1. Go to smile.amazon.com 2. Login as normal 3. Select Jewish Congreagation of Maui
Same amazon, same prices, same everytthing... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
Please Click Herefor the full High Holiday calendar and details.
Services...in-person or zoom...that is the question.
And not an easy one. We want to be together too...and even more importantly, we want to keep our community (both JCM and greater Maui) safe and healthy.
Based on a low number of Maui cases and the success of Rosh Hashanah, we have decided to take the step to have 25 people outside for Yizkor and Neilah. Masked and socially distanced, outside, in-person, and also by Zoom. Email admin@mauijews.org to RSVP.
Why Yizkor and Neilah only? Because JCM is in Kihei and it's hot- being outside mid-morning is not really an option, so we will have a live service by Zoom. By the time we get to the Yizkor service at 5:00pm, it will be cool enough to be outside. We received great feedback on Rosh Hashanah, and we are confident you will have a meaningful Yom Kippur morning with us live on Zoom.
What you can do... YK morning service: If you would like an aliyah, read a prayer, read a poem, lead a portion of the service...please email samshnider@gmail.com. We encourage your involvement. Want to be part of it, but don't know what to do? Sam will help you with that too.
1. Let us know if you had a loved one pass away in 5780 to add to our Yizkor book. 2. Let admin@mauijews.org know if you'd like a seat for Yizkor. Seating is limited and RSVP is required. 3. If you will not be at Yizkor in-person, email admin@mauijews.org with the names of anyone for whom we can lay a rock at our service. The attendees will happily read your loved ones' names out loud and place a rock in their memory.
Prayer books It's not too late to get a mahzor (prayer book). Email admin@mauijews.org or text 808-276-1526 for pick up in Kihei or Kula. Stop by Kama'aina Gold for pick-up in Wailuku (98 N. Market- free parking in the back).
JCM will continue to decide on a holiday-by-holiday and event-by-event basis whether to meet in-person or by Zoom, or a combination of both. These are not easy decisions, and they do not have precedent; we take many factors into account when making these tough decisions (CDC, OSHA, all levels of gov't, cases on Maui, etc.). We will make choices based on what we feel is best for the majority of our community.
We do not have exact numbers or an event we are waiting on to completely re-open inside and in-person events. Rapid COVID testing will likely be the game-changer for us, but without my crystal ball, I just can't know that for sure. If all goes well, we will likely try Shabbat outside in the evening and continue to Zoom live when we go back to in-person as well so everyone has an opportunity to join.
Thank you for your support of the tough choices we are faced with almost daily. If you have any questions, please ask! We know we will have to agree to disagree on some issues related to inside and in-person events. But we are Jews, and we will stick together and be here for each other no matter what.
It's what we do, we're Jews.
Friday, September 25 8:30am https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5284619173 For generations upon generations, Jews have completed the cycle of Torah reading and connected one section each week to their world, their lives, and their ethical perspective on life. Join us for a 20-30 modern look at the messages and realities these sacred Hebrew words can have on our life this week.
5:00pm Ruach Shabbat https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5284619173 Lively communal singing service with Toby Pechner. A beautiful and fun service for all ages. Welcome the First Shabbat of the Year (Shabbat Shuva)
Sunday, September 27 5:30pm Kol Nidre Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5284619173 Kol Nidrei and Ma’ariv service led by Sam Shnider with singing by Bonnie Neuman Traditional Yom Kippur night service with a short sermon
We can't ask you in person like we want to- please consider a donation to JCM. If you live in Hawaii, your donation at Foodland will be partly matched. If you don't live here, please make a donation on our website atmauijews.org. JCM needs your commitment and investment in what we are doing today and to ensure we are here for future generations.
We are making the best of it...together!
1. Go to smile.amazon.com 2. Login as normal 3. Select Jewish Congreagation of Maui
Same amazon, same prices, same everytthing... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
Please Click Herefor the full High Holiday calendar and details.
This past weekend, our great experiment proved a great success. We chose to air live, zoom services and loaned out prayer books. With real books in hand, following along in real time, and seeing our community on Zoom, we were a connected and united community. We look forward to joining together again the weekend for Yom Kippur! Tuesday, September 22 6:30pm https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5284619173 Mystical insights on the Torah from a Hassidic perspective, by the renowned rebbe, storyteller and kabbalist of Uman, Rabbi Nachman of Bretzlav. If you have ever wondered about Hassidic thought, or heard about the ecstatic intense spiritual worlds of the Baal Shem Tov and the Maggids, come participate in a discussion and reading of selections from the grandson of the founder of the Hassidic movement.
Friday, September 25 8:30am https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5284619173 For generations upon generations, Jews have completed the cycle of Torah reading and connected one section each week to their world, their lives, and their ethical perspective on life. Join us for a 20-30 modern look at the messages and realities these sacred Hebrew words can have on our life this week.
5:00pm Ruach Shabbat https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5284619173 Lively communal singing service with Toby Pechner. A beautiful and fun service for all ages. Welcome the First Shabbat of the Year (Shabbat Shuva)
Sunday, September 27 5:30pm Kol Nidre https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5284619173 Kol Nidrei and Ma’ariv service led by Sam Shnider with singing by Bonnie Neuman Traditional Yom Kippur night service with a short sermon
Monday, September 28 10:00am Yom Kippur please see the mauijews.org website for the full listing of time for the day. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5284619173
5:00pm Yizkor https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5284619173 We will open yizkor to 25 people to attend outside, masked even when seated, and socially distanced. Please email admin@mauijews.org to reserve your spot. Will also be by Zoom.
Note for Yizkor: Please email ellyn at admin@mauijews.org by Wed., Sept. 23 with the names of your loved ones who passed away in 5780. We want to honor their memory in our Yizkor book.
High Holiday Notes:
It is not too late to borrow a mahzor (prayer book) to make following the service easier. Please email admin@mauijews.org or call Ellyn at 808-874-5397 to schedule a pick up in Kihei, Wailuku, or Kula or to get the digital link.
Please continue to follow the schedule on mauijews.org. Sometimes a change might happen and we can't get it out publicly fast enough...
We can't ask you in person like we want to- please consider a donation to JCM. If you live in Hawaii, your donation at Foodland will be partly matched. If you don't live here, please make a donation on our website atmauijews.org. JCM needs your commitment and investment in what we are doing today and to ensure we are here for future generations.
We are making the best of it...together!
1. Go to smile.amazon.com 2. Login as normal 3. Select Jewish Congreagation of Maui
Same amazon, same prices, same everytthing... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
The Honorable Ruth Bader Ginsburg Yita Ruchel bat Tzirel Leah v Nathan
The Maui Chevra Kadisha and the Hawaii Interisland Chevra Kadisha are taking part in a nationwide Virtual Shmirah* in her honor organized by the Kavod v' Nichum organization.
Central Synaguague Singing Hallelyah in Hebrew for RBG: Click Here
*Shmira is the ritual guarding of the person’s body. In some ways it can be likened to an honor guard. Shmira is traditionally done from the time of death until burial. In some communities shmira is not started until after the tahara.
This information is also on the Chevra Kadisha section of our websiteHere.
Mahzor (prayer book) Digital Link: Click Here You will need to enter your email address & synagaogue- Jewish Congregation of Maui. Once you access the mahzor, it will may default to a left-to-right display. To make the mahzor readable in the correct direction, just drag the slider bar at the bottom of the display all the way to the right.
Mahzor (prayer book) Pick-up: It's not too late to have a hardcopy of the prayer book to borrow. Please text Ellyn at 808-276-1526 for pick up in Kihei today or pick up in Kihei or Kula tomorrow.
Please Click Hereto make your High Holiday donation today!
1. Go to smile.amazon.com 2. Login as normal 3. Select Jewish Congreagation of Maui
Same amazon, same prices, same everytthing... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
Please Click Hereto see the full High Holiday schedule and other details to help you plan a wonderful New Year. Let's make the best of it...together!
Rosh Hashanah 5781
If you are reading this, then I know that being a Jew connected to JCM is a source of meaning in your life. That connection is more valuable now than ever. Meaning is the antidote for uncertainty. These are extraordinarily uncertain times. How does JCM provide meaning in your life?
It’s easy to notice what misses the mark. What’s broken. That which fails to meet expectations. I ask you to take a moment now to be present with what is. To affirm what is working. To celebrate the improbable existence and persistence of Jewish life on this rock in the middle of the Pacific.
In the next month, you will receive a survey from the JCM Board of Directors. Please take a moment to complete and return this survey. After the High Holidays, expect a personal followup. We want to know: How can JCM provide meaning in your life?
As the New Year begins in about 48 hours from now, please ask yourself: What am I willing to do this year to help JCM create the meaning and connection I want in my life? The answer may be renewing your membership, giving a donation, volunteering to lead a service, volunteering to visit people who are ill, volunteering to organize a youth group, volunteering to serve on a committee or on the board, any or all of the above. Meaningful community is something we each need to take responsibility for creating together.
