***FUN FACT*** If you have 2 Maka'i numbers, you can give twice!
This is the last day to make a donation to JCM at any Foodland or Sack N Save checkout, and Foodland and the Western Union Foundation will make a donation to our organization too! JCM's code is: 77216
How to Donate: 1) Shop at Foodland or Sack N Save! 2) Show your Maika'i card to the cashier at checkout. 3) Tell the cashier our code and the amount of your donation (up to $249).
or click here
Toda Raba!!!
You can make an impact while you shop everyday.
Simply shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/99-0294390 and AmazonSmile will donate to the Jewish Congregation of Maui Inc, at no cost to you.
Same amazon, same prices, same everything... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
Tuesday, September 28 7:00pm Zoom Class with Sam S Mystical insights on the Torah from a Hassidic perspective, by the renowned rebbe, storyteller and kabbalist of Uman, Rabbi Nachman of Bretzlav. If you have ever wondered about Hassidic thought, or heard about the ecstatic intense spiritual worlds of the Baal Shem Tov and the Maggids, come participate in a discussion and reading of selections from the grandson of the founder of the Hassidic movement.
Friday, October 1 8:30am Zoom Parsha class with Sam S. Sunday, October 3 10:30am - 12:00pm Live and in-person under our huge event top outside. Kulanu; Creative play, singing, dancing, and stories with Hagar RSVP to Happylefton@gmail.com and let us know you're joining.
Sunday, October 3 10:30am - 12:00pm In-person at JCM!
Fun morning playing, singing, and dancing together with Hagar
Don't miss out on Jewish camp-style fun!
If you haven't brought your kids, they are missing out on a great opportunity to find and build their Jewish community. Don't miss one more week!
RSVP and Questions to Happylefton@gmail.com
Free...Donations requested
The final pieces of the kitchen are scheduled to be delivered this week! We ordered a commercial sink and dishwasher that have taken months to get here. Patience is a virtue, the best things are worth waiting for, and all that... and the wait may finally be over (knocking on wood as I type this).
***FUN FACT*** If you have 2 Maka'i numbers, you can give twice!
During September, make a donation to JCM at any Foodland or Sack N Save checkout, and Foodland and the Western Union Foundation will make a donation to our organization too! JCM's code is: 77216 How to Donate: 1) Shop at Foodland or Sack N Save! 2) Show your Maika'i card to the cashier at checkout. 3) Tell the cashier our code and the amount of your donation (up to $249).
Don't worry... I'll remind you again :)
Yahrzeits September 27 - October 4
Jeffrey Rochen Samuel Slomowitz Sarah Stolove Greenberg Henry Leo Grunbaum Naomi Caprow Celia Ungerman Dorice Povich Mensh David Kett Ahou Vojdani Libby Pomerantz Hazel Hochschild
Please let us know at admin@mauijews.org if you would like to schedule a Zoom Mourner's Kaddish.
You can make an impact while you shop everyday.
Simply shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/99-0294390 and AmazonSmile will donate to the Jewish Congregation of Maui Inc, at no cost to you.
Same amazon, same prices, same everything... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
The Sukkah is open! There is a box with lulov, etrog, blessings, lanterns, etc for your use. Bring a nosh and enjoy the JCM Sukkah!
Any changes and additions will be posted on the website calendar. Sunday, Sept. 26 Kulanu; Creating writing and Performance with Phoebe 10:30am - 12:00pm
Create a mini Torah with a personal message.
Celebrate Simchat Torah with costumes, dancing, perfromacne, and paradingw ith our Torahs! RSVP to Happylefton@gmail.com or 808-283-2859 and let us know you're joining or if you have any questions.
Sunday, September 26 10:30am - 12:00pm In-person at JCM, led by Phoebe!
Phoebe is here on vacation and is looking forward to working with kids ages K and older on a Simchat Torah creative program. Phoebe was a teacher here pre-covid and we are so excited to see her!
We will create mini Torahs with a personal message and celebrate Simchat Torach with costumes, dancing, performance, and parading with our Torahs
Don't miss out on Jewish camp-style fun!
RSVP and Questions to Happylefton@gmail.com or 808-283-2859
Thank you to everyone who is donating...$2497 is our total so far!!!
Just one week left
Some are donating on multiple Maka'i Numbers ... Toda Raba!!!
***FUN FACT*** If you have 2 Maka'i numbers, you can give twice!
During September, make a donation to JCM at any Foodland or Sack N Save checkout, and Foodland and the Western Union Foundation will make a donation to our organization too! JCM's code is: 77216 How to Donate: 1) Shop at Foodland or Sack N Save! 2) Show your Maika'i card to the cashier at checkout. 3) Tell the cashier our code and the amount of your donation (up to $249).
Don't worry... I'll remind you again :)
Yahrzeits September 20 - September 27
Eileen Erman Rosalie Sachs Gary Solondz Sally Krieger Shep Margolese Harold Mostow Thea Levinsky Twitter Levinsky Pearl Ayeroff Samuel David Nagavkar Sarah Lasko Hyman Minsky Abe Fages Ari Grashin Merna Lee Kaplove Anne Barbarosh Ari Grashin John Needham Robert Parella Bernice Milenbach Beatrice Frieder Etta Greenberg Ivy Nagavkar Albert Rimmerman Jeffrey Rochen
Please let us know at admin@mauijews.org if you would like to schedule a Zoom Mourner's Kaddish.
You can make an impact while you shop everyday.
Simply shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/99-0294390 and AmazonSmile will donate to the Jewish Congregation of Maui Inc, at no cost to you.
Same amazon, same prices, same everything... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
Our first Kulanu program was succesful and fun for all! Kobi Gil took the lead on building our sukkah and leading the kids through craft making with help from Happy Lefton and Jessica Pearl Kwon. Don't worry if you missed it, Kulanu is weekly camp-style fun for the kids! It was great to see some of hte kids back together!!!
Any changes and additions will be posted on the website calendar.
Monday, Sept. 20 - Sept 26 Sukkot The Sukkah is open and ready for you to enjoy. Lulov and etrog should be in the sukkah starting on Tuesday - Shipment is delayed and is scheduled to arrive to Maui this evening Friday, Sept. 24 8:30amParsha class with Sam S.
Sunday, Sept. 26 Kulanu; Creating writing and Performance with Phoebe (Yes, she's back for a short visit and can't wait to see all the kid again!) 10:30am - 12:00pm RSVP to Happylefton@gmail.com and let us know you're joining.
Sunday, September 26 10:30am - 12:00pm In-person at JCM! Phoebe is here on vacation, and is looking forward to working with kids ages K and older on a Simchat Torah creative program. Phoebe was a teacher here pre-covid and we are so excited to see her!
Don't miss out on Jewish camp-style fun!
RSVP and Questions to Happylefton@gmail.com
Thank you to everyone who is donating...$1496 is our total so far!!!
Ten Days Left
Some are donating on multiple Maka'i Numbers ... Toda Raba!!!
***FUN FACT*** If you have 2 Maka'i numbers, you can give twice!
During September, make a donation to JCM at any Foodland or Sack N Save checkout, and Foodland and the Western Union Foundation will make a donation to our organization too! JCM's code is: 77216 How to Donate: 1) Shop at Foodland or Sack N Save! 2) Show your Maika'i card to the cashier at checkout. 3) Tell the cashier our code and the amount of your donation (up to $249).
Don't worry... I'll remind you again :)
Yahrzeits September 20 - September 27
Eileen Erman Rosalie Sachs Gary Solondz Sally Krieger Shep Margolese Harold Mostow Thea Levinsky Twitter Levinsky Pearl Ayeroff Samuel David Nagavkar Sarah Lasko Hyman Minsky Abe Fages Ari Grashin Merna Lee Kaplove Anne Barbarosh Ari Grashin John Needham Robert Parella Bernice Milenbach Beatrice Frieder Etta Greenberg Ivy Nagavkar Albert Rimmerman Jeffrey Rochen
Please let us know at admin@mauijews.org if you would like to schedule a Zoom Mourner's Kaddish.
You can make an impact while you shop everyday.
Simply shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/99-0294390 and AmazonSmile will donate to the Jewish Congregation of Maui Inc, at no cost to you.
Same amazon, same prices, same everything... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
We hope you had an easy fast... Next Year Together!
Toda Raba to Rabbi Nechama, Sam Shnider, Cantor Martin Neumann, and Bonnie Newman for leading us through a contemplative and beautiful Yom Kippur.
A special Toda to Avrum Goodblat for being our Bal Tekiyah (Shofar blower) these past 10 days!
Sunday, September 19 Kulanu; Sukkah Decorating!
10am - 12pm
RSVP to Happylefton@gmail.com and let us know you're joining. We're excited to have our first kulanu program and then enjoy a little time in the sukkah!
We are so thrilled to offer our first Kulanu program.
Sunday, Sept 19 @10am
Kobi is hard at work at work building our sukkah ... Now it needs YOU, our families and children to come deocrate!
Our big event tent will provide shade as we arts-and-crafts our way to a festive and fully adorned Sukkah. Don't miss the fun!!!
We will have crafting materials and ideas AND you are welcome to bring flowers, your own decorations, etc.
Let's get our kids together for some fun at JCM!
RSVP to happylefton@gmail.com Bring yourselves, a mask, and a great attitude!
P.S. Pj Library and google has some fun ideas for crafts. Lily and I plan to get crafty this weekend and bring some pre-done decor on Sunday. If we make something amazing, we'll bring extra supplies to share the fun.
Did you read about fantastic new membership model?
