Tu B'shevat begins tomorrow evening - 15 Shevat. In recent times it has been considered an "Enviromental Holiday" A Jewish "earth day".To celebrate the holiday, below are a couple of ideas
Wednesday, February 12th - Maui County is looking for volunteers for a rewarding opportunity to enhance the island's beauty through the planting of native plants. While no trees will be planted, your involvement will contribute significantly to the local environment. Check out the flyer below for more details. Although the event is scheduled from 7am to 10am, it may conclude as early as 8:30 am, so come ready to make a difference! For details, call Tara Owens at 727-501-3226.
Thursday, February 13th - Stop by JCM from 2pm-5pm for special sweet treats which includes a special Tu B'Shevat cake made by our Talmud Torah students. Contact Kalo at jcmmaui@mauijews.com for more information.
Sam Shnider will be teaching the Midrash class via Zoom from Israel while he travels! Join him this Thursday, February 13th at 6:30 PM HST.
There will be an in depth discussion of the story of Rabbi Yoxhanan and Resh La kish in the second source from Bava Metziah 84. Use the following for the sourcesheet - Sourcesheet
Mahalo Sam for making time for us especially so early in the morning for you!
Updated Shabbat Services
We look forward to your presence this weekend for Shabbat services. Please see the following for details:
Rabbi Daniel Lev is back on Maui to lead Kabbalat Shabbat and also host Havdalah
Friday, February 14th -Kabbalat Shabbat Doors open at 5:30pm; Service starts at 6pm. Saturday, February 15th - Havdalah Doors open at 6:30pm; Service starts at 7:00pm There will be a kosher-style potluck so please bring your favorite dish or snack to share.
Inspired by his teachers Rabbi’s Shlomo Carlebach and Zalman Schachter- Shalomi, (zt’l), Rabbi Daniel Lev was ordained in 2005. After 36-years of serving various communities in northern California he moved to Hawaii in 2014.
He describes his spiritual approach as heart-centered and trans-denominational, combining Traditional and Jewish Renewal practices with a big pinch of humor. He includes songs, stories and Jewish meditation in his services.
Saturday, February 15th Doors open at 9:30am, Services start at 10:00am
With the success of last week's Shabbaton, we are very grateful that Rabbi David Gordon has offered to lead another.
Originally from New Rochelle, NY, Rabbi David Gordon pursued his education at Yale University and Georgetown University Law Center. He resides in Stamford, CT, with his wife Meryl and has three married children along with two grandchildren.
With over forty years of experience practicing intellectual property law in Stamford, Rabbi David has also dedicated himself to chazzanut, studying privately with Cantor Lawrence Avery z’l and serving as a High Holiday cantor for half a century, in addition to his role as a Shabbat morning cantor. In 2023, he received his smicha from the non-denominational Mesifta Adath Wolkowisk, The Rabbinical Academy.
We warmly invite everyone to join us for lunch following the services.
Feel free to join us for both services on the Zoom Link Meeting ID: 528 461 9173 Passcode: 1818
The following is our Shabbat schedule for the rest of the month Fri, Feb 21st - Capn Dave Belzer Fri, Feb 28th - Rabbi Ken Aronowitz
Mahalo in advance for your presence and Shabbat Shalom!
Whether you're a Maui resident or visitor, we would be delighted to have you participate in or lead a service. Your contribution to this meaningful mitzvah would be greatly appreciated. Please email Kalo at jcmmauijews@gmail.com of your interest.
Please join us on Wednesdays. Tomorrow's games - February 12th, will be held at the Kaahumanu Mall Beginners welcome. For more information contact Ellen Levinsky 808-385-4726
Be part of the Mitzvah Committee!
Do you have a green thumb, sharp culinary skills, the gift of gab to connect wit people or want to fill your time with something that purposeful? You've come to the right place!
Our Mitzvah Committe is looking for volunteers that can help with our community garden, light office work, event set-up and more!
For details, email Kalo at jcmmaui@gmail.com and write "Mitzvah" in subject line.
Friday, February 14th Service starts at 6:00pm
Led by Rabbi Daniel Lev
Saturday, February 15th Service start at 10:00am
Shabbaton lead by Rabbi David Gordon from Connecticut
Saturday, February 15th Service starts at 7:00pm
Havdalah Led by Rabbi Daniel Lev
Any changes and additions will be posted on the website calendar.
Prayer For Healing Click here if you or a loved one would like to be added for a prayer for healing each week. Names will be read aloud unless instructed otherwise Names can be said privately by the Rabbi or layleader.
JCM is here to support you and your loved ones,please let us know how we can help.
- Yahrzeits February 9th - 15th Al Tuckman Anna Wallin Bea Goodman Betty Meyers Fanny Weisman Goldberg Harold Rubenstein Herman W. Klompus Howard Schwartz James Gaviser Jean Madow Joe Kline Lewis Weil Lily Wosk Norman Greenberg Rose Freund Samuel Portnoff Walter Birk Sharon Asher Join us for services on Fridays to recite Mourner's Kaddish If you wish to have the Yahrzeit of a loved one added to the newsletter and mentioned during Shabbat service please contact Kalo at jcmmauujews@gmail.com.
The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
The mission of the Jewish Congregation of Maui is to support and inspire Jewish religious and cultural practices for Maui residents and visitors, provide and encourage Jewish education and life cycle services, and engage the Jewish community with religious services, classes, and events.