Norman Greenberg Norman Greenberg Robert S. Richards Rose Freund Rose Margolese
Join us for services on Friday and Saturday to recite Mourner's Kaddish
You can make an impact while you shop everyday.
Simply shop at and AmazonSmile will donate to the Jewish Congregation of Maui Inc, at no cost to you.
Same amazon, same prices, same everything... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!!
The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
The mission of the Jewish Congregation of Maui is to support and inspire Jewish religious and cultural practices for Maui residents and visitors, provide and encourage Jewish education and life cycle services, and engage the Jewish community with religious services, classes, and events.