May the sound of the Shofar on this Rosh Hashanah uplift our hearts with hope and open our souls to connection.
L’shana tova tikatevu: May you be inscribed for a good year.
~Sheri Levin McNerthney JCM President of the Board of Directors
1. Go to smile.amazon.com 2. Login as normal 3. Select Jewish Congreagation of Maui
Same amazon, same prices, same everytthing... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
Please Click Hereto see the full holiday season schedule and other details to help you plan a wonderful New Year.
A few details: 1. The start time Friday night, Erev Rosh Hashana, has changed to 6pm.
2. You can borrow a mahzor (prayer book) to make following the service easier. We will use the Lev Shalem High Holiday book that incldues the Torah portions. Please email admin@mauijews.org or call Ellyn at 808-874-5397 to schedule a pick up in Kihei or Kula.
3. We can also give you a link to a digital mahzor. Please email admin@mauijews to get the link. We think you'll have better enjoyment if you have the physical prayer book, but if you live off the island or would prefer a digital link, we are happy to provide it for you.
4. Please continue to follow the schedule on mauijews.org. Sometimes a change might happen and we can't get it out publicly fast enough...
5. Please be kind and patient with us during these holidays. In an effort to make RH and YK more meaningful and connected, we opted to do live Zoom instead of pre-recording the services. We will do the best we can if there is an issue with power or internet, or any other crazy thing that could happen (it is 2020 after all). This is not ideal for us either, and we are making the best of what we can while keeping our community safe. We anticipate a lovely holiday season, and we look forward to sharing this time of renewal, celebration, and community together.
6. We can't ask you in person like we want to- please consider a donation to JCM. If you live in Hawaii, your donation at Foodland will be partly matched. If you don't live here, please make a donation on our website atmauijews.org. JCM needs your commitment and investment in what we are doing today and to ensure we are here for future generations.
7. If you have questions...please call Ellyn at 874-5397 or email her at admin@mauijews.org. We sincerely want this to be a great season for everyone, and we are here for you.
8. We are so happy to have all of you in our community. During this time of refleion and celebration, we are grateful to have this Jewish community on Maui to share with all corners of the world.
We are so excited that this year you might be able to join from all over the world. Families that aren't normally together for the holidays can celebrate together wtih JCM... the upside to all of the digital and virtual craziness.
Let's make the best of it...together!
1. Go to smile.amazon.com 2. Login as normal 3. Select Jewish Congreagation of Maui
Same amazon, same prices, same everytthing... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
Last Tish with Rabbi Shalom this afternoon September 16, at 4:00pm
Rabbi Shalom will present his last Tish this afternoon at 4:00pm. Zoom Link Here
After the High Holidays, we will assess his future involvement at JCM.
Please join us for a joyous start to the Rosh Hashana weekend, hear the shofar, and wish Rabbi Shalom a Shana Tova.
High Holiday note:
A separate email will come later this afternoon with some updated Rosh Hashana plans qand information
September is Give Aloha
This is an amazing opportunity to maximize your gifts to JCM. Please make sure to email a photo of your receipt to admin@mauijews.org if you want us to know you made the donation.
We are so grateful to Foodland and Western Union for matching a portion of your donations...making your donation worth more. We know times are financially hard for much of our community, and we are grateful that you continue to commit to eglaitarian and plurastics Judaism on Maui.
1. Go to smile.amazon.com 2. Login as normal 3. Select Jewish Congregation of Maui
Same Amazon, same prices, same everytthing... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
A 10 minute gathering so we can have an on-line minyan and recite Mourner's Kaddish. We'll have a few minutes of song and meditation, chant from a Torah scroll, ask for healing, and conclude with Kaddish. Please join us! Please join to ensure a minyan of 10 Jewish adults.
Please email admin@mauijews.org with anyone you would like to be added to the mishabeircah (healing) list. English and/or Hebrew name is fine.
Mystical insights on the Torah from a Hassidic perspective, by the renowned rebbe, storyteller and kabbalist of Uman, Rabbi Nachman of Bretzlav.
If you have ever wondered about Hassidic thought, or heard about the ecstatic intense spiritual worlds of the Baal Shem Tov and the Maggids, come participate in a discussion and reading of selections from the grandson of the founder of the Hassidic movement.
A Tish (Yiddish for "table") is a spiritual gathering in the Hassidic tradition. Rabbi Shalom will lead a short Tish with music, conversation and teachings to help us prepare for the High Holidays. This is a combination of the Tish and High Holiday Prep class, and it will last about an hour. This week the focus is on the Rosh HaShana Services. Follow up discussion and Q&A on Friday (see below for details).
High Holiday Schedule CLICK HERE. The full timing schedule is on that link. Please look at it carefully to fully see what is happening and when. Services will all have the same Zoom link for your ease.
Emails will be sent this week with reminiders and details, and the schedule will laways be listed on the website with the link.
You will be able to borrow a mahzor, kippa, tallis... with contactless pick up th is week in Kihei or upcountry.
We wish you and your family a joyous, healthy, and connected new year... Shana Tova!!!
Save the Date: October 4 @ 3:00pm Intro to Acts of Kindness... Click here for details and to RSVP. A class by the inter-island Chevra Kadisha
____________________ Talmud Torah Survey If you have children, please fill out the survey below to give feedback and thoughts on the the Talmud Torah program for this year. We are thrilled to have Sandra Razieli as our Education Director, and she wants hear from you to make sure she is planning the best possible year for our kids. Feel free to forward the survey to others on Maui who may want to particiapte but do not get this newsletter.
This is an amazing opportunity to maximize your gifts to JCM. Please make sure to email a photo of your receipt to admin@mauijews.org so we know you made the donation.
We are so grateful to Foodland and Western Union for matching a portion of your donations...making your donation worth more. We know times are financially hard for much of our community, and we are grateful that you continue to commit to eglaitarian and plurastics Judaism on Maui.
Sheloshim: Teena Wallin David Silberman ---------- Yahrzeit List September 14- September 21
Beverly Ruth Holstein Ruth Deichman Murray Artman Benno Fischer Harry J. Cohn Alfred (Al) Levin Audrey Kaye David Louis Samuel Sachs Auguste Weil Leo Hans Hammerstein Ruth Schwab Sidney Rosoff Jack Wolff Irving Hershkowitz Abraham Ostroff Lena Weiner Gary Solondz Eileen Erman Hilda Rettman Harold Mostow
It came to our attention, that not everyone is receiving the yahrzeit reminders. While we get this worked out with our software program, we will post the yahrzeit lists in the weekly newsletter.
1. Go to smile.amazon.com 2. Login as normal 3. Select Jewish Congregation of Maui
Same Amazon, same prices, same everytthing... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
There is a schedule change this week... Rabbi Shalom will NOT give a Tish or class this week on Wednesday...instead, Rabbi Shalom invites you to watch this two part class on Selichot.
Join Rabbi Shalom next week Monday, September 14 for the minyan and his last Tish and class on Wednesday, September 16. ____________________
September is Give Aloha
This is an amazing opportunity to maximize your gifts to JCM. Please make sure to email a photo of your receipt to admin@mauijews.org so we know you made the donation.
We are so grateful to Foodland and Western Union for matching a portion of your donations...making your donation worth more. We know times are financially hard for much of our community, and we are grateful that you continue to commit to eglaitarian and plurastics Judaism on Maui.
1. Go to smile.amazon.com 2. Login as normal 3. Select Jewish Congregation of Maui
Same Amazon, same prices, same everytthing... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
Maui Monday Minyan Moment: A Short Weekly Communal Kaddish Opportunity with Rabbi Shalom Click Here for the link
A 10 minute gathering so we can have an on-line minyan and recite Mourner's Kaddish. We'll have a few minutes of song and meditation, chant from a Torah scroll, ask for healing, and conclude with Kaddish. Please join us! Please join to ensure a minyan of 10 Jewish adults.
Please email admin@mauijews.org with anyone you would like to be added to the mishabeircah (healing) list. English and/or Hebrew name is fine.
Have you read the JCM Kashrut Policies? If not, click here . Would you like to understand not only how we have chosen to keep Kosher at JCM but why we have chosen to uphold the standards that we have? Would you like to know what you can prepare at home or purchase at the grocery store to bring to onsite events once Beit Shalom opens up? Would you like to be a Kitchen Volunteer or a Kitchen Manager? If so, please join us.
Mystical insights on the Torah from a Hassidic perspective, by the renowned rebbe, storyteller and kabbalist of Uman, Rabbi Nachman of Bretzlav.
If you have ever wondered about Hassidic thought, or heard about the ecstatic intense spiritual worlds of the Baal Shem Tov and the Maggids, come participate in a discussion and reading of selections from the grandson of the founder of the Hassidic movement.