New giving levels and ideas so that EVERYONE is a member. If you want to be here, we want to have you!
Membership dues is an outdated practice, and we're updating our membership model. We love being a place where Jews come together equally...without judgement or labels.
Read about our new Membership Model HERE. Give today, so we can be here tomorrow.
Thank you to everyone who is donating!
Some are donating on multiple Maka'i Numbers ... Toda Raba!!!
***FUN FACT*** If you have 2 Maka'i numbers, you can give twice!
During September, make a donation to JCM at any Foodland or Sack N Save checkout, and Foodland and the Western Union Foundation will make a donation to our organization too! JCM's code is: 77216 How to Donate: 1) Shop at Foodland or Sack N Save! 2) Show your Maika'i card to the cashier at checkout. 3) Tell the cashier our code and the amount of your donation (up to $249).
Don't worry... I'll remind you again :)
Yahrzeits September 13 - September 20
Martin Geringer Beverly Ruth Holstein Ruth Deichman Murray Artman Benno Fischer Harry J. Cohn Alfred (Al) Levin Elayna Kaplan Julius Lopin Arnold Joel Klein Audrey Kaye David Louis Ruth Schwab Auguste Weil Dora Shultz Margie Haddad Leo Hans Hammerstein Jacob Eisman Sidney Rosoff Stanley Granat Irving Hershkowitz Elisheba bat Miryam Regina Lazarovich Robert Baruch Ankaoua Sara Ostroff Rosalie Sachs Gary Solondz Sally Krieger Eileen Erman
Please let us know at admin@mauijews.org if you would like to schedule a Zoom Mourner's Kaddish.
You can make an impact while you shop everyday.
Simply shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/99-0294390 and AmazonSmile will donate to the Jewish Congregation of Maui Inc, at no cost to you.
Same amazon, same prices, same everything... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
Maui Members...we hope you loved your goodies. We were happy to show you our appreciation for all your support this year. Non-Maui Members... We couldn't send you what we wanted by mail, but I hope when you're here next, you'll let us bake you a delicious and homemade challah!
Any changes and additions will be posted on the website calendar.
Wednesday, September 15 Kol Nidre Service 5:45pm Outside seating is full...please join us on Zoom Thursday, September 16 Yom Kippur Service Indoor seating is full...please join us on Zoom
Yizkor and Neilah Service 5:30pm Outside seating has just a few spots left (reservations mandatory- email admin@maujews.org )...otherwise join us on Zoom
Sunday, September 19 Kulanu; Sukkah Decorating! 10am - 12pm RSVP to Happylefton@gmail.com and let us know you're joining. We're excited to have our first kulanu program and then enjoy a little time in the sukkah!
Kol Nidre with Rabbi Nechama
Whether you wiill be with us live or on Zoom on Wednesday evening, Rabbi Nechama would love to include you with an honor in our service. Please contact R Nechama at jewishspirituality@gmail.com if you are interested in helping facilitate.
Reverse Tashlich was a great success yesterday. We sifted through sand finding micro-plastics, picked up lots of cigarette butts, some bottles, and even an old sock.
We will continue to be a community that emphasizes Tikkun Olam, stay tuned for more activities and events to help world.
Thank you to everyone who is donating!
Some are donating on multiple Maka'i Numbers ... Toda Raba!!!
***FUN FACT*** If you have 2 Maka'i numbers, you can give twice!
During September, make a donation to JCM at any Foodland or Sack N Save checkout, and Foodland and the Western Union Foundation will make a donation to our organization too! JCM's code is: 77216 How to Donate: 1) Shop at Foodland or Sack N Save! 2) Show your Maika'i card to the cashier at checkout. 3) Tell the cashier our code and the amount of your donation (up to $249).
Don't worry... I'll remind you again :)
Yahrzeits September 13 - September 20
Martin Geringer Beverly Ruth Holstein Ruth Deichman Murray Artman Benno Fischer Harry J. Cohn Alfred (Al) Levin Elayna Kaplan Julius Lopin Arnold Joel Klein Audrey Kaye David Louis Ruth Schwab Auguste Weil Dora Shultz Margie Haddad Leo Hans Hammerstein Jacob Eisman Sidney Rosoff Stanley Granat Irving Hershkowitz Elisheba bat Miryam Regina Lazarovich Robert Baruch Ankaoua Sara Ostroff Rosalie Sachs Gary Solondz Sally Krieger Eileen Erman
Please let us know at admin@mauijews.org if you would like to schedule a Zoom Mourner's Kaddish.
You can make an impact while you shop everyday.
Simply shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/99-0294390 and AmazonSmile will donate to the Jewish Congregation of Maui Inc, at no cost to you.
Same amazon, same prices, same everything... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
Mahalo and Toda to Sam Shnider, Rabbi Nechama, and Cantor Martin Neumann for leading inspirational and meaningful services. And, thank you to everyone who joined us live or on zoom and participated in our Rosh Hashanah services. Our new Zoom/live hybrid setup is fantastic!
Up next...
Any changes and additions will be posted on the website calendar.
Sunday, Sept. 12
Join JCM for the first annual REVERSE TASHLICH - all are welcome! In this new year, let's all commit to Tikkun Olam... bring your family and friends for a fun morning of beach clean up and fun!
8:30am: Meet at JCM to get your sifting screens and collection materials Remember your hats and sunscreen.
10:00am: Return screens and plastic to the JCM tent. We'll have cold drinks to pour into your reusable bottles and homemade honey cake.
Please join us for a reverse tashlich, along with 143 Jewish communities in 16 countries - organized by Tikkum Ha’yam (www.repairthesea.org).
Throw nothing in the water, take the crumbs of plastic out.
Sift sand to remove dangerous microplastics and pick up pieces of debris on Kalepolepo Beach Park, walking distance to/from the synagogue. We will have screens for sifting and containers for bringing the detritus back to JCM (This will be included in the data being collected by the Humpback Whale Sanctuary).
Questions and RSVP??? Call Marge Bonar 281-5701
Rosh Hashanah 5782
Another High Holiday season of social distancing, exactly when we most yearn to join together as a community. It’s hard making difficult decisions with imperfect information. Yet even under the fog of COVID, we are planting new seeds and finding new ways to nurture Jewish life on Maui.
We are excited to launch Kulanu, our reimagined family Jewish education program. “Kulanu” means “all of us”. Through song, dance, improv theater, crafts, and cooking families will have the opportunity to gather together in a COVID-safe shaded outdoor space and share Jewish life. We welcome Happy Lefton as Director. Happy is assembling a fabulous team of presenters share their skills with our families each week. Kulanu will launch with a family sukkah-building party on Sunday September 19.
We are thrilled that the first graduates of our innovative Bnei Mitzvah program, created by Sandra Razieli, will be celebrating Bat Mitzvahs this fall. Mazaltov to Hannah and Makaela Cooper, and to Zoe Dorkin!
Many are wondering when we are getting a Rabbi. Given the limitations of COVID, we have paused our formal Rabbi search. We have been speaking with Rabbi Hanniel Levenson, who hopes to be spending some time with us this winter teaching and getting to know the community. Once COVID cases calm down, Rabbi Daniel Lev of Oahu plans to do a monthly Shabbaton with us.
Now comes the fundraising pitch. Even during a time when meeting in person is limited, JCM still has bills to pay. And we all need to do our part to make sure JCM is still here post-COVID.
I urge you to give whatever you can to ensure a viable inclusive Jewish presence on Maui. Go to mauijews.org/donations. And, during September you can do a mitzvah for JCM by visiting any Foodland and tell the cashier at checkout that you want to Give Aloha. The code for JCM is 77216. A percentage of every contribution up to $249 will be matched by Foodland!
Ktiva v’chatima tova! May you be inscribed and sealed for a good New Year.
Kol tuv (all the best), Sheri Levin McNerthney President, Jewish Congregation of Maui
Is this on your calendar yet?
Kulanu means All of Us!
Kulanu is our new family program bringing camp-style fun to JCM.
Sunday, Sept. 19: Sukkah Building and decorating (all ages welome) Sunday, Sept. 26: Simchat Torah Creative Writing and Performance (ages K +)
Families- join us for a morning of fun - just being Jewish together!
We have a beautiful event tent over our black top to keep our kids out of the sun and cool.
All events with Kulanu are free. Donations welcome.
You have already donated $997 in the first week! Toda Raba!!!
***FUN FACT*** If you have 2 Maka'i numbers, you can give twice!
During September, make a donation to JCM at any Foodland or Sack N Save checkout, and Foodland and the Western Union Foundation will make a donation to our organization too! JCM's code is: 77216 How to Donate: 1) Shop at Foodland or Sack N Save! 2) Show your Maika'i card to the cashier at checkout. 3) Tell the cashier our code and the amount of your donation (up to $249).
Don't worry... I'll remind you again :)
You can make an impact while you shop everyday.
Simply shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/99-0294390 and AmazonSmile will donate to the Jewish Congregation of Maui Inc, at no cost to you.
Same amazon, same prices, same everything... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!!
The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
If anyone still wants a prayer book, please text Ellyn at 808-276-1526!
