UPDATE: Our apologies but due to unforeseen circumstances, Shabbat Shuva service for this evening have been cancelled. We're sorry for the late notice and any inconvenience. Thank you for your understanding. We look forward to your presence on Sunday for the beginning of Yom Kippur. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
To better enhance your experience with us, we've added a few services which includes a Friday evening Shabbat Shuva service that Rabbi David has graciously offered to lead.
Shabbat morning service will rely on your individual reply. Please write to: jcmmauijews@gmail.com with an email titled "Shabbat Shuva Yes"
See below for the new schedule: Fri, Sept 22th - Shabbat Shuva evening 5:30pm- Doors Open 6:00pm- Services Starts 7:30pm-Kiddush
Sun, Sept 24th - Erev Yom Kippur 5:30pm- Doors Open 5:45pm - Sing along with Bonnie Newmann 6:00pm- Services start with lighting of candles 6:30pm - Kol Nidre
Mon, Sept 25th - Yom Kippur 8:30am - Doors open for private meditation 9:30am - Services start and will continue until 1pm 1:00pm - Break until 4pm 4:00pm - Mincha 5:00pm - Yizkor (or whenever Mincha ends) 5:45pm - Ne'ilah (Closing Service) 7:00pm - Break Fast kiddush
Fri, Sept 29th - Erev Sukkot 6:00pm- Services Starts More details to follow
Please note that all times are approximate.
We are very grateful to Rabbi David Glickman, Cantor Martin Neumann, Sam Shnider, Aryeh Glickman, Bonnie Newmann for providing their time to lead services; and the Vojdani Family for sponsoring the break the fast. We grateful for your time and resources.
Tickets are not being sold but we would greatly appreciate donations. Suggested donation is $20/person.
Volunteers for Yom Kippur: If you are able to help with the preparation of Break Fast on the evening of Monday, Sept 25th, please contact Kalo.
We look forward to you joining us. You may also join us on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5284619173?pwd=T0p6c3p0WVdySmt0czJOZGhzRnhEUT09 Meeting ID: 528 461 9173 Passcode: 1818
Due to the High Holidays and personal committments, Israeli Folk Dancing is on hold. Please check back for updates. Mahalo
Due to the devastion of the wildfires that occured Upcountry, the Kula Lodge had to temporarily close due to minor structural damage and water safety reasons. However, We are pleased and excited to announce the anticipated re-opening of the Kula Lodge!
The Mallek Vojdani family have been gracious supporters of JCM throughout the years. Contributing largely by hosting many high holiday events and providing support to those in great need. Without hesitation, they opened up their lodge to those who sadly lost their homes to the fires. Despite their own challenges from the fire, they have continue to give. When asked if they needed anything since they helped so many, Stephanie Mallek replied "It's our kuleana to help"
We are grateful to the Mallek Vojdani family for their continued support. May our hearts be as big as theirs and show our mahalo and kuleana by supporting Kula Lodge. Below are the menus of their delicious offerings. Until further notice, brunch is only being served at this time but be on the lookout for updates for dinner services in the coming weeks.
Mahalo and Happy Dining!
We are fully staffed and ready to begin Talmud Torah (our religious school) on Sunday October 1st.
Children learn Hebrew, study Jewish history and holidays, learn songs and prayers, sing, dance, do creative crafts, and have a grand time with their Jewish friends. Some highlights of previous years are clay menorah making, planting a garden, presenting several wonderful Purim plays, and Israeli dancing.
Talmud Torah will meet on Sunday mornings from 10:30-12. Children ages 5-12 may enroll. Contact Kalo or Happy Lefton to register!!
Wednesday, October 4, 5:30-7:00pm, join us for Why and Wine in the Sukkah. Building off our successful Town Hall meeting in May, it's time to come together again to envision the next phase of JCM, powered by YOU. Join us to connect, share, and explore how we can together uplift this beautiful community. What do you want to see happen inside our sacred home? How can you contribute to make it happen? Come to the sukkah and let's figure it out together.
Again, Wednesday, October 4, 5:30-7:00pm at JCM. Wine and pupus will be provided and feel free to bring a snack or drink to share.
Any changes and additions will be posted on the website calendar.
Shabbat Service at 6pm led by Rabbi David Glickman
Saturday, Sept 23rd
Shabbat Shuva Services (Tentative) at 9am. Led by Rabbi David Glickman
Israeli Folk Dance on hold until after the high holidays
Yahrzeits Sept 17-Sept 23
Anne Barbarosh Auguste Weil Carol Saeks Eileen Erman Fred Kober Gary Solondz Harold Mostow Hilda Rettman Irving Hershkowitz John Needham Lena Weiner Leo Hans Hammerstein Martin Geringer Merna Lee Kaplove Pauline C. Friedland Pearl Ayeroff Raymonde Edwards Ruth Schwab Sidney Rosoff
Join us for services on Friday to recite Mourner's Kaddish
The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
The mission of the Jewish Congregation of Maui is to support and inspire Jewish religious and cultural practices for Maui residents and visitors, provide and encourage Jewish education and life cycle services, and engage the Jewish community with religious services, classes, and events.