Wednesday, September 9
*only two classes left* Tish and High Holiday Prep with Rabbi Shalom Click Here for the link
A Tish (Yiddish for "table") is a spiritual gathering in the Hassidic tradition. Rabbi Shalom will lead a short Tish with music, conversation and teachings to help us prepare for the High Holidays. This is a combination of the Tish and High Holiday Prep class, and it will last about an hour. This week the focus is on the Rosh HaShana Services. Follow up discussion and Q&A on Friday (see below for details).
Friday, September 11
Weekly Parasha - Torah Reading with Sam Shnider Click Here for the link via Zoom, posted for later viewing on Facebook
For generations upon generations, Jews have completed the cycle of Torah reading each and connected one section each week to their world, their lives, and their ethical perspective on life. Come join for a 20-30 minute modern look at the messages and realities these sacred Hebrew words can have on our life this week.
Join with members of the Modesto, CA Jewish community as we all prepare for the Days of Awe and discuss the content from the Tish.
Musical Kabbalat Shabbat with Sam Shnider and Cynthia Lebowitz Click Here for Zoom Link Join Sam and Cynthia to bring in the Shabbat with candles, wine, challah, song, music, excellent drash, and prayer. New melodies, old melodies, new songs, old liturgy. Something for everyone. Shiru L'Adonai - Sing to God a New Song.
Monday, September 14
Maui Monday Minyan Moment: A Weekly Communal Kaddish Opportunity Click Here for the link A 10 minute gathering so we can have an on-line minyan and recite Mourner's Kaddish. We'll have a few minutes of song and meditation, chant from a Torah scroll, ask for healing, and conclude with Kaddish. Please join us! Please join to ensure a minyan of 10 Jewish adults.
Please email admin@mauijews.org with anyone you would like to be added to the mishabeircah (healing) list. English and/or Hebrew name is fine.
UPDATE with Rabbi Shalom... we have been ejoying our time with our Zoom rabbi... Rabbi Shalom. His final Minyan and Tish will next week Monday and Wednesday. After Yom Kippur, we will take the time assess his future involvement with JCM. Please take these next ten days to Zoom into his short Monday service or his Wednesday Tish/Calass. We will want to know your thoughts and ideas on his future with JCM...
September is Give Aloha
This is an amazing opportunity to maximize your gifts to JCM. Please make sure to email a photo of your receipt to admin@mauijews.org so we know you made the donation.
We are so grateful to Foodland and Western Union for matching a portion of your donations...making your donation worth more. We know times are financially hard for much of our community, and we are grateful that you continue to commit to eglaitarian and plurastics Judaism on Maui.
Sheloshim: Teena Wallin David Silberman ---------- Yahrzeit List September 7- September 13
Melvin Berman Isadore Sigel Anne Wolff Raymond J. Keller Wilfred Wilks Warren Gibson, Jr. Raymond J. Keller Grace Feinstein Morton Cooper Mindi Rimmerman Vivian "Frankie" Sussman Dorothy Gordon Alex Greenberg Robert Alan Bluh
Please join us on Monday at 5:00pm for a communal opportunity to say Kaddish for your loved one, and if there is anything else JCM can do to support you, please contact us at admin@mauijews.org.
It came to our attention, that not everyone is receiving the yahrzeit reminders. While we get this worked out with our software program, we will post the yahrzeit lists in the weekly newsletter.
1. Go to smile.amazon.com 2. Login as normal 3. Select Jewish Congregation of Maui
Same Amazon, same prices, same everytthing... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
September is Give Aloha at Foodland! We appreciate Foodland giving us the opportunity to raise more funds... and we appreciate YOU, our community, who will help us maximize this gift to JCM. We know times are financially hard for many of you; we are grateful for gifts of all sizes, and we know you will give what you can. See our banner at the Pukalani Foodland.
How It Works
From September 1-30, you are invited to make donations of up to $249 to participating Hawaii non-profit organizations at checkout. Donations are accepted at any Foodland, Sack N Save, or Foodland Farms checkout. Foodland and the Western Union Foundation will match a portion of each donation. I must uYoue their own Maika'i number to make a donation. Donations made without a Maika'i number will not be matched.
How to Donate
At checkout, present your Maika'i card (or provide your number) and inform the cashier that you would like to make a donation to Jewish Congregation of Maui, code number 77216. If you do not have a Maika'i card/number, you may request to establish one. Your donation will be added to your grocery purchase total. You may donate up to $249 per organization; any portion exceeding $249 will not be matched. The amount you donate and the name of our organization will appear on your receipt. Donations must be payable to Foodland or Sack N Save.
Acknowledgement of Your Donation
Donor names will not be released to JCM from Foodland. Therefore, if you would like JCM to us to know of your gift, please contact me directly so that we may properly acknowledge your gift. You may ask the cashier for a duplicate receipt to submit to us.
Are These Contributions Tax Deductible?
These contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Please save your store receipt for tax purposes since it will be the only record you will have of your donation(s). You can email or text a photo of your receipt to admin@mauijews.org. We cannot write the tax letter, but it will be recorded in your account. Matching Gift
Matching gifts will be determined at the end of the program. JCM will receive 100% of all customer donations given to us, plus each donation made with a Maika'i card, will be partially matched by a gift from Foodland and the Western Union Foundation.
Please contact Community Relations at Foodland at (808) 732-0791 ext. 7388 if you have any additional questions.
1. Go to smile.amazon.com 2. Login as normal 3. Select Jewish Congreagation of Maui
Same amazon, same prices, same everytthing... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
Please Click Hereto see the schedule and other details.
I will continue to work on making the schedule pretty and the links live, but I wanted to make sure you got the dates and times right away so you could plan (thank you for your patience).
We are so excited that this year you might be able to join from all over the world. Families that aren't normally together for the holidays can celebrate together wtih JCM... the upside to all of the digital and virtual craziness.
Let's make the best of it...together!
1. Go to smile.amazon.com 2. Login as normal 3. Select Jewish Congreagation of Maui
Same amazon, same prices, same everytthing... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
Maui Monday Minyan Moment: A Weekly Communal Kaddish Opportunity with Rabbi Shalom Click Here for the link
A 10 minute gathering so we can have an on-line minyan and recite Mourner's Kaddish. We'll have a few minutes of song and meditation, chant from a Torah scroll, ask for healing, and conclude with Kaddish. Please join us! Please join to ensure a minyan of 10 Jewish adults.
Please email admin@mauijews.org with anyone you would like to be added to the mishabeircah (healing) list. English and/or Hebrew name is fine.
Mystical insights on the Torah from a Hassidic perspective, by the renowned rebbe, storyteller and kabbalist of Uman, Rabbi Nachman of Bretzlav.
If you have ever wondered about Hassidic thought, or heard about the ecstatic intense spiritual worlds of the Baal Shem Tov and the Maggids, come participate in a discussion and reading of selections from the grandson of the founder of the Hassidic movement.
A Tish (Yiddish for "table") is a spiritual gathering in the Hassidic tradition. Rabbi Shalom will lead a short Tish with music, conversation and teachings to help us prepare for the High Holidays. This is a combination of the Tish and High Holiday Prep class, and it will last about an hour. This week the focus is on the Rosh HaShana Services. Follow up discussion and Q&A on Friday (see below for details).
Friday, September 4
Weekly Parasha - Torah Reading with Sam Shnider Click Here for the link via Zoom, posted for later viewing on Facebook
For generations upon generations, Jews have completed the cycle of Torah reading each and connected one section each week to their world, their lives, and their ethical perspective on life. Come join for a 20-30 minute modern look at the messages and realities these sacred Hebrew words can have on our life this week.
Maui Monday Minyan Moment: A Weekly Communal Kaddish Opportunity Click Here for the link A 10 minute gathering so we can have an on-line minyan and recite Mourner's Kaddish. We'll have a few minutes of song and meditation, chant from a Torah scroll, ask for healing, and conclude with Kaddish. Please join us! Please join to ensure a minyan of 10 Jewish adults.
Please email admin@mauijews.org with anyone you would like to be added to the mishabeircah (healing) list. English and/or Hebrew name is fine.
Please note:
1. Shayna Naveh's Kashrut Q&A class is moved to Tuesday, September 8. Click Here for details
2. In our attempt to make your access to JCM easier, all of our services and classes will have the same link starting Tuesday, September 1. The changes will be made on FB and the mauijews.org calendar. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5284619173.
Mazel Tov to Ellyn Mortimer!