Monday, Sept. 6 Zoom only 5:45pm Singing with Cynthia and Bonnie 6:00pm Erev Rosh Hashanah service, led by Rabbi Nechama
Tuesday, Sept. 7 Zoom link above Reservations for inside services are closed 10:00am Prayers, Sam Shnider and Cantor Neumann 10:45am Torah Service, Sam S. 11:45am Shofar Service, Sam S. and Avrum Goodblatt Wednesday, Sept. 8 Zoom link above Reservations for inside services are closed 10:00am Prayers, Led by Sam Shnider and Cantor Neumann 10:45am Torah Service, Barbara Solarz and Sam S. 11:45am Shofar Service, Sam S. and Avrum Goodblatt
Thursday, Sept. 9 10:00am Join Linda Rosenberg to say Mourner's Kaddish for her sister, Carrie Baumgartner (Greta's daughter). Zoom only Led by Rabbi Nechama
Sunday, Sept. 12 Join JCM for the first annual REVERSE TASHLICH! Instead of casting things into the water, we will reverse it and pick up our beaches. Time is TBA and after our clean-up we will end at JCM for homemade honeycake under our new event tent.
Kulanu means All of Us!
Kulanu is our new family program bringing camp-style fun to JCM.
Sunday, Sept. 19: Sukkah Building and decorating (all ages welome) Sunday, Sept. 26: Simchat Torah Creative Writing and Performance (ages K +)
RSVP: happylefton@gmail.com
Families- join us for a morning of fun, just being Jewish together! We have a beautiful event tent over our black top to keep our kids out of the sun and cool.
All events with Kulanu are free. Donations welcome.
We are well on our way... Mahalo and Toda to all who have donated already!
***FUN FACT*** If you have 2 Maka'i numbers, you can give twice!
During September, make a donation to JCM at any Foodland or Sack N Save checkout, and Foodland and the Western Union Foundation will make a donation to our organization too! JCM's code is: 77216 How to Donate: 1) Shop at Foodland or Sack N Save! 2) Show your Maika'i card to the cashier at checkout. 3) Tell the cashier our code and the amount of your donation (up to $249).
Don't worry... I'll remind you again :)
Yahrzeits September 6 - September 13
Abraham Ostroff Isadore Sigel Lena Weiner Hilda Rettman Howard Barbarosh Raymond J. Keller Grace Feinstein Wilfred Wilks Warren Gibson, Jr. Morton Cooper Raymonde Edwards Dorothy Gordon Vivian "Frankie" Sussman Carol Saeks Alex Greenberg Martin Geringer
Please let us know at admin@mauijews.org if you would like to schedule a Zoom Mourner's Kaddish.
You can make an impact while you shop everyday.
Simply shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/99-0294390 and AmazonSmile will donate to the Jewish Congregation of Maui Inc, at no cost to you.
Same amazon, same prices, same everything... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!!
The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
JCM IS THE BEST COMMUNITY EVER!!! I am so grateful for all the support as we make these tough decisions. Although we can't be together as we had anticipated and hoped, the emails/calls/texts of appreciation for making smart and safe choices just warms my heart. I just feel so proud to be part of JCM, an organization that puts community first and is willing to so easily pivot to Zoom as needed. We also just erected a large events tent over the blacktop from now through Chanukah (JCM has the most generous members). We are fully expecting that we will be able to plan outdoor events coming up fast!
Any changes and additions will be posted on the website calendar. Monday, Sept. 6 Zoom only 5:45pm Singing with Cynthia and Bonnie 6:00pm Erev Rosh Hashanah service, led by Rabbi Nechama See below for more opportunities to participate!
Tuesday, Sept. 7 10:00am Prayers, Sam Shnider and Cantor Neumann 10:45am Torah Service, Sam S. 11:45am Shofar Service, Sam S. and Avrum Goodblatt Wednesday, Sept. 8 10:00am Prayers, Led by Sam Shnider and Cantor Neumann 10:45am Torah Service, Barbara Solarz and Sam S. 11:45am Shofar Service, Sam S. and Avrum Goodblatt
There are still a few spots available for this indoor service. Masks and vaccinated mandaotory...email Ellyn admin@mauijews.org if you are interested.
Thursday, Sept. 9 10:00am Join Linda Rosenberg to say Mourner's Kaddish for her sister, Carrie Baumgartner (Greta's daughter). Zoom only Led by Rabbi Nechama
Sunday, Sept. 12 Join JCM for the first annual REVERSE TASHLICH! Instead of casting things into the water, we will reverse it and pick up our beaches. Time is TBA and after our clean-up we will end at JCM for homemade honeycake under our new event tent.
Erev Rosh Hashanah with Rabbi Nechama Due to the state limitations on gatherings, and the Mayor's request for volunteer lockdown, the Monday evening RH service led by Rabbi Nechama will be on Zoom.
Monday, September 6th at 6:00pm
All the prayers will be put up on the screen except for the Amida (it is too long); Machzorim (HH Prayer books) may be borrowed from JCM (email admin@mauijews.org) and a pdf of the service is availableHERE . Opportunities still available:
Act as zoom monitor (to add people as they come on, mute as needed, deal with any technical issues)
Chant or sing traditional sephardic piut Achot Ketana
Sing or chant in Hebrew Psalm 121.1-2
Chant V’ahavta in Hebrew
Recite Kiddush and a few ihiye ratzons over food after the service (great one for kids to help with)
Read paragraph of Shma in English
Please contact R Nechama at jewishspirituality@gmail.com if you are interested in helping facilitate.
Kulanu means All of Us!
Kulanu is our new family program bringing camp-style fun to JCM.
Sunday, Sept. 19: Sukkah Building and decorating (all ages welome) Sunday, Sept. 26: Simchat Torah Creative Writing and Performance (ages K +)
Families- join us for a morning of fun just being Jewish together! We have a beautiful event tent over our black top to keep our kids out of the sun and cool.
All events with Kulanu are free. Donations welcome.
Starts on Wednesday! See our banner at the Foodland in Pukalani.
***FUN FACT*** If you have 2 Maka'i numbers, you can give twice!
During September, make a donation to JCM at any Foodland or Sack N Save checkout, and Foodland and the Western Union Foundation will make a donation to our organization too! JCM's code is: 77216 How to Donate: 1) Shop at Foodland or Sack N Save! 2) Show your Maika'i card to the cashier at checkout. 3) Tell the cashier our code and the amount of your donation (up to $249).
Don't worry... I'll remind you again :)
Yahrzeits August 30 - September6
Lyle Rogers Mindi Rimmerman Oscar Weissberg Robert Alan Bluh Rose Berg Cheslaw Betsalel Dojczer Rivka Luxemburg Dojczer Henry Weil Rose Berg Betty Hazen Seidman Rosalind Survetnick Warren Joseph Hirschson June Monson James Lawson Samuel Sachs Jack Wolff
Please let us know at admin@mauijews.org if you would like to schedule a Zoom Mourner's Kaddish.
You can make an impact while you shop everyday.
Simply shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/99-0294390 and AmazonSmile will donate to the Jewish Congregation of Maui Inc, at no cost to you.
Same amazon, same prices, same everything... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!!
The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
Please note that I may be sending extra emails this week as we lead up to the High Holidays. I want to make sure everyone has the information wanted and needed to have a meaningful celebration. -------------------- Members...we have been reaching out to all the members to make sure we have the correct information. If you think what we have on file (address, email, phone) is incorrect, please email admin@mauijews.org. You can't get our High Holiday goodies if we don't know where to find you!
Any changes and additions will be posted on the website calendar.
Tuesday, August 31 7:00pm Zoom Class with Sam S https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5284619173?pwd=cUtkYnQwblUzTzRYajhBY2RWamxkUT09 Mystical insights on the Torah from a Hassidic perspective, by the renowned rebbe, storyteller and kabbalist of Uman, Rabbi Nachman of Bretzlav. If you have ever wondered about Hassidic thought, or heard about the ecstatic intense spiritual worlds of the Baal Shem Tov and the Maggids, come participate in a discussion and reading of selections from the grandson of the founder of the Hassidic movement.
Please Note: Community Refuah Shleima and Mourner's Kaddish is by request until after Yom Kippur. Please contact Ellyn at admin@mauijews.org if you would like to schedule one.
SAVE THE DATE: Sunday, September 12- During the days of awe between Rosh Hshanah and Yom Kippur... join JCM for the first annual REVERSE TASHLICH! Instead of casting things into the water, we will reverse it and pick up our beaches. Time is TBA and after our clean-up we will end at JCM for homemade honeycake.
Erev Rosh Hashanah with Rabbi Nechama Due to the state limitations on gatherings, and the Mayor's request for volunteer lockdown, the Monday evening RH service led by Rabbi Nechama will be on Zoom.
Monday, September 6th at 6:00pm
All the prayers will be put up on the screen except for the Amida (it is too long); Machzorim (HH Prayer books) may be borrowed from JCM (email admin@mauijews.org) and a pdf of the service will be up on the website soon.
Thank you to the volunteers who have already signed up to help out with Monday evening's service:
Sing with accompaniment Carlebach's Return Again before candle lighting. (Helen Kritzler)
Light candles in their home for everyone to watch and listen (Beth Savitt)
Recite mourner’s Kaddish at the end of the service (Paula Wolk)
Recite a prayer/contemplation in English (Eve Berman, Bonnie Newman)
Chant or sing Hetzi Kaddish in Hebrew (Avraham Javaheri)
Share a personal reflection on RH (in lieu of dvar torah) (Beth Savitt)
Opportunities still available:
Act as zoom monitor (to add people as they come on, mute as needed, deal with any technical issues)
Chant or sing traditional sephardic piut Achot Ketana
Sing or chant in Hebrew Psalm 121.1-2
Chant V’ahavta in Hebrew
Recite Kiddush and a few ihiye ratzons over food after the service (great one for kids to help with)
Read paragraph of Shma in English
Please contact R Nechama at jewishspirituality@gmail.com if you are interested in helping facilitate.
