Two weeks ago, Maui, our beautiful island home, suffered a tragic heartbreaking loss from the wildfires in Lahaina and Upcountry. The days that followed, we saw the strength and power of the kamaaina unite together to help each other get through the devastation. The Jewish Congregation of Maui is proud to be part of this community and it is our kuleana- our responsibility, to help those in need. Many thanks to the gracious donors who have contributed towards our cause so that we may provide assistance to those greatly affected. However, the road to recovery and rebuilding is a long one and we have several Jewish community members who are in dire need.
If you would like to support us in our fire relief efforts to help rebuild their lives, here are a few ways you can help:
Donated goods. From Mon-Fri, 10am-4pm, JCM is accepting donated goods and providing provisions to those who need it. Non-perishable food, bottled/potable water, toiletries, baby food, formula both regular and sensitive, and diapers of all sizes are the most items requested. Although we are very grateful for any donation, clothing is not being accepted at this time. This need may change so please check for updates.
Volunteers. Whether you're a local or a visitor that can spare an hour or two of your time, we would love your help with administrative duties, light housekeeping and transporting donated goods.
Other donations of any amount are being accepted at: or by check that can be mailed to the following: Jewish Congregation of Maui. 634 Alulike St. Kihei, HI 96753.
Should you have any questions and/or interested in volunteer opportunities, please email Kalo at or call 808-874-5397
Mahalo nui loa for your kokua. Shabbat Shalom to you and yours.
There will be Shabbat Service this weekend!
This weekend Shabbat service will be lead by Rabbi Gadi Capela, who is spending his holiday rounding off his tour of all 50 US states on Maui. While here, he has kindly offered to lead services on Friday evening and Saturday morning which also includes a Bar Mitzvah.
Born and raised in Israel, Rabbi Gadi moved to New York in 1995 after completing a four-year military service as a lieutenant in a rescue unit.
He studied and graduated from Yeshiva University with degrees in Business Management and Jewish Studies
One of the things that Rabbi Gadi is most passionate about is leading annual interfaith pilgrimages to Israel. He completed a a tour with Abrahamic Reunion – a group of spiritual leaders—Jews, Christians, Muslims, and Druze—working together for promoting inter-religious harmony in the Holy Land. In the context of this tour, he met Rabbi Raanan Mallek and they have been friends ever since.
Please join me in welcoming Rabbi Gabi to Maui in person or on Zoom on Friday, August 25th at 6:30pm or Saturday, August 26th at 9:30am
Save the Date! Bar Mitzvah of Samuel Holz. Shabbat morning, Saturday, Aug 26th 9:30am to 12:00pm
Last week, Rabbi Raanan led his last Shabbat service at JCM. Yesterday, he departed for the East Coast to begin his officer training with the US Navy. Many of us thanked him for his time and service as his last days went by. However, can one ever be too grateful or say thank you too many times? Well not me, Kalo, especially without getting verklempt
It's been an honor to work with you Rabbi Ranaan. Thank you for your time and leadership; For being a great teacher of Jewish life and culture. From learning a little yiddish, preparing for Shabbatz and my all time favorite, showing me how to make Challah! Most importantly, I'm grateful for the amazing opportunity and your guidance that lead me into my new role as JCM's Community Manager and finding my purpose of connecting and creating community.
You will be sorely miss but we wish you well and much success in your next journey. A hui hou kākou, aloha and Mazel Tov!
Mahalo nui loa to the members who have renewed their membership for 2023/2024 and those who have donated. We are very grateful for your support.
Memberships are a large part of what sustains The Jewish Congregation of Maui. Without it we would not be able to provide services especially on High Holidays or continue the Talmud Torah for the next generation.
To help you determine the best membership for you, the following are the different levels, dues and what it includes: Single $600 1 vote Family $960 2 votes Associate No vote
Please note that voting members must live full time in the state of Hawaii.
In addition to renewing your membership, another great way to contribute is through Give Aloha! by Foodland which starts September. More details to follow as the program nears.
If you have any questions, please contact Kalo at
If you don't give today, how can we be here tomorrow?
You may not need us every day, or even every week. But when you want us, you need us to be here.
Please give a gift to JCM. We rely solely on donations/memberships to pay our bills, our salaries, and programming. Your gift now will ensure that our dynamic leadership team has the resources we need to be here for you and your Maui Jewish community.
Give with joy, give with pride, give today.
P.S. We're not spending money and using resources to send out letters, this is our ask and our reminder to you that we do not exist without you.
It is time to renew your membership for 5784: 2023-2024
Please take a moment to reflect on the value of having a pluralistic, inclusive, community-centered synagogue on our little, remote island.
What does that even mean?
Support of the Jewish life of your choosing- without judgment
We don’t talk about levels of observance
No one is “more Jewish” than anyone else
All have equal access to the Torah and lifecycle events
Welcoming to all with a flexible dues plan
Preserving meaningful traditions and open to creating new ones
A voice in the direction your community is heading
Kabbalat Shabbat Services will lead by Rabbi Gadi starting at 6:30pm
Saturday, Aug 26th
Shabbat Morning services at 9:30 am Led by Rabbi Gadi
Followed by Bar Mitzvah for Samuel Holz
Sunday, Aug 27th
Israeli Folk Dance suspended until further notice
Refuah Schleima- Prayer For Healing
Click Hereif you or a loved one would like to be added for a prayer for healing each week. No names will be read aloud without permission... names can be said privately by the rabbi.
JCM is here to support you and your loved ones, please let us know how we can help.
Yahrzeits Aug 20-26
Al Silverman Clara Goldhaber David Forrest Chapman Dr. Peter Caprow Fay Siegel Hyman Stolove L. Sanford Sussman Leona Berman Mark Harris Richard Lee Horwitz Samuel Losk Sarah Hodes Sonya Rupnow
Join us for services on Friday to recite Mourner's Kaddish
Important Information Regarding our Cemetery Due to recent incidents, we have received news from the staff at the Jewish Cemetery that for safety reasons, the stones or tz'rors placed on the headstones will be removed once a week during cleaning. We understand any concerns you may have. If you would like more information, please email or call 808-874-5397. Thank you in advance for your understanding.
The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
The mission of the Jewish Congregation of Maui is to support and inspire Jewish religious and cultural practices for Maui residents and visitors, provide and encourage Jewish education and life cycle services, and engage the Jewish community with religious services, classes, and events.