Mazel Tov to Ellyn, our JCM Executive Director, for completing her master's degree. She now holds a Master of Science in Organizational Leadership from University of Colorado Boulder. Along with her B.A in Human Developement and Psychology, she is now even more well-suited for her work at JCM. She has been working hard to balance work, home, and studying, and she is looking forward to having having her late nights and early mornings back for sleep. ___________________
High Holidays:
The full schedule of Rosh Hashana through Simchat Torah services and events will be emailed in a separate email by tomorrow. We are grateful for your patience while the details were worked out in this unusual time. ____________________
Sheloshim: Teena Wallin David Silberman ---------- Yahrzeit List August 31- September 7 Rivka Luxemburg Dojczer Alter Lipszyc Henry Weil Cheslaw Betsalel Dojczer Rose Berg Al Berman Miriam Greenspan Sara Ellen Weisfeld Betty Hazen Seidman Rosalind Survetnick June Monson James Lawson Warren Joseph Hirschson Esther Biederman Isadore Sigel Melvin Berman
Please join us on Monday at 5:00pm for a communal opportunity to say Kaddish for your loved one, and if there is anything else JCM can do to support you, please contact us at admin@mauijews.org.
It came to our attention, that not everyone is receiving the yahrzeit reminders. While we get this worked out with our software program, we will post the yahrzeit lists in the weekly newsletter.
1. Go to smile.amazon.com 2. Login as normal 3. Select Jewish Congregation of Maui
Same Amazon, same prices, same everytthing... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
I don't know if the kids or the adults had more fun last month...check it out and let us know what you think!
1. Go to smile.amazon.com 2. Login as normal 3. Select Jewish Congreagation of Maui
Same amazon, same prices, same everytthing... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
***New class- this week only*** High Holiday Class: Emotional & Ritual Preparedness Led by Rabbi Shalom Click Here for Zoom Link
As we sound the shofar in anticipation of a new year, this short class will provide and overview of this season of spiritual return and an opportunity to have your questions about the High Holidays answered and explored.
Mystical insights on the Torah from a Hassidic perspective, by the renowned rebbe, storyteller and kabbalist of Uman, Rabbi Nachman of Bretzlav.
If you have ever wondered about Hassidic thought, or heard about the ecstatic intense spiritual worlds of the Baal Shem Tov and the Maggids, come participate in a discussion and reading of selections from the grandson of the founder of the Hassidic movement.
A Tish (Yiddish for "table") is a spiritual gathering in the Hassidic tradition. It usually involves teachings on the Torah and other holy texts, singing wordless melodies known as niggunim, and usually l'chaims and refreshments. Everyone is welcome - it's an informal event, bring your own drink and nosh!
For the next few weeks, this will be a shortened Tish and will be followed by our new High Holiday Prep Series...see below.
Holiday Prep Series with Rabbi Shalom Click Here for the link Theme: Everything you always wanted to know about Rosh HaShana but were afraid to ask!
It's less than 7 weeks to Rosh HaShana, and we have entered into an important sacred time of spiritual preparation and personal transformation. This new weekly event will touch on some of the main themes, melodies, and rituals of this season of renewal. The Yamim Nora'im (Days of Awe) are an annual opportunity for reconnecting with our souls and community; this series will support our personal and communal journeying. Rabbi Shalom, our "Zoom Rabbi", will facilitate and lead this series. It will start right after the Tish - feel free to participate in either or both!
Friday, August 28
Weekly Parasha - Torah Reading with Sam Shnider Click Here for the link via Zoom, posted for later viewing on Facebook
For generations upon generations, Jews have completed the cycle of Torah reading each and connected one section each week to their world, their lives, and their ethical perspective on life. Come join for a 20-30 minute modern look at the messages and realities these sacred Hebrew words can have on our life this week.
Ruach Shabbat with Toby Pechner Click Here for the link Join Toby Pechner for a fun and musical Shabbat live from Chicago! Toby was on Maui about a year ago, and we had a Zoom Shabbat with our commuity of all ages last month. Don't miss this fun way to welcome in Shabbat...with Ruach. More details here!
20 minutes before candlelighting - a spiritual way to welcome the Shabbat with Shalom Aleychem, Lecha Dodi, a word of Torah, and lighting the candles. Ends at Candlelighting.
As we are physically distancing, staying connected to each other and our spiritual community has never been more important. Through this new short weekly gathering, we'll have an opportunity to see each other, hear verses from the weekly Torah reading chanted from a scroll, pray for healing, and recite Mourner's Kaddish. Please join to ensure a minyan of 10 Jewish adults. We'll be experimenting with this abridged prayer and meditation moment and alternating meeting on Zoom in the morning and afternoon. Rabbi Shalom, our "Zoom Rabbi", will facilitate and lead the prayers, meditations, songs, and rituals.
Please email admin@mauijews.org with anyone you would like to be added to the mishabeircah (healing) list. English and/or Hebrew name is fine.
Coming up next week:
Tuesday, Sept. 1: Kashrut class (second in the series) with Shayna Naveh. All are welcome to attend with questions about the JCM Kashrut policy or Kashrut policies in general! Click Here for details
Welcome Sandra Razieli!
Sandra Razieli is excited to be taking on the role of the Director of the JCM Talmud Torah. She served as Bar/Bat Mitzvah Program Director, Educator and Spiritual Leader at Kehilla Community Synagogue in Piedmont, CA for 17 years. Sandra is also a cultural anthropologist and a movement educator. She has lived, studied and taught extensively in Minnesota, Israel, and California, and holds degrees from the University of Minnesota and Stanford University. She is grateful to have called Maui her home for the past three years and is looking forward to being more involved with JCM.
A separate email will come out when we are ready for Talmud Torah registration. ___________________
High Holidays:
We will continue to update you on the plans and be sure to attend Rabbi Shalom's classes to have some inspiration as we get closer to the High Holidays. Especially this year, when the holidays will look and feel different than other years, these classes are a great opportunity to find different meaning and traditions for the holidays. See you there! ____________________
Sheloshim: Teena Wallin David Silberman
Yahrzeit List August 24- August 31
Clara Goldhaber L. Sanford Sussman Fay Siegel Mark Harris Samuel Losk Dr. Peter Caprow Hyman Stolove Richard Lee Horwitz Dr. Joel Hartley Sonya Rupnow Lyle Rogers Albert Gerrick Lyle Rogers Oscar Weissberg
Please join us on Monday at 5:00pm for a communal opportunity to say Kaddish for your loved one, and if there is anything else JCM can do to support you, please contact us at admin@mauijews.org.
It came to our attention, that not everyone is receiving the yahrzeit reminders. While we get this worked out with our software program, we will post the yahrzeit lists in the weekly newsletter.
1. Go to smile.amazon.com 2. Login as normal 3. Select Jewish Congregation of Maui
Same Amazon, same prices, same everytthing... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
Maui Monday Minyan Moment: A Weekly Communal Kaddish Opportunity Click Here for the link As we are physically distancing, staying connected to each other and our spiritual community has never been more important. Through this new short weekly gathering, we'll have an opportunity to see each other, hear verses from the weekly Torah reading chanted from a scroll, pray for healing, and recite Mourner's Kaddish. Please join to ensure a minyan of 10 Jewish adults. We'll be experimenting with this abridged prayer and meditation moment and alternating meeting on Zoom in the morning and afternoon. Rabbi Shalom, our "Zoom Rabbi", will facilitate and lead the prayers, meditations, songs, and rituals.
Please email admin@mauijews.org with anyone you would like to be added to the mishabeircah list. English and/or Hebrew name is fine.
Tuesday, August 18
Kashrut Q&A Class led by Shayna Naveh Click Here for Link Have you read the JCM Kashrut Policies? If not, click here. Would you like to understand not only how we have chosen to keep Kosher at JCM but why we have chosen to uphold the standards that we have? Would you like to know what you can prepare at home or purchase at the grocery store to bring to onsite events once Beit Shalom opens up? Would you like to be a Kitchen Volunteer or a Kitchen Manager? If so, please join us.
Class led by Sam Shnider Click here for the link Mystical insights on the Torah from a Hassidic perspective, by the renowned rebbe, storyteller and kabbalist of Uman, Rabbi Nachman of Bretzlav.
If you have ever wondered about Hassidic thought, or heard about the ecstatic intense spiritual worlds of the Baal Shem Tov and the Maggids, come participate in a discussion and reading of selections from the grandson of the founder of the Hassidic movement.
A Tish (Yiddish for "table") is a spiritual gathering in the Chasidic tradition. It usually involves teachings on the Torah and other holy texts, singing wordless melodies known as niggunim, and usually l'chaims and refreshments. Everyone is welcome - it's an informal event, bring your own drink and nosh!
For the next few weeks, this will be a shortened Tish and will be followed by our new High Holiday Prep Series...see below
Holiday Prep Series with Rabbi Shalom Click here for the link Theme: Sound the Shofar: Personal Achievements and Setting a New Direction It's less than 7 weeks to Rosh HaShana, and we have entered into an important sacred time of spiritual preparation and personal transformation. This new weekly event will touch on some of the main themes, melodies, and rituals of this season of renewal. The Yamim Nora'im (Days of Awe) are an annual opportunity for reconnecting with our souls and community; this series will support our personal and communal journeying. Rabbi Shalom, our "Zoom Rabbi", will facilitate and lead this series. It will start right after the Tish - feel free to participate in either or both!