We know a few people signed up for the in-person evening service. We continue to work on a service for outside and in-person...stand by.
Kulanu means All of Us!
We are looking forward to our kids having camp-style fun at JCM this year.
A schedule of events will be coming out soon... save the date for Sundays from 10:00 - 12:00 for outdoor Sunday Family Funday!
Starts on Wednesday! See our banner at the Foodland in Pukalani.
***FUN FACT*** If you have 2 Maka'i numbers, you can give twice!
During September, make a donation to JCM at any Foodland or Sack N Save checkout, and Foodland and the Western Union Foundation will make a donation to our organization too! JCM's code is: 77216 How to Donate: 1) Shop at Foodland or Sack N Save! 2) Show your Maika'i card to the cashier at checkout. 3) Tell the cashier our code and the amount of your donation (up to $249).
Don't worry... I'll remind you again :)
Yahrzeits August 30 - September 2
Lyle Rogers Mindi Rimmerman Oscar Weissberg Robert Alan Bluh Rose Berg Cheslaw Betsalel Dojczer Rivka Luxemburg Dojczer Henry Weil Rose Berg Betty Hazen Seidman Rosalind Survetnick Warren Joseph Hirschson June Monson James Lawson Samuel Sachs Jack Wolff
Please let us know at admin@mauijews.org if you would like to schedule a Zoom Mourner's Kaddish.
You can make an impact while you shop everyday.
Simply shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/99-0294390 and AmazonSmile will donate to the Jewish Congregation of Maui Inc, at no cost to you.
Same amazon, same prices, same everything... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
Simply shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/99-0294390 and AmazonSmile will donate to the Jewish Congregation of Maui Inc, at no cost to you.
Same amazon, same prices, same everything... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
Tonight... Join the fun! It's Toby Pechner Shabbat
Ellyn took a last minute quick trip to L.A. to visit family ... she'll be back in the office on Monday. She's available today by email or text. But if it can wait til Monday, that's best :)
SAVE THE DATE: Sunday, September 12- during the days of awe between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur... join JCM for the first annual REVERSE TASHLICH! Instead of casting things into the water, we will reverse it and pick up our beaches. Time is TBA and after our clean-up we will end at JCM for homemade honeycake.
Starts Next Week!
During September, make a donation to JCM at any Foodland or Sack N Save checkout, and Foodland and the Western Union Foundation will make a donation to our organization too! JCM's code is: 77216 How to Donate: 1) Shop at Foodland or Sack N Save! 2) Show your Maika'i card to the cashier at checkout. 3) Tell the cashier our code and the amount of your donation (up to $249).
Don't worry... I'll remind you again :)
Yahrzeits August 23 - August 30
Leona Berman Sarah Hodes L. Sanford Sussman Clara Goldhaber Fay Siegel Esther Biederman Mark Harris Samuel Losk Anne Wolff Raymond J. Keller Dr. Joel Hartley Mindi Rimmerman Lyle Rogers
Please let us know at admin@mauijews.org if you would like to schedule a Zoom Mourner's Kaddish.
You can make an impact while you shop everyday.
Simply shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/99-0294390 and AmazonSmile will donate to the Jewish Congregation of Maui Inc, at no cost to you.
Same amazon, same prices, same everything... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
Mazel Tov to Maddie Friedland On your Destination Bat Mitzvah today!
Any changes and additions will be posted on the website calendar.
Tuesday, August 24 7:00pm Zoom Class with Sam S https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5284619173?pwd=cUtkYnQwblUzTzRYajhBY2RWamxkUT09 Mystical insights on the Torah from a Hassidic perspective, by the renowned rebbe, storyteller and kabbalist of Uman, Rabbi Nachman of Bretzlav. If you have ever wondered about Hassidic thought, or heard about the ecstatic intense spiritual worlds of the Baal Shem Tov and the Maggids, come participate in a discussion and reading of selections from the grandson of the founder of the Hassidic movement.
SAVE THE DATE: Sunday, September 12- during the days of awe between Rosh Hshanah and Yom Kippur... join JCM for the first annual REVERSE TASHLICH! Instead of casting things into the water, we will reverse it and pick up our beaches. Time is TBA and after our clean-up we will end at JCM for homemade honeycake.
Kulanu means All of Us!
We are looking forward to our kids having camp-style fun at JCM this year.
Have you signed up your child for Kulanu yet? We have activities scheduled from Sukkot through January...contact Happy at Happylefton@gmail.com for the schedule of weekly events!
During September, make a donation to JCM at any Foodland or Sack N Save checkout, and Foodland and the Western Union Foundation will make a donation to our organization too! JCM's code is: 77216 How to Donate: 1) Shop at Foodland or Sack N Save! 2) Show your Maika'i card to the cashier at checkout. 3) Tell the cashier our code and the amount of your donation (up to $249).
Don't worry... I'll remind you again :)
Yahrzeits August 23 - August 30
Leona Berman Sarah Hodes L. Sanford Sussman Clara Goldhaber Fay Siegel Esther Biederman Mark Harris Samuel Losk Anne Wolff Raymond J. Keller Dr. Joel Hartley Mindi Rimmerman Lyle Rogers
Please let us know at admin@mauijews.org if you would like to schedule a Zoom Mourner's Kaddish.
You can make an impact while you shop everyday.
Simply shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/99-0294390 and AmazonSmile will donate to the Jewish Congregation of Maui Inc, at no cost to you.
Same amazon, same prices, same everything... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
I MADE A MISTAKE (I hate when I do that)!!! Shabbat on Friday night is in-person outside
Friday, August 20 ***6:00pm*** ***In-person at JCM outside, no Zoom*** Musical Kabbalat Shabbat with Cynthia, Barbara, and Ernesto
***Followed by vegetarian potluck***
Please see the JCM kashrut policy HERE and advice on what to bring!
Beit Shalom is hosting a Kabbalat Shabbat with music followed by a vegetarian potluck. Come out for an evening of singing, food, and schmoozing with some Torah talk around the table. You just need to bring your presence, voice, instrument if you play, and a dish to share along with serving utensils.
The High holiday schedule for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur is now online here. Please read everything carefully.
Members: Please register asap for your seats. Reservations will go public on August 16. Non-Members: Seats will be available for purchase on August 16 (today) to the public at 5pm.
If you would like an aliyah this year at the High Holidays, let Ellyn know :) YISKOR: Did you lose a loved one this past year? Please email their name and date of passing to Ellyn at admin@mauijews.org to make sure we include them in our yizkor book this year.
Any changes and additions will be posted on the website calendar.
Tuesday, August 17 7:00pm Zoom Class with Sam S https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5284619173?pwd=cUtkYnQwblUzTzRYajhBY2RWamxkUT09 Mystical insights on the Torah from a Hassidic perspective, by the renowned rebbe, storyteller and kabbalist of Uman, Rabbi Nachman of Bretzlav. If you have ever wondered about Hassidic thought, or heard about the ecstatic intense spiritual worlds of the Baal Shem Tov and the Maggids, come participate in a discussion and reading of selections from the grandson of the founder of the Hassidic movement.
6:30pm Zoom Musical Shabbat Led by Cynthia, Barbara, & Ernesto https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5284619173?pwd=cUtkYnQwblUzTzRYajhBY2RWamxkUT09 Sunday, August 22 11:00am Zoom Community Refuah Shleima and Mourner's Kaddish Led by Rabbi Shayna Naveh https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5284619173?pwd=cUtkYnQwblUzTzRYajhBY2RWamxkUT09 Community prayer for loved ones who are ill and Kaddish for those who have passed. Those who would like to stay on and support each other after may do so. Please join each week when you can to support those in our community who need us...your presence will bring comfort and peace to those who need it.
Kulanu means All of Us!
We are looking forward to our kids having camp-style fun at JCM this year.
Have you signed up your child for Kulanu yet? We have activities scheduled from Sukkot through January...contact Happy at Happylefton@gmail.com for more information.
During September, make a donation to JCM at any Foodland or Sack N Save checkout, and Foodland and the Western Union Foundation will make a donation to our organization too! JCM's code is: 77216 How to Donate: 1) Shop at Foodland or Sack N Save! 2) Show your Maika'i card to the cashier at checkout. 3) Tell the cashier our code and the amount of your donation (up to $249).
Don't worry... I'll remind you again :)
Yahrzeits August 16 - August 23
Dr. Peter Caprow Gertrude August Richard Lee Horwitz Hyman Stolove Sonya Rupnow Marilyn Teitelbaum Edward Yehuda Krupnick Zipporah Goldstein Sydney Elfand Albert Gerrick Susanne Sydney Les Barreaux Jack M Sklar Ted Kraftsow Al Berman Alter Lipszyc Miriam Greenspan Sara Ellen Weisfeld Al Silverman David Forrest Chapman Sarah Hodes Leona Berman
Simply shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/99-0294390 and AmazonSmile will donate to the Jewish Congregation of Maui Inc, at no cost to you.
Same amazon, same prices, same everything... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
The High holiday schedule for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur is now online here. Please read everything carefully. Our protocols follow Maui County mandates...10 allowed inside, 25 allowed outside. First come, first served. Thank you for understanding.
Members: Please register here for your seats asap. You must be logged into your account to see the registration form.
Non-Members: Seats will be availableherefor purchase on Monday, August 16 after 5pm HST.
YISKOR: Did you lose a loved one this past year? Please email their name and date of passing to Ellyn at admin@mauijews.org to make sure we include them in our yizkor book. Even if you think Ellyn knows, please email us again. We want to make sure everyone is included.
