Shabbat Service tonight! This evening's service will be lead by one of our community members David Belzer
We are blessed to have Cap’n Dave Belzer, a pilot by trade, has sung and davened with numerous Jewish communities across America. He believes prayer is a unity of music and meaning - both of which we are all hungering for in this world. Originally from Los Angeles, he splits time with his family there and his home and `ohana here on Maui.
Toda Raba David for leading this evening's Shabbat Service. We truly appreciate you!
Please join us in person at JCM or on Zoom!
Our Torah portion this week places us in the fortieth year of the Israelite journey in the wilderness. Before they can enter the Promised Land, the leaders and siblings of Moses will die. Moses is also told that after he struck the rock instead of speaking to it that he will not be entering the Promised Land either, and that he will also soon die.
If you listen carefully, you will hear the flutter of the wings of history, as the changing of guards occurs and the generation of giants dies. Death is scary. It is one of the most basic human anxieties. Fear of death is unique to humans, because only we know that death exists. Animals have a survival instinct that protects them, but they don’t know that one day they will die.
Knowing in general, and knowledge of death in particular, are the result of our tremendous desire to know, both in terms of knowing information or data, and in terms of consciousness or awareness. In the third chapter of Genesis, we are told about the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The story is a shockingly accurate description of the human desire to know. At the end of the previous chapter, we read that “The two of them were naked, Adam and his wife, yet they felt no shame” - just like animals. By the end of the third chapter, they know they are naked, they are ashamed, and they cover themselves. But they know something else as well. They know that they are mortal. Just as the Eternal had warned.
If you don't give today, how can we be here tomorrow?
You may not need us every day, or even every week. But when you want us, you need us to be here.
Please give a gift to JCM. We rely solely on donations/memberships to pay our bills, our salaries, and programming. Your gift now will ensure that our dynamic leadership team has the resources we need to be here for you and your Maui Jewish community.
Give with joy, give with pride, give today.
P.S. We're not spending money and using resources to send out letters, this is our ask and our reminder to you that we do not exist without you.
Due to the July 4th holiday, there will be no Israeli Folk Dancing this Sunday, July 2nd. Please join us next week - Sunday, July 9th!
Are you still not a member?! Now's the time!!!
Please take a moment to reflect on the value of having a pluralistic, inclusive, community-centered synagogue on our little, remote island.
What does that even mean?
Support of the Jewish life of your choosing- without judgment
We don’t talk about levels of observance
No one is “more Jewish” than anyone else
Girls, Boys, LBGTQ+ have equal access to the Torah and lifecycle events
Welcoming to all with a flexible dues plan
Preserving meaningful traditions and open to creating new ones
A voice in the direction your community is heading
Kabbalat Shabbat Services will lead by Dave Belzer starting at 6:30pm
Saturday, July 1st
Shabbat Morning Services are suspended until further notice
Sunday, July 2nd
Israeli Folk Dance on break until next week
Refuah Schleima- Prayer For Healing
Click Hereif you or a loved one would like to be added for a prayer for healing each week. No names will be read aloud without permission... names can be said privately by the rabbi.
JCM is here to support you and your loved ones, please let us know how we can help.
Important Information Due to recent incidents, we have received news from the staff at the Jewish Cemetery that for safety reasons, the stones or tz'rors placed on the headstones will be removed once a week during cleaning. We understand any concerns you may have. If you would like more information, please email or call 808-874-5397. Thank you in advance for your understanding.
Yahrzeits June 25- July 1
Abraham Bromberg Anne Barry Del Lander Eugene Allen Jeannette Rosen Joshua Goldberg Lawrence Boxer Linda Goldstein Martin Capp Rae Brown Rav Pinchas Aryeh Goodblatt Samuel J. Bartlett Sheldon Evan Berman Steve Alexander Sylvia Tuckman Viola Bellach
Join us for services on Friday to recite Mourner's Kaddish
The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
The mission of the Jewish Congregation of Maui is to support and inspire Jewish religious and cultural practices for Maui residents and visitors, provide and encourage Jewish education and life cycle services, and engage the Jewish community with religious services, classes, and events.