See Friday Q&A to go with the series.
Friday, August 21
Weekly Parasha - Torah Reading with Sam Shnider Click Here for the link via Zoom, posted for later viewing on Facebook For generations upon generations, Jews have completed the cycle of Torah reading each generation and connected one section each week to their world, their lives, and their ethical perspective on life. Come join for a 20-30 minute modern look at the messages and realities these sacred Hebrew words can have on our life this week.
Welcoming our Second Soul with Sam Shnider Click here for link 20 minutes before candlelighting - a spiritual way to welcome the Shabbat with Shalom Aleychem, Lecha Dodi, a word of Torah, and lighting the candles. Ends at Candlelighting.
Maui Monday Minyan Moment: A Weekly Communal Kaddish Opportunity Click Here for the link As we are physically distancing, staying connected to each other and our spiritual community has never been more important. Through this new short weekly gathering, we'll have an opportunity to see each other, hear verses from the weekly Torah reading chanted from a scroll, pray for healing, and recite Mourner's Kaddish. Please join to ensure a minyan of 10 Jewish adults. We'll be experimenting with this abridged prayer and meditation moment and alternating meeting on Zoom in the morning and afternoon. Rabbi Shalom, our "Zoom Rabbi", will facilitate and lead the prayers, meditations, songs, and rituals.
Please email admin@mauijews.org with anyone you would like to be added to the mishabeircah list. English and/or Hebrew name is fine.
Coming up next week: Friday, August 28 @ 5:00pm...Ruach Shabbat with Toby Pechner.
Check out mauijews.org for the full August calendar of events. The live links will also be on the wesbite if you have a problem getting in from these links.
Please also note that we are offering classes and services throughout the month to coordinate with our new identity statement. There is something for everyone... and if you're missing mahj, Click Here and find MauiEllyn to play! ___________________
High Holidays: The High Holidays are just five weeks away, and we are working hard to ensure a meaningful holiday for all! We put the geenral plan in last week'snewsletter. We should have the final schedule out by email by the beginning of next week.
We will continue to update you on the plans and be sure to attend Rabbi Shalom's classes to have some inspiration as we get closer to the High Holidays. Especially this year, when the holidays will look and feel different than other years, these classes are a great opportunity to find different meaning and traditions for the holidays. See you there! ____________________
Yahrzeit List August 17-August 24
Benjamin F. Mensh Marilyn Teitelbaum Edward Yehuda Krupnick Zipporah Goldstein Sydney Elfand Jack M Sklar Ted Kraftsow Les Barreaux Susanne Sydney Al Silverman Justin Alan Nathan David Forrest Chapman Leona Berman Fay Siegel Clara Goldhaber L. Sanford Sussman
Please join us on Monday at 5:00pm for a communal opportunity to say Kaddish for your loved one, and if there is anything else JCM can do to support you, please contact us at admin@mauijews.org.
It came to our attention, that not everyone is receiving the yahrzeit reminders. While we get this worked out with our software program, we will post the yahrzeit lists in the weekly newsletter.
1. Go to smile.amazon.com 2. Login as normal 3. Select Jewish Congregation of Maui
Same amazon, same prices, same everytthing... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
There is no Tish or class tonight with Rabbi Shalom.
If you would like join the Q&A on Friday morning, it is scheduled for 10am (not 9).
Sorry for the errors, ~Ellyn.
1. Go to smile.amazon.com 2. Login as normal 3. Select Jewish Congreagation of Maui
Same amazon, same prices, same everytthing... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
Class led by Sam Shnider Click here for the link Mystical insights on the Torah from a Hassidic perspective, by the renowned rebbe, storyteller and kabbalist of Uman, Rabbi Nachman of Bretzlav.
If you have ever wondered about Hassidic thought, or heard about the ecstatic intense spiritual worlds of the Baal Shem Tov and the Maggids, come participate in a discussion and reading of selections from the grandson of the founder of the Hassidic movement.
A Tish (Yiddish for "table") is a spiritual gathering in the Chasidic tradition. It usually involves teachings on the Torah and other holy texts, singing wordless melodies known as niggunim, and usually l'chaims and refreshments. Everyone is welcome - it's an informal event, bring your own drink and nosh!
For the next few weeks, this will be a shortened Tish and will be followed by our new High Holiday Prep Series...see below
Holiday Prep Series with Rabbi Shalom Click here for the link Class 2: The Turning of the Year: Holidays Overview It's less than 7 weeks to Rosh HaShana, and we have entered into an important sacred time of spiritual preparation and personal transformation. This new weekly event will touch on some of the main themes, melodies, and rituals of this season of renewal. The Yamim Nora'im (Days of Awe) are an annual opportunity for reconnecting with our souls and community; this series will support our personal and communal journeying. Rabbi Shalom, our "Zoom Rabbi", will facilitate and lead this series. It will start right after the Tish - feel free to participate in either or both!
See Friday Q&A to go with the series.
Friday, August 14
Weekly Parasha - Torah Reading with Sam Shnider Click Here for the link via Zoom, posted for later viewing on Facebook For generations upon generations, Jews have completed the cycle of Torah reading each generation and connected one section each week to their world, their lives, and their ethical perspective on life. Come join for a 20-30 minute modern look at the messages and realities these sacred Hebrew words can have on our life this week.
10 Weeks of Spiritual Return Led by Rabbi Shalom Click Here for the link Join with members of Congregation Beth Shalom in Modesto, CA to discuss, dialogue and do some Q&A around the 10-week High Holiday prep series.
Welcoming our Second Soul with Sam Shnider Click here for link 20 minutes before candlelighting - a spiritual way to welcome the Shabbat with Shalom Aleychem, Lecha Dodi, a word of Torah, and lighting the candles. Ends at Candlelighting.
Maui Monday Minyan Moment: A Weekly Communal Kaddish opportunity Click Here for the link As we are physically distancing, staying connected to each other and our spiritual community has never been more important. Through this new short weekly gathering, we'll have an opportunity to see each other, hear verses from the weekly Torah reading chanted from a scroll, pray for healing, and recite Mourner's Kaddish. Please join to ensure a minyan of 10 Jewish adults. We'll be experimenting with this abridged prayer and meditation moment and alternating meeting on Zoom in the morning and afternoon. Rabbi Shalom, our "Zoom Rabbi", will facilitate and lead the prayers, meditations, songs, and rituals.
Please email admin@mauijews.org with anyone you would like to be added to the mishabeircah list. English and/or Hebrew name is fine.
Check our mauijews.org for the full August calendar of events. The live links will also be on the wesbite if you have a problem getting in from these links.
Please also note that we are offering classes and services throughout the month to coordinate with our new identity statement. There is something for everyone... and if you're missing mahj, Click Here and find MauiEllyn to play! ___________________
High Holidays...the plan: The High Holidays are just six week away, and we are working hard to ensure a meaningful holiday for all! JCM will provide a full (traditioanl JCM-style) Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, and Simchat Torah service schedule... and if anyone else would like to lead (in person or Zoom), please let Sam know at admin@mauijews.org.
THE PLAN (ready to change in a moment's notice): Erev Rosh Hashanah and Kol Nidre: Minyan outside. Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur: Minyan in the building and the service will be broadcast on Zoom. There will be a strictly adhered to schedule of services so you can join in for any parts that are meaningful and important to you. Sign up sheets will go to the current members to see if they would like to be part of the minyan for any of the services. If we have more spots, we will open it to the public. Sukkot: An outdoor service, and the sukkah will be available to others by reservation. You will bring your own chairs, blankets, food, etc. Lulov and etrog along with prayers on the walls of the sukkah will be inside. Simchat Torah: Being planned for an outside service and parade.
JCM leadership takes your health and safety seriously. We are following and making decisions based on CDC and OSHA guidelines along with state and local mandates. If our plan needs to change, we will let you know in this newsletter and on our website.
Yahrzeit List August 10-August 17
Leland Tolliver Martin Schwab Carl Balfour Herman Holstein Goldie Smilove Betty Chess Leah Franklin Cole Esther Lieberman Arthur Pitkoff Arthur Mehl Irving Levin Melvin Deichman Max Garaway Simon David Arnold Heiman Ernestine Brandes Daniel Bloom Shirley Gordon Gertrude August
Please join us on Monday for a communal opportunity to say Kaddish for your loved one, and if there is anything else JCM can do to support you, please contact us at admin@mauijews.org.
It came to our attention, that not everyone is receiving the yahrzeit reminders. While we get this worked out with our software program, we will again post the yahrzeit lists in the weekly newsletter.