Any changes and additions will be posted on the website calendar.
Friday, August 13 6:30pm Zoom Meditative & Musical Shabbat Led by Rabbi Shayna Nechama https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5284619173?pwd=cUtkYnQwblUzTzRYajhBY2RWamxkUT09 Sunday, August 15 11:00am Zoom Community Refuah Shleima and Mourner's Kaddish Led by Rabbi Shayna Nechama https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5284619173?pwd=cUtkYnQwblUzTzRYajhBY2RWamxkUT09 Community prayer for loved ones who are ill and Kaddish for those who have passed. Those who would like to stay on and support each other after may do so. Please join each week when you can to support those in our community who need us...your presence will bring comfort and peace to those who need it.
Coming up!
During September, make a donation to JCM at any Foodland or Sack N Save checkout, and Foodland and the Western Union Foundation will make a donation to our organization too! JCM's code is: 77216 How to Donate: 1) Shop at Foodland or Sack N Save! 2) Show your Maika'i card to the cashier at checkout. 3) Tell the cashier our code and the amount of your donation (up to $249).
Don't worry... I'll remind you again :)
Yahrzeits August 9 - August 16
Louis Rosenberg Carl Balfour Herman Holstein Goldie Smilove Justin Alan Nathan Martin Schwab Esther Lieberman Melvin Deichman Arthur Mehl Irving Levin Daniel Bloom Shirley Gordon Simon David Arnold Heiman Ernestine Brandes Hyman Stolove Gertrude August Richard Lee Horwitz Dr. Peter Caprow
Simply shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/99-0294390 and AmazonSmile will donate to the Jewish Congregation of Maui Inc, at no cost to you.
Same amazon, same prices, same everything... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
Thank you for your patience... The High holiday schedule for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur is now online here. Please read everything carefully. Our protocols follow Maui County mandates...we will notify all registrants if anything changes.
Members: Please register asap for your seats. Reservations will go public on August 16. Non-Members: Seats will be available for purchase on August 16 (next Monday) to the public.
YISKOR: Did you lose a loved one this past year? Please email their name and date of passing to Ellyn at admin@mauijews.org to make sure we include them in our yizkor book this year.
Any changes and additions will be posted on the website calendar.
Tuesday, August 10 7:00pm Zoom Class with Sam S https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5284619173?pwd=cUtkYnQwblUzTzRYajhBY2RWamxkUT09 Mystical insights on the Torah from a Hassidic perspective, by the renowned rebbe, storyteller and kabbalist of Uman, Rabbi Nachman of Bretzlav. If you have ever wondered about Hassidic thought, or heard about the ecstatic intense spiritual worlds of the Baal Shem Tov and the Maggids, come participate in a discussion and reading of selections from the grandson of the founder of the Hassidic movement.
6:30pm Zoom Meditative & Musical Shabbat Led by Rabbi Nechama https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5284619173?pwd=cUtkYnQwblUzTzRYajhBY2RWamxkUT09 Sunday, August 15 11:00am Zoom Community Refuah Shleima and Mourner's Kaddish Led by Rabbi Shayna Naveh https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5284619173?pwd=cUtkYnQwblUzTzRYajhBY2RWamxkUT09 Community prayer for loved ones who are ill and Kaddish for those who have passed. Those who would like to stay on and support each other after may do so. Please join each week when you can to support those in our community who need us...your presence will bring comfort and peace to those who need it.
Kulanu means All of Us!
We are looking forward to our kids having camp-style fun at JCM this year.
Have you signed up your child for Kulanu yet? We have activities scheduled from Sukkot through January...contact Happy at Happylefton@gmail.com for more information.
During September, make a donation to JCM at any Foodland or Sack N Save checkout, and Foodland and the Western Union Foundation will make a donation to our organization too! JCM's code is: 77216 How to Donate: 1) Shop at Foodland or Sack N Save! 2) Show your Maika'i card to the cashier at checkout. 3) Tell the cashier our code and the amount of your donation (up to $249).
Don't worry... I'll remind you again :)
Yahrzeits August 9 - August 16
Louis Rosenberg Carl Balfour Herman Holstein Goldie Smilove Justin Alan Nathan Martin Schwab Esther Lieberman Melvin Deichman Arthur Mehl Irving Levin Daniel Bloom Shirley Gordon Simon David Arnold Heiman Ernestine Brandes Hyman Stolove Gertrude August Richard Lee Horwitz Dr. Peter Caprow
Simply shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/99-0294390 and AmazonSmile will donate to the Jewish Congregation of Maui Inc, at no cost to you.
Same amazon, same prices, same everything... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
Rabbi Daniel Lev Shabbaton weekend will be rescheduled. We are hoping that he will be here for Sukkot instead...as soon as we get any details, you know I'll send it out!
Any changes and additions will be posted on the website calendar. Sunday, August 8 11:00am Zoom Community Refuah Shleima and Mourner's Kaddish Led by Rabbi Shayna Naveh https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5284619173?pwd=cUtkYnQwblUzTzRYajhBY2RWamxkUT09 Community prayer for loved ones who are ill and Kaddish for those who have passed. Those who would like to stay on and support each other after may do so. Please join each week when you can to support those in our community who need us...your presence will bring comfort and peace to those who need it.
Save the Dates! August 20: Instead of Rabbi Daniel Lev, JCM will have a musical Kabbalat Shabbat and potluck outside with Cynthia, Barbara, and Ernesto
High Holidays info will be sent in a separate email early next week. Ellyn is working on the reservation system now and will send it out as soon as it's ready. Evening events will be outside at JCM, Daytime events will be limited-capacity indoors. All will be streamed on Zoom!
Kulanu means All of Us!
We are thrilled to announce our new youth program - KULANU!
Happy Lefton (past Board Director and retired school principal) is on the payroll as Kulanu Director! She has the expereince and the passion to make this program a great success for our children and our families. When you see her, wish her a Mazal Tov on this new position!
We are leading this program to engage our children in fun and joyfoul Jewish activites to create friendships and just have fun being Jewish.
Questions about the program? happylefton@gmail.com
Coming up!
During September, make a donation to JCM at any Foodland or Sack N Save checkout, and Foodland and the Western Union Foundation will make a donation to our organization too! JCM's code is: 77216 How to Donate: 1) Shop at Foodland or Sack N Save! 2) Show your Maika'i card to the cashier at checkout. 3) Tell the cashier our code and the amount of your donation (up to $249).
Don't worry... I'll remind you again :)
Yahrzeits August 2 - August 9
Robert Kaplove Benjamin F. Mensh Kathryn Solomon Reggi Marder Solomon Dutka Raymond Leibman Charles Rosoff Col. Laurence H. Goldberg Sasha Licht Louis Rosenberg
Simply shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/99-0294390 and AmazonSmile will donate to the Jewish Congregation of Maui Inc, at no cost to you.
Same amazon, same prices, same everything... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
Any changes and additions will be posted on the website calendar.
Tuesday, August 3 7:00pm Zoom Class with Sam S https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5284619173?pwd=cUtkYnQwblUzTzRYajhBY2RWamxkUT09 Mystical insights on the Torah from a Hassidic perspective, by the renowned rebbe, storyteller and kabbalist of Uman, Rabbi Nachman of Bretzlav. If you have ever wondered about Hassidic thought, or heard about the ecstatic intense spiritual worlds of the Baal Shem Tov and the Maggids, come participate in a discussion and reading of selections from the grandson of the founder of the Hassidic movement.
Sunday, August 8 11:00am Zoom Community Refuah Shleima and Mourner's Kaddish Led by Rabbi Shayna Naveh https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5284619173?pwd=cUtkYnQwblUzTzRYajhBY2RWamxkUT09 Community prayer for loved ones who are ill and Kaddish for those who have passed. Those who would like to stay on and support each other after may do so. Please join each week when you can to support those in our community who need us...your presence will bring comfort and peace to those who need it.
Save the Dates! August 20-22 Shabbaton weekend with Rabbi Daniel Lev Click Here for more details on Rabbi Lev and the weekend
Kulanu means All of Us!
We are thrilled to announce our new youth program - KULANU!
Happy Lefton (past Board Director and retired school principal) is leading this program to engage our children in fun and joyfoul Jewish activites to create friendships and just have fun being Jewish.
The first session will be Sunday, August 22 at 10:30am with Rabbi Daniel Lev.
Registration will begin on Wednesday.
I’m honored and excited to share that JCM was selected to participate in Nitzavim Hawaiʻi, a new initiative designed to turn leadership into collective action, delivering positive change within the local Jewish community and Hawaiʻi at large.
JCM leadership is working daily to make the best decisions to keep our community safe. Decisions we may make in our personal lives aren't always appropriate for a business that serves a wide demogrpahic, like ours.
We follow CDC recommendations and local mandates...currently, we require masks worn inside at all events and not at outside events - no matter your vaccination status. We request if you are unvaccinated you wear a mask all all events.
As we look towards an event with Rabbi Daniel Lev and the High Holidays, we are looking at a combination of outdoor and streaming services for both. It is hot and windy in Kihei during the day, even under an expensive tent with road and construction noise, so there is no clear "best idea."
As soon as final decisions are made, we will let you know...
What we know: Sam, Shayna, Sandra, and Cantor Neumann are planning a full and robust holiday for all of us!
Coming up!
