Sept 24th - Sept 30th Erev Sukkot Service and A message from our President - Dorothy Tolliver
09/28/2023 09:24:30 PM
Date Added
We are so glad you've been able to join us for high holidays. Please join us tomorrow for the beginning of Sukkot!
Fri, Sept 29th - Erev Sukkot 6:00pm- Services. Lead by Sam Schnider
We look forward to you joining us. You may also join us on Zoom: Meeting ID: 528 461 9173 Passcode: 1818
A message from JCM Board President - Dorothy Tolliver We were fortunate to have Sam Shnider, Rabbi Emeritus David Glickman, Aryeh Glickman and Cantor Martin Neuman leading our moving and inspiring Yom Kippur services. A big thank you to Kalo along with Stephanie Mallek, Paula Wolk and Maui visitors, Karen Neumann- LA, CA; Dalia Cohen - Yonkers, NY; and Elizabeth Fairly - Kansas City who volunteered in preparing the Break Fast Dinner. And another big thank you to the Vojdani family, who sponsored the Break the Fast Dinner.
Thank you too to our Board members - Treasurer: Simon Vojdani; Vice-President Happy Lefton; Barbara Cooper;Sam Shnider; Gabriel Crane; Mitch Berman; Gail Schell; Ari Wong;and our CommunityManager Kalo and volunteers who have worked so hard so that we could have had these High Holiday services in our synagogue.
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are all about accepting ourselves as being perfectly imperfect. It is about letting go of last year and so many yesterdays in order to live today and reach tomorrow. It is about asking for help when we need it and knowing how to accept the love and support of those there to catch us when we fall. It is a time for forgiveness. This is the year that our congregation and friends will be healing from the trauma of the Maui fires.
It is a time to put aside past differences and come together as a community. We need unity and not division. We need to provide emotional and spiritual support to those who have lost their homes, their businesses, their way of life and their loved ones. We need to rebuild our community. Our JCM Congregation has been a one such conduit in bringing relief in the form of donated funds, goods and services to our congregants and the Maui community in need of help and assistance. Kalo, in particular, has spent many hours coordinating this assistance along with our Tzedakah Committee of Mitch Berman and Sam Shnider.
This year will also be a defining one for our community. We no longer have a resident Rabbi or a fixed schedule of services. We will be relying on each other, on Lay Leaders and visiting Rabbis for our religious and community services. We understand that you may decide not to come to the synagogue during the year but there may well come a time when you do need the synagogue. Perhaps not this year, but maybe the next. It is your membership and donations that support our synagogue so that it can be there for you when you do need it and the services provided.
Membership at a synagogue is not like membership elsewhere. It is not goods for services. We join a synagogue because we believe in supporting Jewish institutions. We join a synagogue because we care about the future of Judaism in our community. We need your participation. We need your involvement, we need your financial support, and we need your input.
We need to know what you are looking for in a congregation. We need to know what we can do for you. We need your financial support because If we do not support our synagogue, both financially and through our participation, it simply will not exist. The business of running a synagogue is not a simple one. All of the synagogue’s work does not come free or cheap. We have employee, utility bills and maintenance of the physical building to finance.
It requires each and every one of us to participate in any way possible. It is important that we have a place to pray, to be together, to enjoy social, educational, and religious activities, and to have a presence in Maui. These are the benefits of membership and that is why it is important to belong, to contribute, to participate, to assist, and to believe in our synagogue and its mission. We are counting on you and your support!
For some of you, it may only be in the form of donations. Donations which we need to keep our building open and to fund our essential services. No donation is too small. Every dollar counts... it all adds up. You will be proud that you have contributed to the support of our Jewish Congregation, our Jewish community and to the continued use and maintenance of our Synagogue. Giving this tzedakah will make this a meaningful New Year for all of us. Shana Tova! Dorothy
The Give Aloha campaign is almost at the end. If you would like to make a contribution, you have until Sunday, Oct 1st.
There has been a recent change. This year's contributions are not matched dollar for dollar like in the past. If looking to put your contribution towards membership dues, whatever the difference is from the match and contribution will still need to be paid in full for the membership level you are interested in.
Any questions, please contact Kalo at
Mahalo for you kokua!
Due to the High Holidays and personal committments, Israeli Folk Dancing is on hold. Please check back for updates. Mahalo
We are fully staffed and ready to begin Talmud Torah (our religious school) on Sunday October 1st.
Children learn Hebrew, study Jewish history and holidays, learn songs and prayers, sing, dance, do creative crafts, and have a grand time with their Jewish friends. Some highlights of previous years are clay menorah making, planting a garden, presenting several wonderful Purim plays, and Israeli dancing.
Talmud Torah will meet on Sunday mornings from 10:30-12. Children ages 5-12 may enroll. Contact Kalo or Happy Lefton to register!!
Wednesday, October 4, 5:30-7:00pm, join us for Why and Wine in the Sukkah. Building off our successful Town Hall meeting in May, it's time to come together again to envision the next phase of JCM, powered by YOU. Join us to connect, share, and explore how we can together uplift this beautiful community. What do you want to see happen inside our sacred home? How can you contribute to make it happen? Come to the sukkah and let's figure it out together.
Again, Wednesday, October 4, 5:30-7:00pm at JCM. Wine and pupus will be provided and feel free to bring a snack or drink to share.
Any changes and additions will be posted on the website calendar.
Shabbat Service at 6pm led by Rabbi David Glickman
Saturday, Sept 23rd
No Shabbat services for this week.
Israeli Folk Dance on hold until after the high holidays
Yahrzeits Sept 24-Sept 30
Buddy Fox Arnold Joel Klein Beatrice Frieder Bernice Milenbach Celia Ungerman Dora Shultz Elayna Kaplan Elisheba bat Miryam Etta Greenberg Henry Leo Grunbaum Jacob Eisman Jeffrey Rochen Julius Lopin Margie Haddad Regina Lazarovich Robert Baruch Ankaoua Robert Parella Rosalie Sachs Sally Krieger Samuel Slomowitz Sara Ostroff Shep Margolese Stanley Granat
Join us for services on Friday to recite Mourner's Kaddish
The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
The mission of the Jewish Congregation of Maui is to support and inspire Jewish religious and cultural practices for Maui residents and visitors, provide and encourage Jewish education and life cycle services, and engage the Jewish community with religious services, classes, and events.