1. Go to smile.amazon.com 2. Login as normal 3. Select Jewish Congregation of Maui
Same amazon, same prices, same everytthing... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
Maui Monday Minyan Moment: A Weekly Communal Kaddish Opportunity Zoom led by Rabbi Shalom Click Here As we are physically distancing, staying connected to each other and our spiritual community has never been more important. Through this new very short weekly gathering, we'll have an opportunity to see each other, hear verses from the weekly Torah reading chanted from a scroll, pray for healing, and recite Mourner's Kaddish.
Please join us to ensure a minyan of 10 Jewish adults.
We'll be experimenting with this very abridged prayer and meditation moment and alternating meeting on Zoom in the morning and afternoon. Rabbi Shalom, our "Zoom Rabbi", will facilitate and lead the prayers, meditations, songs and rituals.
The live link will also be on the wesbite if you have a problem getting in from these links. ___________________
1. Go to smile.amazon.com 2. Login as normal 3. Select Jewish Congreagation of Maui
Same amazon, same prices, same everytthing... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
Maui Monday Minyan Moment: A Weekly Communal Kaddish Opportunity Zoom led by Rabbi Shalom Click Here As we are physically distancing, staying connected to each other and our spiritual community has never been more important. Through this new very short weekly gathering, we'll have an opportunity to see each other, hear verses from the weekly Torah reading chanted from a scroll, pray for healing, and recite Mourner's Kaddish.
Please join us to ensure a minyan of 10 Jewish adults.
We'll be experimenting with this very abridged prayer and meditation moment and alternating meeting on Zoom in the morning and afternoon. Rabbi Shalom, our "Zoom Rabbi", will facilitate and lead the prayers, meditations, songs and rituals.
The live link will also be on the wesbite if you have a problem getting in from these links. ___________________
1. Go to smile.amazon.com 2. Login as normal 3. Select Jewish Congreagation of Maui
Same amazon, same prices, same everytthing... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
Maui Monday Minyan Moment: A Weekly Communal Kaddish Opportunity Zoom led by Rabbi Shalom Click Here As we are physically distancing, staying connected to each other and our spiritual community has never been more important. Through this new very short weekly gathering, we'll have an opportunity to see each other, hear verses from the weekly Torah reading chanted from a scroll, pray for healing, and recite Mourner's Kaddish.
Please join us to ensure a minyan of 10 Jewish adults.
We'll be experimenting with this very abridged prayer and meditation moment and alternating meeting on Zoom in the morning and afternoon. Rabbi Shalom, our "Zoom Rabbi", will facilitate and lead the prayers, meditations, songs and rituals.
Tuesday, August 4
Class led by Sam Shnider Click here for the link Mystical insights on the Torah from a Hassidic perspective, by the renowned rebbe, storyteller and kabbalist of Uman, Rabbi Nachman of Bretzlav.
If you have ever wondered about Hassidic thought, or heard about the ecstatic intense spiritual worlds of the Baal Shem Tov and the Maggids, come participate in a discussion and reading of selections from the grandson of the founder of the Hassidic movement.
A Tish (Yiddish for "table") is a spiritual gathering in the Chasidic tradition. It usually involves teachings on the Torah and other holy texts, singing wordless melodies known as niggunim, and usually l'chaims and refreshments. Everyone is welcome - it's an informal event, bring your own drink and nosh!
For the next few weeks, this will be a shortened Tish and will be followed by our new High Holiday Prep Series...see below
Holiday Prep Series with Rabbi Shalom Click here for link It's less than 7 weeks to Rosh HaShana, and we have entered into an important sacred time of spiritual preparation and personal transformation. This new weekly event will touch on some of the main themes, melodies, and rituals of this season of renewal. The Yamim Nora'im (Days of Awe) are an annual opportunity for reconnecting with our souls and community; this series will support our personal and communal journeying. Rabbi Shalom, our "Zoom Rabbi", will facilitate and lead this series. It will start right after the Tish - feel free to participate in either or both!
See Friday Q&A to go with the series.
Friday, August 7
Weekly Parasha - Torah Reading with Sam Shnider Click Here via Zoom, posted for later viewing on FaceBook For generations upon generations, Jews have completed the cycle of Torah reading each generation and connected one section each week to their world, their lives, and their ethical perspective on life. Come join for a 20-30 modern look at the messages and realities these sacred Hebrew words can have on our life this week.
10 Weeks of Spiritual Return Led by Rabbi Shalom Zoom Link Click Here Join with members of Congregation Beth Shalom in Modesto, CA to discuss, dialogue and do some Q&A around the 10-week High Holiday prep series.
Welcoming our Second Soul with Sam Shnider Click here for link 20 minutes before candlelighting - a spiritual way to welcome the Shabbat with Shalom Aleychem, Lecha Dodi, a word of Torah, and lighting the candles. Ends at Candlelighting.
Musical Shabbat w/ Sam S. and Cynthia Lebowitz Click here for link A blend of traditional and recent songs to welcome the shabbat led by Cynthia Lebowitz on Guitar, with a follow-along booklet. Find the PDF on Jews on Maui or JCM Maui Virtual Jewish Life Center. Come get familiar with new melodies to ancient liturgy!
That is a busy week... and check our mauijews.org for the full August calendar of events. The live links will also be on the wesbite if you have a problem getting in from these links.
Please also note that we are offering classes and services throughout the month to coordinate with our new identity statement. There is something for everyone... and if you're missing mahj, Click Here and find MauiEllyn to play! ___________________
What Pluralistic Judaism Means to Me by Sheri Levin McNerthney President, Jewish Congregation of Maui
I have heard questions in the community about JCM’s new Identity Statement, which describes us as “An Independent Egalitarian Pluralistic Community for Jewish Life”. (you can read the complete Identity Statement at https://www.mauijews.org/about) What does this description mean? The confusion seems to be with the concept of pluralism. I want to try to offer some clarity here.
First of all, let me clarify what Jewish Pluralism is NOT: 1. Jewish Pluralism is NOT equivalent to the more general social/political concept of pluralism. 2. Jewish Pluralism is NOT Unitarianism. 3. Jewish Pluralism is NOT “anything goes”.
Jewish Pluralism is the recognition that Jewish life comes in many forms, and that we can respect and learn from all of them. There are deep philosophical discussions available online of what Jewish Pluralism means. (for example, https://pluralism.org/jewish-pluralism) One can make a compelling historical argument that Judaism has always been pluralistic, that it is only since the 18th century, with Enlightenment ideas sweeping Europe, that European Judaism split into ever-hardening denominations. But I don’t want to debate philosophy or history here.
I want to give you my personal experience of what Jewish Pluralism is. To me, Jewish Pluralism means we all just get along. We respect each other’s ways of “doing Jewish”, and as a community we strive to capitalize on the commonalities. My model for Jewish Pluralism is my own family, and how we all came together for my daughter Terra’s Bat Mitzvah.
MMy family ranges from Orthodox to Communist, Ayn Rand libertarian to liberal Democrat, founders of a Hashomer Hatzair (Jewish socialist youth movement) kibbutz, to founders of one of the first settlements in the West Bank. Yet there we all were, on the summit of Masada in Israel, a poignant symbol of Jewish identity everyone could relate to, on a Thursday, when everyone could travel and gather without restriction. Everyone participated, everyone contributed to the celebration. Pat, my non-Jewish husband, shlepped the Torah up to the top of the mountain. My Orthodox brother Zvi had an aliyah from that Torah, as did my Aunt Roberta, and of course the Bat Mitzvah girl herself. It was a deeply meaningful day for my daughter, and for everyone present. This is Jewish Pluralism in action.
What does Jewish Pluralism look like at JCM? Ideally, it means celebrating our diversity AND our commonality. Multiple simultaneous minyanim (prayer services) where we all get together for lunch. Recognizing that fundamental common denominators like Kashrut must be respected and maintained. Recognizing that certain practices like musical instruments in a Kabbalat Shabbat services may be unfamiliar to some, but have value to others. Let’s work together to eschew our own personal entrenched ideas of what Judaism “should” look like, and discover a common preference that may actually be better, deeper, more meaningful to each of us.
1. Go to smile.amazon.com 2. Login as normal 3. Select Jewish Congreagation of Maui
Same amazon, same prices, same everytthing... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
This week at shul! A note about links (again). There is a problem with the links "breaking" when the emails go out, and some people are having a problem with them in the emails. Links will now take you to the JCM website where there will be a live link. LInks to all events will be listed on the calendar; click on the event, and you will see the Zoom link to click.
Tuesday, July 28 @ 6:30pm Zoom Class led by Sam Shnider Click here for the link Mystical insights on the Torah from a Hassidic perspective, by the renowned rebbe, storyteller and kabbalist of Uman, Rabbi Nachman of Bretzlav.
If you have ever wondered about Hassidic thought, or heard about the ecstatic intense spiritual worlds of the Baal Shem Tov and the Maggids, come participate in a discussion and reading of selections from the grandson of the founder of the Hassidic movement.