During September, make a donation to JCM at any Foodland or Sack N Save checkout, and Foodland and the Western Union Foundation will make a donation to our organization too! JCM's code is: 77216 How to Donate: 1) Shop at Foodland or Sack N Save! 2) Show your Maika'i card to the cashier at checkout. 3) Tell the cashier our code and the amount of your donation (up to $249).
Don't worry... I'll remind you again :)
Yahrzeits August 2 - August 9
Robert Kaplove Benjamin F. Mensh Kathryn Solomon Reggi Marder Solomon Dutka Raymond Leibman Charles Rosoff Col. Laurence H. Goldberg Sasha Licht Louis Rosenberg
Simply shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/99-0294390 and AmazonSmile will donate to the Jewish Congregation of Maui Inc, at no cost to you.
Same amazon, same prices, same everything... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
Have you noticed all the B. Mitzvahs on the calendar? Now that folks are able to travel again, we have a fun schedule of Bat and Bar Mitzvahs. Some were scheduled last year and are finally here, some were planning events in Israel and are changing plans, and some are right on schedule. We currently have three leaders doing these events and it is exciting for JCM to be part of these joyous celebrations!
Any changes and additions will be posted on the website calendar.
Tuesday, July 27 7:00pm Zoom Class with Sam S https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5284619173?pwd=cUtkYnQwblUzTzRYajhBY2RWamxkUT09 Mystical insights on the Torah from a Hassidic perspective, by the renowned rebbe, storyteller and kabbalist of Uman, Rabbi Nachman of Bretzlav. If you have ever wondered about Hassidic thought, or heard about the ecstatic intense spiritual worlds of the Baal Shem Tov and the Maggids, come participate in a discussion and reading of selections from the grandson of the founder of the Hassidic movement.
Sunday, August 1 11:00am Zoom Community Refuah Shleima and Mourner's Kaddish Led by Rabbi Shayna Naveh https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5284619173?pwd=cUtkYnQwblUzTzRYajhBY2RWamxkUT09 Community prayer for loved ones who are ill and Kaddish for those who have passed. Those who would like to stay on and support each other after may do so. Please join each week when you can to support those in our community who need us...your presence will bring comfort and peace to those who need it.
Save the Date August 20-22 Shabbaton weekend with Rabbi Daniel Lev Click Here for more details on Rabbi Lev and the weekend
JCM is working to be paper free!
While the building wasn't in use, Ellyn went through the files to consolidate and digitize. Not only is it better for the environment, but our office and building are cleaner without the old papers and file cabinets. By not sending out paper notices, we are saving maoney on paper, envelopes, and postage and you have the benefit of easily seeing past newsletters and emails. We know it can be a learning curve for some to get used to finding all the info online... thank you for taking the time to help us streamline our business practices to be more efficient and eco-friendly.
Did you know that you can find past mailings HERE anytime...the newsletters automatically upload to the blog page "Maui Jews News" on our website.
Coming up!
During September, make a donation to JCM at any Foodland or Sack N Save checkout, and Foodland and the Western Union Foundation will make a donation to our organization too! JCM's code is: 77216 How to Donate: 1) Shop at Foodland or Sack N Save! 2) Show your Maika'i card to the cashier at checkout. 3) Tell the cashier our code and the amount of your donation (up to $249).
Don't worry... I'll remind you again :)
Yahrzeits July 26 - August 2
Shirley Siegel Murray Silverman Elizabeth Tennen Henry Wikle Sophie Kettner Mary Shur Michaels Leland Tolliver Jack Scharff Leah Franklin Cole Betty Chess Arthur Pitkoff Michael Hodes Max Garaway
Simply shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/99-0294390 and AmazonSmile will donate to the Jewish Congregation of Maui Inc, at no cost to you.
Same amazon, same prices, same everything... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
Sunday, July 25 11:00am Zoom Community Refuah Shleima and Mourner's Kaddish Led by Rabbi Shayna Naveh Community prayer for loved ones who are ill and Kaddish for those who have passed. Those who would like to stay on and support each other after may do so. Please join each week when you can to support those in our community who need us...your presence will bring comfort and peace to those who need it. Save the Date: August 20-21 Shabbaton weekend with Rabbi Daniel Lev Click Here for more details
Speaking of outside at JCM...
We are looking to renovate the JCM outside space to make it fun for the kids, functional for outdoor events and holidays, and...that's where you come in!
1. We are putting together a committee of people who want to be part of this fun and exciting project. Email admin@Mauijews.org to join this committee.
2. We also are looking for a professtional to do the designing...do you know some one who designs landscapes including creative outdoor spaces? Email admin@mauijews.org with any recommendations.
Yahrzeits July 19 - July 26
Susan Schwab Jerome David Sokolow Hannah Rosenberg Flam Shirley Feinberg Sam Greenman Steven Edelhertz Mildred Kroog Raye Stevens Pointzman Steven Edelhertz Eva Wolk Avery Aaron Waldman Lilo Frisch Ella Hirschhorn Morris Weisfeld Edward M. Berol Henry Wikle Murray Silverman Elizabeth Tennen Shirley Siegel
Simply shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/99-0294390 and AmazonSmile will donate to the Jewish Congregation of Maui Inc, at no cost to you.
Same amazon, same prices, same everything... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
Mazel Tov to Bar Mitzvahs this week: Ben Meyers Avi Levine
Tuesday, July 20 7:00pm Zoom Class with Sam S https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5284619173?pwd=cUtkYnQwblUzTzRYajhBY2RWamxkUT09 Mystical insights on the Torah from a Hassidic perspective, by the renowned rebbe, storyteller and kabbalist of Uman, Rabbi Nachman of Bretzlav. If you have ever wondered about Hassidic thought, or heard about the ecstatic intense spiritual worlds of the Baal Shem Tov and the Maggids, come participate in a discussion and reading of selections from the grandson of the founder of the Hassidic movement.
Wednesday, July 21 1:00pm at JCM Mah Jongg All are welcome
Saturday, July 24 10:00am Shabbat Service Bar Mitzvah of Avi Levine The community is welcome Light Kiddush sponsored by the Levine Family
Sunday, July 25 11:00am Zoom Community Refuah Schleima and Mourner's Kaddish Led by Rabbi Shayna Naveh Community prayer for loved ones who are ill and Kaddish for those who have passed. Those who would like to stay on and support each other after may do so. Please join each week when you can to support those in our community who need us...your presence will bring comfort and peace to those who need it. Save the Date August 20-21 Shabbaton weekend with Rabbi Daniel Lev Click Here for more details
I'm back! My time in Arizona/Minnesota/Chicago was so wonderful...great to be connected with my family after such a long stretch. Baseball games in the rain, so much food and shopping, boating on the river, passing forest fires in Phoenix, watching my nephew win the world series in his age group, sending Charlie to his last year at Herzl Camp as a camper... I'm so gratefeul to be part of a community that encourages a positive work-life intergration, and I am ready to be back. Call, email, or text...I'm back in full swing! ~Ellyn
Shabbat with my Minnesota family in our matching aprons I bought everyone for Chanukah...we finally got to wear them together!
Coming up!
During September, make a donation to JCM at any Foodland or Sack N Save checkout, and Foodland and the Western Union Foundation will make a donation to our organization too! JCM's code is: 77216 How to Donate: 1) Shop at Foodland or Sack N Save! 2) Show your Maika'i card to the cashier at checkout. 3) Tell the cashier our code and the amount of your donation (up to $249).
Don't worry... I'll remind you again :)
Yahrzeits June 19 - July 26
Susan Schwab Jerome David Sokolow Hannah Rosenberg Flam Shirley Feinberg Sam Greenman Steven Edelhertz Mildred Kroog Raye Stevens Pointzman Steven Edelhertz Eva Wolk Avery Aaron Waldman Lilo Frisch Ella Hirschhorn Morris Weisfeld Edward M. Berol Henry Wikle Murray Silverman Elizabeth Tennen Shirley Siegel
Simply shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/99-0294390 and AmazonSmile will donate to the Jewish Congregation of Maui Inc, at no cost to you.
Same amazon, same prices, same everything... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
Friday, July 16 ***NOTE EARLIER START TIME*** 5:30pm at JCM Musical Kabbalat Shabbat with Cynthia, Barbara, and Ernesto Followed by vegetarian potluck This Friday, 5:30 Beit Shalom is hosting a Kabbalat Shabbat with music followed by a vegetarian potluck. Come out for an evening of singing, food and schmoozing with some Torah talk around the table.
You just need to bring your presence, voice, instrument if you play and a dish to share along with serving utensils. We ask that you RSVP so we know how many tables to set up. Click here to RSVP
Please see the JCM kashrut policy HERE and advice on what to bring!
Sunday, July 18 11:00am https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5284619173?pwd=cUtkYnQwblUzTzRYajhBY2RWamxkUT0 Community Refuah Schleima and Mourner's Kaddish Led by Rabbi Shayna Naveh Community prayer for loved ones who are ill and Kaddish for those who have passed. Those who would like to stay on and support each other after may do so. Please join each week when you can to support those in our community who need us...your presence will bring comfort and peace to those who need it.
Tisha B'Av Tisha B'Av (the ninth day of the Hebrew month of Av) begins sunset Saturday July 17 and continues to the evening of Sunday July 18. Tisha B’Av is a day of communal mourning, commemorating the destruction of both the first and second temples in Jerusalem (586 B.C.E, and 70 C.E respectively).
On Tisha B'Av it is customary to recite Eicha (the book of Lamentations). As a sign of mourning it is customary to fast. You can read more about Tisha B'Av here .
You can make an impact while you shop everyday.
Simply shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/99-0294390 and AmazonSmile will donate to the Jewish Congregation of Maui Inc, at no cost to you.
