Happy Passover & Shabbat Shalom - 14th of Nisan - Apr. 5
04/04/2023 05:59:42 PM
Date Added
If you would like to attend our Passover Seder this year via Zoom, please click here to join us at 6pm on Wednesday, Apr. 5. You can download a PDF of our Traditional Inclusive Passover Hagaddah here . Thank you to our editor last year, Bailey Northcott.
Please note that JCM offices will be closed for the Passover holiday from Thursday, April 6th to Friday, April 8th. There will be regular Shabbat services on Friday evening and Saturday morning. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Last chance - Tickets for the Community Passover Seder on Wednesday, April 5th at 6pm You can purchase tickets for the Community Passover Seder by clicking HERE. The cost is $100 for JCM members and Maui residents and $120 for visitors. The dinner will be chicken, matza ball soup, gefilte fish, roasted vegitables (vegan), and potatoes. Notethat only when you select if you are a member or a visitor does the option to pay and indicate how many people will be part of your group appear. (Volunteers needed: please contact Rabbi Raanan if you can help)
Please do not bring Hametz (leavened products) into JCM for the Passover Seder
We kindly ask that everyone attending the Passover Seder to not bring any food or beverages of any kind, as JCM has been fully kashered and hametz (leavened products) are not allowed to enter until eafter Passover. Please be sure to check your purses and other bags. Feel free to reach out to Rabbi Raanan (rabbi@mauijews.org) with any questions. Mahalo for your Kakua. We look forward to celebrating with you.
Last Chance to Sell your Hametz Deadline: Wednesday, Apr. 5 11am You can sell your Hametz by clicking HERE
Rabbi Raanan will sell your chametz on Wednesday, April 5, 2023 at 11:00am HST.
NOTE: If possible, all hametz - food not acceptable during Passover, or materials containing such unacceptable food - should be destroyed or given away before the holiday begins on Tuesday evening, April 4th (13th of Nisan), 2023/5783. Should this be impossible, the hametz may be stored in such a way that we are sure not to use it during the holiday and its actual ownership is transferred to a non-Jew until the holiday ends. Please complete the form below by 11am HST on Wednesday, April 5th, 2023.
By filling out this form, I hereby am providing my digital signature that will be fully valid legally on my behalf. This transaction will be in effect for the duration of Passover 5783/2023, which this year begins with sundown of Wednesday, April 5th, 2023 and runs until the evening of Thursday, April 13, 2023. Only after 8pm on the evening of Thursday, April 13, 2023 does the hametz revert back to your ownership.
Friday Evening Shabbat Services now at 6:30pm Please take note that Friday evening Kabbalat Shabbat services will be starting at 6:30pm.
Israeli Folk Dancing will be on a break until May 7 Returning on Sunday, May 7 from 3:00pm - 5:00pm Led by Paula Wolk at JCM Ages 16+
We continue our dances on Sunday, May 7, all are welcome to join us. Come learn some Israeli Folk dances. Israeli dance will be on a break from Sunday, Apr. 9 to Sunday, Apr. 30 resuming again on Sunday, May 7.
A fun time was had by all at the 2023 Talmud Torah Chocolate Seder. Thank you to our Madrichim (Teen helpers)!
Save the Dates
Tuesday, April 25 6-9pm - JCM Gala Fundraiser at the Kula Lodge for Israel Independence Day — $126 per person, menu to follow. Live music, dancing and a silent auction.
You may not need us every day, or even every week. But when you want us, you need us to be here.
Please give a gift to JCM. We rely solely on donations/memberships to pay our bills, our salaries, and programming. Your gift now will ensure that JCM has the resources we need to be here for you and your Maui Jewish community.
P.S. We're not spending money and using resources to send out letters, this is this our ask and our reminder to you that we do not exist without you.
Talmud Torah - open enrollment Wednesdays 5:00pm - 6:00pm We have a dozen students from ages 6-13 in three different classes. It's not too late to join the learning and the fun!
Our Mission: Our school seeks to inspire children to develop a rich Jewish life through a love of pluralistic learning and developing friendships in a diverse community.
Kabbalat Shabbat Service 6:30pm Live at JCM and on Zoom Please note the change of time and that services now start at 6:30pm
Saturday, April 8th
Morning Shabbat Service 9:30am Live at JCM and on Zoom
Refuah Schleima- Prayer For Healing
Click Hereif you or a loved one would like to be added for a prayer for healing each week. No names will be read aloud without permission...names can be said privately by the rabbi.
JCM is here to support you and your loved ones, please let us know how we can help.
Yahrzeits April 2 - 8
Adolph Mehl Allen Tutletaub Aranka Mehl Dora Hirschhorn Esther Balfour Freda P. Leiter Harry Survetnick Heather R. Saxe Helen I Weil Helen J. Weil Helen Jean Weil Helen Weil Jerome J. Kravitt Marian Kotkins Michael Grinberg Mollye Goldberg Morris Climan Paul Beranbaum Phillip Kirkley Rachel Robbins Rose Greenstein Russell Bennett Mastroff Solomon Zenati
Join us for services on Friday and Saturday to recite Mourner's Kaddish
The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
The mission of the Jewish Congregation of Maui is to support and inspire Jewish religious and cultural practices for Maui residents and visitors, provide and encourage Jewish education and life cycle services, and engage the Jewish community with religious services, classes, and events.