A Tish (Yiddish for "table") is a spiritual gathering in the Chasidic tradition. It usually involves teachings on the Torah and other holy texts, singing wordless melodies known as niggunim, and usually l'chaims and refreshments. Everyone is welcome - it's an informal event, bring your own drink and nosh!
Tisha B’Av is a day to mourn the ancient destruction of Jerusalem, 19 centuries of diaspora, and how we experience disconnection in our lives. This week’s Tish will focus on themes of healing from disconnection as we prepare for Tisha B’Av beginning just a few hours later.
Wednesday, July 29 @ 6:30pm Tisha B'Av Led by Sam Shnider Click here for link Remembrance and Healing Kinot Songs and Reading of Lamentations in Honor of Tisha B'av A day of reflection on what can be broken, and what can be fixed Learning from history and applying it to our present Recitations of prayers, and sharing zoom - Prayers 30-35 minutes, sharing 20-25 minutes (bring a prayer, a poem, a reflection)
Friday, July 31 @ 6:30pm Kabbalat Shabbat Traditional service led by Sam Shnider Click here for link
Monday, August 3 @ 5:00pm Monday Minyan with Rabbi Shalom
More details coming...this will be a short weekly minyan to say Kaddish, Mishabeirach, abridged prayers. We expect that we will have a minyan each week, so please plan on attending every Monday (even if you're a little late) so people can say Kaddish.
____________________ Schedule Notes!
We are really proud of all the work we've done durting this pandemic. Despite our challenges, JCM has a robust schedule planned leading up to the High Holidays. There are classes, services, and community events online to fill the vaired needs of our community. We will have new programming in August, and all items will be in the cleandar by the end of the week; we are so excited to share it with you. Details will be on the mauijews.org calendar, in the newsletters, and on our Facebook page.
Membership...Toda Raba More memberships keep rolling in... we are so happy to have your commitment to pluralistic Judaism on Maui.
Are you ready to help us build our first truly pluralistic High Holidays? It will take all of us working together to make sure we are reaching all of our community...we want everyone to have a meaningful start to 5781. We are asking you to help us. Please let us know that you can help ,and we'll find the best place for your time and skills.
We are working on some outside evening events (socially distanced) and indoors Zoom events... at JCM and off-site all over the island...but we need your help to make it all come together.
Please let Sam Shnider know that you want to help or reply to this email to let us know you can help! ____________________
1. Go to smile.amazon.com 2. Login as normal 3. Select Jewish Congreagation of Maui
Same amazon, same prices, same everytthing... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
This week at shul! A note about links (again). There is a problem with the links "breaking" when the emails go out, and some people are having a problem with them in the emails. Links will now take you to the JCM website where there will be a live link. Thank you for your patience while we figure out the best way to get you the information you want.
Tuesday, July 21 @ 6:30pm Zoom Class led by Sam Shnider Click here for the link Mystical insights on the Torah from a Hassidic perspective, by the renowned rebbe, storyteller and kabbalist of Uman, Rabbi Nachman of Bretzlav.
If you have ever wondered about Hassidic thought, or heard about the ecstatic intense spiritual worlds of the Baal Shem Tov and the Maggids, come participate in a discussion and reading of selections from the grandson of the founder of the Hassidic movement.
A Tish (Yiddish for "table") is a spiritual gathering in the Chasidic tradition. It usually involves teachings on the Torah and other holy texts, singing wordless melodies known as niggunim, and usually l'chaims and refreshments. Everyone is welcome - it's an informal event, bring your own drink and nosh!
Friday, July 24 @ 6:00pm Kabbalat Shabbat Traditional service led by Sam Shnider Click here for link
____________________ What is Pluralistic?
We keep using that word, but what does it mean? It means that we recognize and appreciate that while we all feel connected as Jews, we may be looking for different ways of praying, learning, celebrating, just being Jewish...
We are still a community together, and we can work together to make sure that all of get what we need. Just High Holidays? great. Weekly Mahj game? excellent. Weekly Torah study? we're here for you. Something totally different? We'll figure it out.
We're different kinds of Jewish. Together.
But it takes all of us to join, renew, donate, and participate in the planning to make sure that your needs are represented. If we can do it, we will.
That is pluralistic and welcoming Judaism. ____________________
Membership...Toda Raba Toda raba to all who have renewed their membership already... we are so happy to have your commiement to pluralistic Judaism on Maui.
Are you ready to help us build our first truly pluralistic High Holidays? It will take all of us working together to make sure we are reaching all of our community...we want everyone to have a meanningful start to 5781.
Please let Sam Shnider know that you want to help or reply to this email to let us know you can help! ____________________
1. Go to smile.amazon.com 2. Login as normal 3. Select Jewish Congreagation of Maui
Same amazon, same prices, same everytthing... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
Zoom: us02web.zoom.us/j/83562829254 If you have a problem with this link, please go to mauijews.org and find the link on our calendar or go to zoom.com and use 83562829254 as the meeting ID. A minyan was requested by members of our community... please join us to ensure a minyan so we can say kaddish and mishabeirach.
(You can go outside and look for Comet NEOWISE after the service... Space.com says tonight may be the best viewing)
1. Go to smile.amazon.com 2. Login as normal 3. Select Jewish Congreagation of Maui
Same amazon, same prices, same everytthing... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
This week at shul! A note about links (again). There is a problem with the links "breaking" when the emails go out, and some people are having a problem with them in the emails. Links will now takw you to the JCM website where there will be a live link. Thank you for your patience while we figure out the best way to get you the information you want.
Tuesday, July 14 @ 6:30pm Zoom Class led by Sam Shnider Click here for the link Mystical insights on the Torah from a Hassidic perspective, by the renowned rebbe, storyteller and kabbalist of Uman, Rabbi Nachman of Bretzlav.
If you have ever wondered about Hassidic thought, or heard about the ecstatic intense spiritual worlds of the Baal Shem Tov and the Maggids, come participate in a discussion and reading of selections from the grandson of the founder of the Hassidic movement.
Friday, July 17 @ 6:00pm Kabbat Shabbat Led by Sam Shnider & Cynthia Lebowitz at Poolenalena Beach No Zoom service this week
Join Sam and Cynthia to welcome Shabbat with traditional Shabbat Liturgy and music, live at the beach. Contact Cynthia for further information (970) 201-7406.
. Membership emails went out to all current members-thank you to everyone who has already paid; I do a little happy dance everytime I see one. We revised the schedule to ask for membership in the beginning of our fiscal year to help wtih planning and budgeting. You are free to make payments thoughout the year (although we appreciate full payments as soon as you can). We apprciate everyone who has paid in full, set up a payment plan, and let Ellyn know that they are waiting for Give Aloha. The membership cycle runs from July 1-June 30, no matter how your payments are structured. Not a member last year? Don't worry, your membership email is coming, we want everyone to be committed and invested in the inclusive and welcoming congregation and community at JCM.
Commit to Jewish life on Maui today ____________________ Want to start a social activism committee? The staff and board at JCM are focused on High Holidays right now, but some immediate opportunities have come up through council member Tasha Kama for interfaith work on behalf of homeless on Maui. Please contact admin@mauijews.org if you would like to spearhead a social activism committee for JCOM and/or represent the community in efforts to work with the homeless. ____________________
***Important***High Holidays Info:
Each week we will update you an any news about the upcoming High Holidays...Here is the (flexible) plan so far:
There will be a traditional JCM service in the JCM building with a minyan and a camera to be aired live on Zoom- most likely Erev Rosh Hashanah, First Day, Kol Nidre, Yom Kippur Day. These will be available live online for anyone who wants to join, and there will be a time schedule that will be strictly adhered to so people can join in for the parts of the service they want.
JCM wants your High Holidays to be meaningful to you...if there is a style or type of service you would like to have, please let us know. We will do what we can to support your service and put you in contact with others who are looking for a similar service.
Our new JCM identity statement provides a welcoming and inclusive JCM for all Jews...this is a step in that direction...we will provide info on all the services so you can decide where you will have the most meaningful start to 5781.
ALREADY in the works... Upcountry contemporary and more English service upcountry planned by Marge Bonar.
A Kabblah evening Rosh Hashanah ceremony with Paul Solomon.
Second day discussion group to talk about the essence of Rosh Hashanah. We can structure it like Shavuot, if you have a topic you'd like to lead, please contact admin@mauijews.org.