Same amazon, same prices, same everything... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
Tuesday, July 13 7:00pm Zoom Class with Sam S https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5284619173?pwd=cUtkYnQwblUzTzRYajhBY2RWamxkUT09 Mystical insights on the Torah from a Hassidic perspective, by the renowned rebbe, storyteller and kabbalist of Uman, Rabbi Nachman of Bretzlav. If you have ever wondered about Hassidic thought, or heard about the ecstatic intense spiritual worlds of the Baal Shem Tov and the Maggids, come participate in a discussion and reading of selections from the grandson of the founder of the Hassidic movement.
Wednesday, July 14 10:00am at JCM (You must be fully vaccinated) Book Club led by Dorothy Tolliver RSVP to tolliver@hawaii.edu Details Here 1:00pm at JCM Mah Jongg Beginners welcome!
Friday, July 16 ***NOTE EARLIER START TIME*** 5:30pm at JCM Musical Kabbalat Shabbat with Cynthia, Barbara, and Ernesto Followed by vegetarian potluck Please see the JCM kashrut policy HEREand advice on what to bring!
This Friday, 5:30 Beit Shalom is hosting a Kabbalat Shabbat with music followed by a vegetarian potluck. Come out for an evening of singing, food and schmoozing with some Torah talk around the table. You just need to bring your presence, voice, instrument if you play and a dish to share along with serving utensils. We ask that you RSVP so we know how many tables to set up. Lebowitzcynthia@gmail.com Sunday, July 18 11:00am Zoom Community Refuah Schleima and Mourner's Kaddish Led by Rabbi Shayna Naveh Community prayer for loved ones who are ill and Kaddish for those who have passed. Those who would like to stay on and support each other after may do so. Please join each week when you can to support those in our community who need us...your presence will bring comfort and peace to those who need it. Save the Date August 20-21 Shabbaton weekend with Rabbi Daniel Lev
Yahrzeits June 12 - July 19
Ida Jaffe Nahan Chess Sophie Eisenberg William Rose Opal Tolliver Fout Jack Isaac Arnold Miller Joseph Greenberg Anna Rosenberg Gloria Dan Arnold Miller Frank Dan Sylvia Kirey Harry Edwards Abraham Kahn Auntie Mona Pressner Phyllis Glantz Neustadter Allen Eric Urssing Susan Schwab Jerome David Sokolow Hannah Rosenberg Flam
Simply shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/99-0294390 and AmazonSmile will donate to the Jewish Congregation of Maui Inc, at no cost to you.
Same amazon, same prices, same everything... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
Tuesday, July 13 7:00pm Zoom Class with Sam S https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5284619173?pwd=cUtkYnQwblUzTzRYajhBY2RWamxkUT09 Mystical insights on the Torah from a Hassidic perspective, by the renowned rebbe, storyteller and kabbalist of Uman, Rabbi Nachman of Bretzlav. If you have ever wondered about Hassidic thought, or heard about the ecstatic intense spiritual worlds of the Baal Shem Tov and the Maggids, come participate in a discussion and reading of selections from the grandson of the founder of the Hassidic movement.
Wednesday, July 14 10:00am at JCM (You must be fully vaccinated) Book Club led by Dorothy Tolliver RSVP to tolliver@hawaii.edu Details Here 1:00pm at JCM Mah Jongg Beginners welcome!
Friday, July 16 ***NOTE EARLIER START TIME*** 5:30pm at JCM Musical Kabbalat Shabbat with Cynthia, Barbara, and Ernesto Followed by vegetarian potluck Please see the JCM kashrut policy HEREand advice on what to bring!
Sunday, July 18 11:00am Zoom Community Refuah Schleima and Mourner's Kaddish Led by Rabbi Shayna Naveh Community prayer for loved ones who are ill and Kaddish for those who have passed. Those who would like to stay on and support each other after may do so. Please join each week when you can to support those in our community who need us...your presence will bring comfort and peace to those who need it.
Yahrzeits June 12 - July 19
Ida Jaffe Nahan Chess Sophie Eisenberg William Rose Opal Tolliver Fout Jack Isaac Arnold Miller Joseph Greenberg Anna Rosenberg Gloria Dan Arnold Miller Frank Dan Sylvia Kirey Harry Edwards Abraham Kahn Auntie Mona Pressner Phyllis Glantz Neustadter Allen Eric Urssing Susan Schwab Jerome David Sokolow Hannah Rosenberg Flam
Simply shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/99-0294390 and AmazonSmile will donate to the Jewish Congregation of Maui Inc, at no cost to you.
Same amazon, same prices, same everything... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
Thank you to the Weiners for sponsoring such a fun weekend. And a big mahalo to Eyal Bitton and Michele Tredger, we loved having your family with us!
Tuesday, July 6 7:00pm Zoom only Class with Sam S https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5284619173?pwd=cUtkYnQwblUzTzRYajhBY2RWamxkUT09 Mystical insights on the Torah from a Hassidic perspective, by the renowned rebbe, storyteller and kabbalist of Uman, Rabbi Nachman of Bretzlav. If you have ever wondered about Hassidic thought, or heard about the ecstatic intense spiritual worlds of the Baal Shem Tov and the Maggids, come participate in a discussion and reading of selections from the grandson of the founder of the Hassidic movement.
Friday, July 9 6:30pm Zoom only Musical & Meditative Kabbalat Shabbat Led by Rabbi Nechama (Shayna) Cantor Eyal Bitton will lead a lively and musical Kabbalat Shabbat. Followed by dessert oneg sponsored by Bob & Marla Weiner
Sunday, July 11 11:00am Zoom only Community Refuah Schleima and Mourner's Kaddish Led by Rabbi Nechama (Shayna) Community prayer for loved ones who are ill and Kaddish for those who have passed. Those who would like to stay on and support each other after may do so. Please join each week when you can to support those in our community who need us...your presence will bring comfort and peace to those who need it. 5:00pm - 6:30pm Zoom only Inter-Island Chevra Kadisha Tikun Olam- Lessons From the Pandemic See flyer below or Click Here
Yahrzeits July 5 - July 12
Aaron Chinn Sophie Dern Eli Louis Hirschhorn Miriam Aniel Dr. Harry David Pass Harry Bienstock Jack Mlotok Mary Been Max Cohen Sylvia Herling Arthur Rose Phoebe Rochen Betty Hertz Lou Gottlieb Tom Wassner Sophie Eisenberg Nahan Chess Ida Jaffe
Simply shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/99-0294390 and AmazonSmile will donate to the Jewish Congregation of Maui Inc, at no cost to you.
Same amazon, same prices, same everything... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
Friday, July 2 6:30pm at JCM Kabbalat Shabbat with Guest Cantor Eyal Bitton Cantor Eyal Bitton will lead a lively and musical Kabbalat Shabbat. Followed by oneg.
Sponsored by Bob & Marla Weiner
Saturday, July 3 5:00pm at JCM From Bima to Broadway Cantor Eyal Bitton and Michèle Tredger will perform songs and music from Bima to Broadway and anywhere in between. A concert and happy hour that is encouraged for all ages...we welcome the entire the community to join us.
Sponsored by Bob & Marla Weiner
Sunday, June 27 11:00am https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5284619173?pwd=cUtkYnQwblUzTzRYajhBY2RWamxkUT0 Community Refuah Schleima and Mourner's Kaddish Led by Rabbi Shayna Naveh Community prayer for loved ones who are ill and Kaddish for those who have passed. Those who would like to stay on and support each other after may do so. Please join each week when you can to support those in our community who need us...your presence will bring comfort and peace to those who need it.
Eyal Bitton: Eyal Bitton has served as the cantor of Portland’s Congregation Neveh Shalom since 2017. He has composed several musicals and oratorios which have been produced in the US, Canada, Kenya, and China. He was a cantor in Hamilton, Ontario for 8 years and musical director of several choirs in Montreal, including the Spanish & Portuguese, and Toronto for over 20 years.
Michèle Tredger: Michèle Tredger, a graduate of McGill University and Randolph Academy, is an actor and a singer who has appeared in various theatrical productions and concerts in Quebec, Ontario, and the USA. She has also appeared on TV and in film, including Mayday, The Comedy Network’s The John Dore Show, CTV’s The Eleventh Hour and docudrama Undying Love, Abandon (starring Katie Holmes & Benjamin Bratt), and was a producer, writer, and guest host of Bravo’s The Actors, The Directors, and The Producers.
You can make an impact while you shop everyday.
Simply shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/99-0294390 and AmazonSmile will donate to the Jewish Congregation of Maui Inc, at no cost to you.
Same amazon, same prices, same everything... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
JCM is thrilled to announce... In-person Shabbat weekend for the community.
Friday, July 2 @ 6:30pm Musical Kabbalat Shabbat. Followed by dessert oneg.
Saturday, July 3 @ 5:00pm - 6:00pm Cantor Eyal Bitton and Michèle Tredger will perform a concert togther of music that spans from the Bima to Broadway. A concert and Happy Hour that is encouraged for all ages...we welcome the entire the community to join us.
Sponsored by Bob & Marla Weiner Catered by Elinor David
We ask that you RSVP asap for each evening event so we know how much food to make!
Eyal Bitton: Eyal Bitton has served as the cantor of Portland’s Congregation Neveh Shalom since 2017. He has composed several musicals and oratorios which have been produced in the US, Canada, Kenya, and China. He was a cantor in Hamilton, Ontario for 8 years and musical director of several choirs in Montreal, including the Spanish & Portuguese, and Toronto for over 20 years.
