This Sunday: Hawaii Inter-Island Chevrah Kadisha presents Exploring Jewish Views of the Afterlife: Contemporary Implications with Rabbi Dr. Simcha Raphael, Ph.D. via Zoom Feb 12 at 5pm on Zoom: Donations Welcomed! Send to HIICK 1200 Queen Emma St. Apt 3704 Honolulu, Hi 96813
Join us for the next JCM Teen Gathering Wed. Feb. 22 at 6pm after Talmud Torah The Rabbi will make pizzas with our teen group and watch a movie. Teens 12+ are welcome to join us.
Purpose of the Alexander Ben Abraham Singer Scholarship: The Alexander Singer Scholarship Fund was established in blessed memory of its namesake. The purpose of the scholarship is to financially assist Hawai`i’s Jewish youth to experience a Jewish camp on the U.S. Mainland or in Israel, or to travel to Israel for an educational program or the Birthright Israel Program.
Application Requirements: Applicants for camp must be between the ages of 12 to 18 and/or not yet a high school graduate.
Priority will be given to first time Singer Scholarship applicants. Click here for the application or email
The Other Einstein : a novel by Marie Benedict
The Other Einstein offers us a window into a brilliant, fascinating woman whose light was lost in Einstein's enormous shadow. This novel resurrects Einstein's wife, a brilliant physicist in her own right, whose contribution to the special theory of relativity is hotly debated. Was she simply Einstein's sounding board, an assistant performing complex mathematical equations? Or did she contribute something more?
Israeli Folk Dancing IS BACK! Sundays 3:00pm - 5:00pm Led by Paula Wolk at JCM Ages 16+
Save the Dates
Monday, March 6, 2023 - Purim Play - Come and see the JCM Talmud Torah students perform in the Purim Play being led by Rebecca Rhapsody, daughter of Joseph Narrowe. Practices for the play will take place during Talmud Torah on Wednesdays: Feb. 8, 15, 22 and March 8. Children that would like to be in the play but are not Talmud Torah students are welcome. Please contact Rabbi Raanan with your interest. Wednesday, April 5 at 6pm - JCM Community Passover Seder - A family-friendly inclusive Seder. Pricing, tickets and further information will be available starting on March 1. (Volunteers needed: please contact Rabbi Raanan if you can help)
If you don't give today, how can we be here tomorrow?
You may not need us every day, or even every week. But when you want us, you need us to be here.
Please give a gift to JCM for a successful 2023. We rely solely on donations/memberships to pay for dynamic programming, our bills and the Rabbi's salary. Your gift now will ensure that our dynamic leadership team has the resources we need to be here for you and your Maui Jewish community.
Give with joy, give with pride, give today.
P.S. We're not spending money and using resources to send out letters, this is this our ask and our reminder to you that we do not exist without you.
Yitro: The Commandment to Know the Eternal - A Short Text Study
"I, the Eternal, am your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, the house of bondage." Exodus 20:1 - The First of the Ten Commandments
"The foundation of all foundations and the pillar of wisdom is to know that there is a Primary Being who brought into being all existence. All the beings of the heavens, the earth, and what is between them come into existence only from the truth of His Being." Maimonides, Mishneh Torah, Hilchot Yesodei HaTorah 1
"Maimonides did not say: believe that there is a Primary Being... [but rather] that the commandment is to know this with the knowledge of the mind, and this is, as Maimonides said in A Guide for the Perplexed 2:33, 'these two commandments... a person can achieve with their mind' and it isn't necessary to receive them from Moses by way of faith..." Rabbi Meir Leibush Wisser (1809–1879) also known as the Malbim.
I am reminded of a saying that is in most Israeli synagogues: "Know before whom you stand." Rabbi Shefa Gold comments on this idea as follows:
"These words are inscribed on many synagogue walls and are meant to remind the congregants of the seriousness of prayer. In the past I’ve dismissed this phrase as being too stern, too much like 'Big Brother' watching and judging. Yet now, when I chant this phrase, an entirely new meaning emerges. The verb ידע yada to “know” also means to “be intimate with” (To know someone in the Biblical sense). As I chant, I am called into intimacy with The Great Mystery who stands before me. That Mystery is disguised as this world, as my life. As I stand before that Mystery I am called into my power, in order to fully engage. The veil between me and the world-as-God drops away, and I can experience the intimate knowing that I am not a separate observer, but rather an integral part of The Mystery of existence."
Talmud Torah - open enrollment Wednesdays 5:00pm - 6:00pm We have a dozen students from ages 6-13 in three different classes. It's not too late to join the learning and the fun!
Our Mission: Our school seeks to inspire children to develop a rich Jewish life through a love of pluralistic learning and developing friendships in a diverse community.
Kabbalat Shabbat Service 6:00pm Live at JCM and on ZOOM
Saturday, February 11th
Morning Shabbat Service 9:30am Live at JCM and on ZOOM
Sunday, February 12th
Israeli Folk Dancing 3:00-5:00pm Live at JCM
Hawaii Inter-Island Chevrah Kadisha presents Exploring Jewish Views of the Afterlife: Contemporary Implications with Rabbi Dr. Simcha Raphael, Ph.D. via Zoom 5:00pm On Zoom: Use this link:
San Francisco Yiddish Combo Klezmer Music at JCM 7:00pm Live at JCM
Refuah Schleima- Prayer For Healing
Click Hereif you or a loved one would like to be added for a prayer for healing each week. No names will be read aloud without permission...names can be said privately by the rabbi.
JCM is here to support you and your loved ones, please let us know how we can help.
Yahrzeits February 5 - February 11
Adelle Sherry Feigelman Alfred Levin Betty Meyers Bunny Klein Fanny Weisman Goldberg Harold Rubenstein Herman W. Klompus Hilda Weissberg Howard Schwartz Irving Seifert James Gaviser Jane G Fein Jean Madow Jochai Tas-Goodblatt Joseph Gorfinkle Maylin Arcangel Phillip Blank Richard Mostow Samuel Portnoff Sarah Blum William Silverman
Join us for services on Friday and Saturday to recite Mourner's Kaddish
You can make an impact while you shop everyday. Amazon Smile ends on February 20. Please make use of this soon!
Simply shop at and AmazonSmile will donate to the Jewish Congregation of Maui Inc, at no cost to you.
Same amazon, same prices, same everything... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!!
The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
The mission of the Jewish Congregation of Maui is to support and inspire Jewish religious and cultural practices for Maui residents and visitors, provide and encourage Jewish education and life cycle services, and engage the Jewish community with religious services, classes, and events.