More coming as we hear from you! ____________________
Chevra Kadisha There are some new links on the chevra kadisha page on our website with some upcoming classes hosted by the Gamliel Institute. Please CLICK HEREfor the schedule and more information
A Letter From the President:
I want to update everyone on JCM Board happenings. We’ve set up the following committees to help JCM grow and thrive:
Membership Committee: Michael O’Neal, Chair email: michael@mauijews.org • Develop and present to Directors proposed strategies for securing new Members and retaining existing members. Oversee execution of adopted projects. • Develop and present to Directors recommendations for (1) applications for membership in the Congregation (2) membership welcome packet (3) proposed membership fee structure
Development Committee: Gail Schell, Chair email: gail@mauijews.org • Develop and present to Directors proposed strategies for raising funds to meet our annual budget. Oversee execution of adopted projects. • Develop and present to the Directors proposals for JCM development (such as Customer Discovery). Oversee execution of adopted development projects. • Develop and present to Directors proposals for sustainable income other than memberships and donations. Oversee execution of adopted projects.
Education Committee: Happy Lefton, Chair email: happy@mauijews.org • Oversee operations for Talmud Torah • Develop and present to Directors proposal for Jewish Preschool • Governance Committee: Sarah Shaines, Chair email: sarah@mauijews.org • Plan elections for next Board of Directors. • Recruit a slate of recommended candidates and present to the Directors no later than the April Directors meeting; • Recruit and present a list of nominees for Officer and Director vacancies; • Develop and implement policies and procedures for reporting and adjudication of grievances
Finance Committee: Simon Vojdani, Chair email: simon@mauijews.org • Recommend an annual budget to the Directors. • Recommend revisions in the budget. • Prepare and review expenditure reports for presentation at each Directors meeting. • Employ an auditor to review the financial position of the corporation. • Review individuals’ requests for reduction of dues and to present recommendations to the Board of Directors.
All committees welcome participation by all interested members. Don’t just kvetch, do something about it! Email the Chair of the committee you want to serve on, and help ensure the future of pluralistic Jewish life on Maui.
We have a full agenda for the year and there’s lots to do. I invite you to help make your Jewish community happen! Always feel free to email me with your comments, questions, kvetches, and suggestions here: board@mauijews.org
All the best, Sheri Levin McNerthney President, Jewish Congregation of Maui
1. Go to smile.amazon.com 2. Login as normal 3. Select Jewish Congreagation of Maui
Same amazon, same prices, same everytthing... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
Some people didn't get the newsletter this morning, so I am resending it now... I apologize if you got a duplicate Thank you to everyone who attended the annual meeting yesterday...it was great to see and talk to you! CLICK HERE FOR A VIDEO OF THE
Just a note about the links...I don't know why sometimes from the emails they don't push through properly. If that ever happens, go to the mauijews.org calendar and click on the event you are looking for.
The Board of Directors is proud to announce our new
JCM Identity Statement...
Speak to all the congregation of the children of Israel and tell them: you shall be unique, for I, God, am unique! ( Vayikra 19:2 )
Jewish Congregation of Maui (JCM) Identity Statement
An Independent Egalitarian Pluralistic Community for Jewish Life
Jewish life comes in many forms. JCM is a beacon for that diversity. Since our founding, JCM has intentionally been unaffiliated with any particular Jewish denomination. We deeply respect and celebrate our shared values, culture, and history which unite us with a tribal sense of family, while simultaneously recognizing that our diversity is our strength. JCM affirms that every Jew is a vital part of an inclusive community. Everyone
is welcomed. This affords the opportunity for members to understand and develop familiarity with a variety of Jewish practices and beliefs, some of which may differ from their own. JCM holds that this is key to the continuation of Jewish life into the 21st century and beyond.
Beit Shalom: Our Home
We cherish our Beit Knesset/House of Gathering as the Center of our community and a sanctuary space where Jews and their friends can come to recharge, socialize, study and pray. It shelters a welcoming, vibrant environment where celebrations of all aspects of Jewish life and the study of Torah inspire those who enter to share in our common bond with the Jewish people, Jewish heritage, and Jewish traditions.
Blow the shofar in the renewal [of the moon], at the appointed time for the day of our festival!
The high holidays are arriving soon, a time of inspiration and gathering for our community. In an effort to serve the community and respond to the needs of ensuring our safety at this time we are looking to have limited in-person services at the main synagogue, options for different venues, and online broadcasting of services for remote viewing. We also are looking to have family services and child-oriented services. We will be setting up a registration system with advance lists for each venue to ensure that we can follow the current guidelines by local government and the CDC.
All of these logistics require volunteers and input from the community to assist with planning and implementation, so we can make our High Holiday experience satisfying and memorable for every person in the community. See above for meeting details, please join us!
We also welcome any input or feedback you would like to share about past services or ideas you may have for services this year. We are looking for anyone who might wish to host or lead any alternative services as well. If you feel inspired to do so, please let us know and we will incorporate your contributions into the High Holiday program.
Wishing You Kol Tuv and All the Best,
Sam Shnider and Ellyn Mortimer
1. Go to smile.amazon.com
2. Login as normal
3. Select Jewish Congregation of Maui
Same amazon, same prices, same everything... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!!
Congratulations and thank you to our newly elected Board of Directors:
President: Sheri Levin McNerthney 87% of votes Vice-President: Michael O'Neal 67% Secretary: Sarah Shaines 69% Treasurer: Simon Vojdani 89% Directors: Jessica Pearl Kwon 80%, Cynthia Lebowitz 69%, Happy Lefton 78%, Marc Levine 62%, Gail Schell 11%
Please note: Jane Schumacher had to withdraw her candidacy due to personal reasons. We thank her for her commitment to JCM, and we look forward to seeing her (someday soon) when she is back on Maui.
The bylaws were not accepted by 2/3 of the members, so they did not pass. The bylaws will go back to committee to re-write. If your would like to be on the committee, please contact admin@mauijews.org.
Board Meetings are the third Monday of each month @ 4:30, they will be on the calendar. ___________________________________
Blow the shofar in the renewal [of the moon], at the appointed time for the day of our festival!
The high holidays are arriving soon, a time of inspiration and gathering for our community. In an effort to serve the community and respond to the needs of ensuring our safety at this time we are looking to have limited in-person services at the main synagogue, options for different venues, and online broadcasting of services for remote viewing. We also are looking to have family services and child-oriented services. We will be setting up a registration system with advance lists for each venue to ensure that we can follow the current guidelines by local government and the CDC.
All of these logistics require volunteers and input from the community to assist with planning and implementation, so we can make our High Holiday experience satisfying and memorable for every person in the community. See a bove for meeting details, please join us!
We also welcome any input or feedback you would like to share about past services or ideas you may have for services this year. We are looking for anyone who might wish to host or lead any alternative services as well. If you feel inspired to do so, please let us know and we will incorporate your contributions into the High Holiday program.
Wishing You Kol Tuv and All the Best, Sam Shnider and Ellyn Mortimer ______________________________
1. Go to smile.amazon.com 2. Login as normal 3. Select Jewish Congreagation of Maui
Same amazon, same prices, same everytthing... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
Congratulations and thank you to our newly elected Board of Directors:
President: Sheri Levin McNerthney 87% of votes Vice-President: Michael O'Neal 67% Secretary: Sarah Shaines 69% Treasurer: Simon Vojdani 89% Directors: Jessica Pearl Kwon 80%, Cynthia Lebowitz 69%, Happy Lefton 78%, Marc Levine 62%, Gail Schell 11%
Please note: Jane Schumacher had to withdraw her candidacy due to personal reasons. We thank her for her commitment to JCM, and we look forward to seeing her (someday soon) when she is back on Maui.
The bylaws were not accepted by 2/3 of the members, so they did not pass. The bylaws will go back to committee to re-write. If your would like to be on the committee, please contact admin@mauijews.org.
Board Meetings are the third Monday of each month @ 4:30, they will be on the calendar. ___________________________________
Blow the shofar in the renewal [of the moon], at the appointed time for the day of our festival!
The high holidays are arriving soon, a time of inspiration and gathering for our community. In an effort to serve the community and respond to the needs of ensuring our safety at this time we are looking to have limited in-person services at the main synagogue, options for different venues, and online broadcasting of services for remote viewing. We also are looking to have family services and child-oriented services. We will be setting up a registration system with advance lists for each venue to ensure that we can follow the current guidelines by local government and the CDC.
All of these logistics require volunteers and input from the community to assist with planning and implementation, so we can make our High Holiday experience satisfying and memorable for every person in the community. See a bove for meeting details, please join us!
We also welcome any input or feedback you would like to share about past services or ideas you may have for services this year. We are looking for anyone who might wish to host or lead any alternative services as well. If you feel inspired to do so, please let us know and we will incorporate your contributions into the High Holiday program.
Wishing You Kol Tuv and All the Best, Sam Shnider and Ellyn Mortimer ______________________________
1. Go to smile.amazon.com 2. Login as normal 3. Select Jewish Congreagation of Maui
Same amazon, same prices, same everytthing... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
The mission of the Jewish Congregation of Maui is to support and inspire Jewish religious and cultural practices for Maui residents and visitors, provide and encourage Jewish education and life cycle services, and engage the Jewish community with religious services, classes, and events.