Michèle Tredger: Michèle Tredger, a graduate of McGill University and Randolph Academy, is an actor and a singer who has appeared in various theatrical productions and concerts in Quebec, Ontario, and the USA. She has also appeared on TV and in film, including Mayday, The Comedy Network’s The John Dore Show, CTV’s The Eleventh Hour and docudrama Undying Love, Abandon (starring Katie Holmes & Benjamin Bratt), and was a producer, writer, and guest host of Bravo’s The Actors, The Directors, and The Producers.
You can make an impact while you shop everyday.
Simply shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/99-0294390 and AmazonSmile will donate to the Jewish Congregation of Maui Inc, at no cost to you.
Same amazon, same prices, same everything... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
Are you ready for this amazing weekend at JCM? From Bima to Broadway Friday and Saturday only See below for details... and PLEASE RSVP
Announcement: Ellyn will be on vacation from June 30- July 19. Director is a demanding job that often spans 24/7, and I appreciate the community giving me this chance to visit my family in MN, spend uninterrupted time with my husband and children, and really "turn off" the job. Phone messages will be returned by Sarah Shaines. Emails will have an out of office message. Newsletters will be sent by Sheri Levin McNerthney.
I look forward to coming back refreshed and ready to plan the High Holidays schedule!
Tuesday, June 29 7:00pm Zoom Class with Sam S https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5284619173?pwd=cUtkYnQwblUzTzRYajhBY2RWamxkUT09 Mystical insights on the Torah from a Hassidic perspective, by the renowned rebbe, storyteller and kabbalist of Uman, Rabbi Nachman of Bretzlav. If you have ever wondered about Hassidic thought, or heard about the ecstatic intense spiritual worlds of the Baal Shem Tov and the Maggids, come participate in a discussion and reading of selections from the grandson of the founder of the Hassidic movement.
Wednesday, June 30 1:00pm - 4:00pm at JCM Mah Jongg Master Mahjjer Marla is here for one last chance to learn the game. She's the best teacher we have, and there are new players who have become mahjjer's under her teaching. Beginners welcome. we have all the equipment. We will start a weekly game so your skills will be
Friday, July 2 6:30pm at JCM Kabbalat Shabbat with Cantor Eal Bitton Cantor Eyal Bitton will lead a lively and musical Kabbalat Shabbat. Followed by dessert oneg sponsored by Bob & Marla Weiner
Saturday, July 3 5:00pm at JCM Bima to Broadway Concert Cantor Eyal Bitton and Michèle Tredger will perform songs and music from Bima to Broadway and anywhere in between. A concert and happy hour that is free encouraged for all ages. Pupus and Happy Hour sponsored by Bob & Marla Weiner Sunday, July 4 11:00am Zoom Community Refuah Schleima and Mourner's Kaddish Led by Rabbi Shayna Naveh Community prayer for loved ones who are ill and Kaddish for those who have passed. Those who would like to stay on and support each other after may do so. Please join each week when you can to support those in our community who need us...your presence will bring comfort and peace to those who need it.
A HUGE mahalo to the outgoing Board of Directors! Sheri, Michael, Sarah, Simon, Jessica, Happy, Gail, Marc, and Cynthia,
Mazel Tov to the 2021-2022 Board of Directors President: Sheri Levin McNerthney Vice-President: Marge Bonar Secretary: Janine Holstein Treasurer: Simon Vojdani Directors: Gail, Happy, Marc, Michael, Sarah
It was fantastic to have the annual member meeting in person! There are gifts for all the members. See Sarah at the events this weekend to get yours or wait for Ellyn to return and stop by to see how gorgeous the building looks and get your exclusive member gift!
We ask that you RSVP HERE asap for each evening event so we know how much food to make!
JCM is thrilled to announce... In-person Shabbat weekend for the community.
Friday, July 2 @ 6:30pm Cantor Eyal Bitton will lead a lively and musical Kabbalat Shabbat. Followed by dessert oneg.
Saturday, July 3 @ 5:00pm Cantor Eyal Bitton and Michèle Tredger will perform songs and music from Bima to Broadway and anywhere in between. A concert and happy hour that is encouraged for all ages...we welcome the entire the community to join us.
Sponsored by Bob & Marla Weiner Catered by Elinor David
Eyal Bitton: Eyal Bitton has served as the cantor of Portland’s Congregation Neveh Shalom since 2017. He has composed several musicals and oratorios which have been produced in the US, Canada, Kenya, and China. He was a cantor in Hamilton, Ontario for 8 years and musical director of several choirs in Montreal, including the Spanish & Portuguese, and Toronto for over 20 years.
Michèle Tredger: Michèle Tredger, a graduate of McGill University and Randolph Academy, is an actor and a singer who has appeared in various theatrical productions and concerts in Quebec, Ontario, and the USA. She has also appeared on TV and in film, including Mayday, The Comedy Network’s The John Dore Show, CTV’s The Eleventh Hour and docudrama Undying Love, Abandon (starring Katie Holmes & Benjamin Bratt), and was a producer, writer, and guest host of Bravo’s The Actors, The Directors, and The Producers.
Yahrzeits June 28 - July 5
Linda Goldstein Rae Brown Samuel Herman Samuel J. Bartlett Joshua Goldberg Esther Capp Jeannette Rosen Del Lander Milton Climan David Leiter Clara Zimmerman Ilene Rotstein Kevin Richter David Backstrom Fred Horowitz William Adler Anne Clara Mostow
Simply shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/99-0294390 and AmazonSmile will donate to the Jewish Congregation of Maui Inc, at no cost to you.
Same amazon, same prices, same everything... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
Mazel Tov to Jackie Parnes! She will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah tomorrow morning.
Friday, June 25 6:30pm at JCM Bat Mitzvah: Jackie Parnes The Parnes family invites the Maui community to the Bat Mitzvah of Jackie Parnes. We are excited to celebrate the third Parnes daughter to celebrate a Bat Mitzvah with JCM, and we look forward to sharing this simcha with them. Oneg sponsored by the Parnes Family
Saturday, June 26 10am at JCM Bat Mitzvah: Jackie Parnes Jackie will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah. The family invites the community share in this celebration. Kiddush sponsored by the Parnes Family Sunday, June 27 11:00am https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5284619173?pwd=cUtkYnQwblUzTzRYajhBY2RWamxkUT0 Community Refuah Schleima and Mourner's Kaddish Led by Rabbi Shayna Naveh Community prayer for loved ones who are ill and Kaddish for those who have passed. Those who would like to stay on and support each other after may do so. Please join each week when you can to support those in our community who need us...your presence will bring comfort and peace to those who need it.
1:30pm Member Annual Meeting State of the Shul address, check out the renovated building, election results, shmooze...and a parting gift! Please RSVP here
Our entire Sephardic community is devastated by the tragic building collapse at the Chaplin Towers in Surfside, Miami Thursday morning. At least three Sephardic community members live in the tower, two of which have been safely accounted for while the status of the third is unknown.
The Sephardic Brotherhood is working with Temple Moses and our community hubs around the country to organize a National Sephardic Prayer Service today at 6:30pm ET/3:30pm PT and ask that everyone who is able to join us for the program do so, as we will recite special prayers for the safety of those still trapped in the rubble and the speedy recovery of those currently hospitalized.
JCM is thrilled to announce... In-person Shabbat weekend for the community.
Required RSVPHEREasap for each evening event. We need to know how much food to make!
Friday, July 2 @ 6:30pm Cantor Eyal Bitton will lead a lively and musical Kabbalat Shabbat. Followed by oneg.
Saturday, July 3 @ 5:00pm Cantor Eyal Bitton and Michèle Tredger will perform songs and music from Bima to Broadway and anywhere in between. A concert and happy hour that is encouraged for all ages...we welcome the entire the community to join us.
Sponsored by Bob & Marla Weiner
Eyal Bitton: Eyal Bitton has served as the cantor of Portland’s Congregation Neveh Shalom since 2017. He has composed several musicals and oratorios which have been produced in the US, Canada, Kenya, and China. He was a cantor in Hamilton, Ontario for 8 years and musical director of several choirs in Montreal, including the Spanish & Portuguese, and Toronto for over 20 years.
Michèle Tredger: Michèle Tredger, a graduate of McGill University and Randolph Academy, is an actor and a singer who has appeared in various theatrical productions and concerts in Quebec, Ontario, and the USA. She has also appeared on TV and in film, including Mayday, The Comedy Network’s The John Dore Show, CTV’s The Eleventh Hour and docudrama Undying Love, Abandon (starring Katie Holmes & Benjamin Bratt), and was a producer, writer, and guest host of Bravo’s The Actors, The Directors, and The Producers.
Yahrzeits June 21 - June 28
Sophie Survetnick Gloria Bittner Matilda Beranbaum Charles Shafer Miriam Shafer Pearl Harris Eugene Allen Anne Barry Lawrence Boxer Sylvia Tuckman Viola Bellach Rae Brown Linda Goldstein
Simply shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/99-0294390 and AmazonSmile will donate to the Jewish Congregation of Maui Inc, at no cost to you.
Same amazon, same prices, same everything... and JCM will get a donation from Amazon. Thank you for your support!!! ____________________________________________
The Jewish Congregation of Maui Beit Shalom Synagogue Kihei, HI 96753
The mission of the Jewish Congregation of Maui is to support and inspire Jewish religious and cultural practices for Maui residents and visitors, provide and encourage Jewish education and life cycle services, and engage the Jewish community with religious services, classes, and events.